Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 929 The scene is out of control

Chapter 929 The scene is out of control
When Su Qinglian arrived at the scene of the incident, the scene was almost out of control.

Even if they come, it won't help.

Because the poor lady suddenly passed out on the ground.

"Beat someone, beat someone!"

Several people who watched the excitement shouted one after another.

Officials have their own titles of hatred. Once there is a conflict with the people, no one will stand on their side.

"People are so pitiful, why is the official still so mean?"

"Yeah, you've been drinking to death, so it's fine if you don't care about it, why are you still doing it?"

"Are you trying to kill people?"

Some radical people yelled and began to push and push the officials.

It's really wrong to be an official.

They didn't even move a finger.

"This tricky woman, she...she is blackmailing, blackmailing..."

exclaimed an officer.

It has to be said that they do not have any crisis management capabilities.

"Hit them son of a bitch!"

Someone yelled.

A few strong men rushed out suddenly, crackling and beating the officials.

The official was beaten up.

They have always been the ones who beat the bad guys, but today some bad guys dare to beat them, is it really unreasonable?
"Brothers, beat these troublemakers for me!"

One of the leading officials rolled up his sleeves.

Do it if you don't accept it!

There are not many good people who eat public food, and no one does this.

Bang bang bang!
The officials took out their iron rulers and chains and rushed up.

They couldn't find the man who beat them, so they had to vent their anger on these common people who watched the excitement.

Many people were beaten.


The common people were annoyed, they didn't dare to come to see the excitement, these officials actually hit them on the head.

"Kill these burglar dogs!"

The people fought head-on.

They have long had resentment against these officials, and this will make them even more merciless.

Soon the scene became chaotic.

"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet!"

Su Qinglian hurried forward, trying to stop the imminent riot.

But the crowd was crowded together, and it was impossible for her to get in.

"That's Su Qinglian, she's the one who sells the wine!"

I don't know who shouted.

A group of people rushed over suddenly, led by the man who took the lead.

Su Qinglian's three daughters were taken aback immediately, how could they be the opponents of these men.

At this moment, suddenly a big man rushed over.

Bang bang bang!
This man beat the man who was about to rush to Su Qinglian to the ground, and immediately behind him, countless strong soldiers rushed out to join the battle group.

Bang bang bang, ah ah ah!
This group of people's combat effectiveness is extraordinary, and they immediately beat up the common people who did it and ran away.

The man roared angrily, and immediately suppressed the chaotic voice.

Everyone felt their ears buzzing, and the buzzing could not stop for a while.

"You guys are so brave, you even dare to beat the family members of the general, are you going to kill yourself?"

The big man stood in the way of Su Qinglian's three daughters, and looked fiercely at the person in front of him, who was none other than Dian Wei.

After he also received the news, he rushed to the scene with the Tiger Guards as soon as possible.

"General Dian Wei!"

Many people recognized who this person was.

Because he looks so individual, it's hard not to remember.

The crowd parted suddenly, and a young man walked in slowly.


Everyone once again recognized this young man as Guo Jia, the great general of the dynasty.


Seeing Guo Jia coming, Mi Zhen ran over crying.

If Dian Wei hadn't come in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Don't be afraid!
Guo Jia stretched out his hand to hold Mi Zhen in his arms, and patted her lightly a few times.

Although Su Qinglian and Zhen Tuo also wanted to run over, their identities were somewhat special, they had not entered the gate of the Guo family, they could only be regarded as Guo Jia's outer room, so they had to restrain themselves in public.


Guo Jia's face immediately darkened.

He didn't expect that there would be mass incidents under the rule. If Dian Wei hadn't come in time, these three beauties would really have disappeared.

The fighting has been separated, and a dozen officials have already been beaten to death by angry people.

The sales hall also became a mess, and the drinks were overturned and flowed all over the floor.

"What the hell is going on?"

Guo Jia asked slowly.

He generally doesn't kill people, except for being touched by Ni Lin.

Obviously these three women are his Ni Lin.

Naturally, more than a dozen officials could not tell.


Su Qinglian was quite calm, and immediately explained the whole story.

Drunk to death?
Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help frowning.

He brews alcohol with grains, grains and fruits. Although it is not pure grain, it is not a fake wine made with industrial alcohol by those unscrupulous businessmen in later generations.

It is impossible to drink to death. Of course, it is not ruled out that some people are allergic to alcohol. If they drink this high-alcohol liquor, the body will have a bad reaction, but it is rare to be able to drink to death.

"Bring it up!"

Guo Jia said something lightly.

Soon, the Tiger Guards brought up the little woman and her man, and even brought up those troublemakers.

When the little lady saw Guo Jia, she immediately rolled to the ground.

"My lord, I am wronged like a man, I am wronged to die, he just drank some wine, drank some wine."

He burst into tears while talking.

"You said your man died after drinking the wine brewed in Yunzhou?"

Guo Jia asked puzzledly.


The little lady bowed her head and said, "Because the little girl is pregnant, my man is very happy. He asked shopkeeper Zhao to buy a jar of fine nectar and jade dew to celebrate yesterday. It's just that I didn't expect..."

She suddenly burst into tears, kowtowed and said: "Please ask the general to avenge the little girl."

Guo Jia saw that her sad voice did not seem to be fake, and his eyes fell on the dead body again.

"Come here, let Miracle Doctor Hua come over!"

Guo Jia ordered.

He wasn't sure if it was because of an allergy to alcohol, so he asked Hua Tuo to come over and take a look. If it was really an allergy to alcohol and died, then the winery was really responsible.

Several people who were arrested were also a little unconvinced, saying: "The wine they sold killed people, they not only refused to admit it, but also beat people. Yunzhou's law kills people, please make the decision for us, General!"

The general decides for us!
Everyone shouted.

is it?

Guo Jia frowned again.

Things are a little weird.

Even if people are really drunk to death, it is impossible to cause such a big civil disturbance. These people deliberately directed the public's anger to the Ministry of Commerce and to the wine shop in Yunzhou.

Was it deliberately planned by someone?

Thinking of this, Guo Jia's eyes fell on the leader. Although he was pretending to be calm, his eyes were a little wandering, and he subconsciously glanced to the west, which was very suspicious.

Guo Jia's heart suddenly moved, and he strode forward.

The crowd parted, revealing a figure, who saw Guo Jia approaching, turned around and fled.

(End of this chapter)

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