Chapter 927 Sudden Arrival
The border trade in Yunzhou is shrinking, and the financial pressure is high. As an opponent, Cao Cao is naturally very happy.

Because in this way, he has a chance to defeat Yunzhou.

But I didn't expect Guo Jia to come up with such a thing as Qiongye Yulu, which immediately compared the wines of this era.

Once this kind of wine enters the country, what about other wineries?

Guo Jia, Guo Jia, what kind of freak are you?

Cao Cao murmured a few words.

"Wen Ruo, immediately inform Xia Houdun, Lieutenant of Sili, and Cao Ren, Inspector of Yanzhou, to cut off the trade route from Yunzhou. We must not let this thing enter our territory."

The traitor is worthy of being a traitor, and soon realized the harm of Yunzhou wine.

Once these high-quality and cheap things occupy their market, Yunzhou will be able to get out of the crisis with these wines and become strong again.

This is absolutely what Cao Cao does not want to see.


Xun Yu was taken aback for a moment, feeling that Cao Cao was making a fuss out of a molehill.

How can a small drink do such a big harm?
"You must not underestimate the role of commerce."

Cao Cao said worriedly: "It took only a few short years for Yunzhou to rise from a barren land. This is the power of business. Guo Jia killed all the nomads in the grassland and broke the cloud. The root of state commerce. But this guy has created some kind of wine shop, and it’s nothing more than a wine shop, but the wine he brews is not only good, but also half the market price. Once these wines are really allowed to enter the Central Plains, they will not be used How long will it take for everyone to drink wine made in Yunzhou?"

Speaking of this, the corners of his mouth twitched for a while, and he said to himself: "If all the dignitaries in the country drink wine made in Yunzhou, it will be an astronomical sum. In that case, even if there is no business in Yunzhou, This drink alone can feed the entire Yunzhou."


Xun Yu didn't think about it for so long, he was stunned for a moment, and said: "I will do it now. However, we only have Yanzhou and Yuzhou, and I am afraid that we can't stop the entry of Yunzhou wine. Why don't you issue an edict in the name of the emperor?" , several years of severe drought and poor harvests, the country is prohibited from making wine."

So good!

Hearing Xun Yu's suggestion, Cao Cao couldn't help but nodded.

This is a good way.

If alcohol can be restricted nationwide, it may be able to delay the entry of Yunzhou wine, but it is not a long-term solution.

After all, alcohol is not something that can be banned just because it is banned.Even if it is officially banned, it will still be circulated in private. Even if ordinary people cannot drink it, dignitaries will not stop drinking it.

Cao Cao couldn't offend all the dignitaries in the world.

"Let Weiping figure out a way, we must destroy it, and don't steal how Yunzhou makes wine."

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and said, "Only in this way can we completely eliminate the advantage of Yunzhou wine making."


The news quickly spread to Yunzhou, Wei Ping put down the scroll in his hand and couldn't help sighing.

The matter of gunpowder has not yet been established, and there is another matter of wine making.

Sometimes he really admires Guo Jia, why can everything turn decay into magic in his hands?

The butler on the side said: "Yunzhou has already prepared. The staff working in the winery and the families of the craftsmen who make wine have all moved into the dock of the winery. The outside is heavily guarded, and our people can't get in at all."

And rightly so!

Wei Ping nodded, if it was him, he would do the same.

This is a secret, once it is leaked out, the advantage of Yunzhou Brewing will no longer exist.


The housekeeper hesitated for a moment, and said, "Da Sikong's order..."

Haste is not enough!

Wei Ping smiled lightly, and said: "Gunpowder and wine making have become the secrets of Yunzhou, and Guo Jia will naturally work hard to guard against it. It is not a one-day effort to infiltrate. If you continue to order, you should increase the intensity of infiltration." , must send our ears and eyes in. But..."

A sneer suddenly flashed across his face, and he said word by word: "Before that, we can create a little confusion for them and dampen the confidence of the merchants."

Confused, the housekeeper froze for a moment, a little puzzled.

Wei Ping didn't speak anymore, only a flash of coldness flashed across his eyes.


After a period of preparation, the business of Yunzhou Winery is very hot, and there is an endless stream of people who come to buy wine every day.

Su Qinglian also increased the supply of wine, and gradually the wine produced by the winery has occupied the market in Yunzhou.

Who doesn't love something cheap?

Not long after, all the wineries in the territory were closed down, and all the wine shops sold were fine wines brewed by Yunzhou official wineries.

Sorghum red, fine nectar and jade dew, and fruit wine flooded the entire market in Yunzhou.

Seeing this situation, Su Qinglian was determined, with the speed at which the housekeeper's wine shop occupied Yunzhou, it could completely occupy the whole country in a short period of time.

You must know that Yunzhou is a national business center, where you can buy fine wines from all over the world. As soon as the wines from the official wineries are released, these fine wines from all over the world will be wiped out.

Now businessmen from all over the country have gathered in the Ministry of Commerce to ask for the sale of fine wine from Yunzhou.

When Su Qinglian was thinking about how to expand the results of the battle, trouble suddenly came.

"Sister, it's not good!"

Zhen Tuo suddenly stepped forward and said, "Someone has come to the door."

Come to your door?

Su Qinglian froze for a moment, then looked at Zhen Tuo puzzled.

"Some people said that after drinking our wine, they vomited and had diarrhea and had unbearable pain in their stomachs. Others said that after drinking our wine, they were so weak that they couldn't get off the ground."

Zhen Tuo said anxiously.

Su Qinglian was stunned. Drinking alcohol does have side effects. Everyone's constitution is different, so the side effects are also different, but most of them will have headaches and nausea. It's definitely not so outrageous.

Oh no!
Mi Zhen also ran over in a panic.

"Bringing a corpse from the west of the city, we've been drinking to death, and the family members are making trouble outside the door in sackcloth and filial piety?"

Drunk to death?

Su Qinglian couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Could it be that Guo Jia's wine-making technology is not up to standard, and the brewed stuff kills people?
This is really a disaster, especially when businessmen gather from all over the country, and the Ministry of Commerce intends to promote fine wine to the whole country.

"Invite them in immediately. If they have any requirements, immediately agree to them. The impact must be kept to a minimum."

Su Qinglian made a decisive decision.

At this juncture, there has been an incident of drinking dead people, and the promotion of Yunzhou fine wine is tantamount to a sap.

Alcohol is the vanguard of Yunzhou's economic transformation. Once there is a problem, it will inevitably affect the prospects of Yunzhou.

Don't take it lightly!

The most urgent task is to suppress the situation first, so as not to cause greater chaos.


Mi Zhen said helplessly: "But if they don't come, they're just outside the door, no matter what I say, they won't stop."

(End of this chapter)

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