Chapter 934
The Wei family mansion was full of joy.

In order to celebrate the acquisition of the members of the wine shop, Wei Ping held a large banquet and invited many merchants to join in the fun.

If you have members, you are eligible to share channels, and channels are money. Many businessmen who did not get channels in the chamber of commerce flocked to share the final feast.

"Congratulations master!"

The housekeeper stood up first, and said with a smile: "Su Qinglian has no choice but to take away the channel of Yunzhou while talking and laughing. It is really fun."

Indeed, Wei Ping crossed Chen Cang secretly by repairing the plank road, and obtained the channel for drinking water. This move can be described as very beautiful.

Ha ha!

Wei Ping smiled slightly, and he was also very satisfied with today's results.

What a businessman does is to exploit.

Why not take advantage of the opportunity to exploit.

This time, he cleverly took advantage of Su Qinglian's disagreement with Cai Yan, bribed the Chen family brothers, and gained a share in the winery.

In this way, Weiping will be able to control nearly half of the sales channels.

Whoever gets the channels wins the world, as long as Wei Ping can effectively control these channels, Yunzhou Distillery will become his supplier.

"Master, I'm ready. As usual, we can get half of the winery's sales channels. It will definitely be a bonanza!"

The butler said with a smile.

Don't be careless!

Wei Ping waved his hand and said, "You must be cautious at this time."

"Master, there is something unclear about this subordinate! Please ask the master to clarify."

the butler asked in a low voice.

Say it!

Wei Ping was in a good mood, and he didn't want to pursue this guy's bad things any more.

The housekeeper pondered for a while, and said: "Su Qinglian has fallen for our tricks, she will definitely not let it go. In case she makes trouble with Guo Jia..."

After all, Guo Jia is the lord of Yunzhou. Once he intervenes, his side may still be in vain.

Ha ha!

Wei Ping couldn't help laughing.

do not worry!
He said lightly: "Su Qinglian won't tell Guo Jia."

the butler asked puzzled.

Wei Ping stretched out a finger, and said calmly: "First, this matter involves the Cai family, Su Qinglian and Cai Yan are at odds, if she tells Guo Jia, even if Guo Jia intervenes, That will also make the Cai family hate her. This is what Su Qinglian doesn't want to see. Second..."

He paused, and said with a smile: "Su Qinglian is a proud woman. Since Guo Jia taught her business, she has to make a show for Guo Jia. If she can't solve even a small matter, Guo Jia will return to her later. How can you trust her? So, I predict that she will not tell Guo Jia about this."

Bystanders can tell, but this guy can see clearly.

The butler was stunned for a moment, and then said sincerely, "Master is wise."

alright, alright!

Wei Ping waved his hand.

He no longer cared about the housekeeper's flattery.

"Order, hurry up and arrange our channels, and strive to get the right to sell alcohol."

Wei Ping said solemnly.

The butler cupped his fists, turned and left.

Although the butler left, Wei Ping didn't relax. He knew that Su Qinglian was not of a disadvantaged nature, so he must have managed to get it back instead.

"Su Qinglian, what are you going to do?"

Wei Ping's eyes burst out with a cold light, and he said to himself.


The next day, the Ministry of Commerce officially held a franchise meeting.

All businessmen who joined the sales channel of Yunzhou Winery participated in the meeting.

This is a business that is sure to make a profit and not lose money, so the businessmen are naturally flocking to it, and Wei Ping and his party also sat in the shareholders' seats.

His arrival caused a lot of discussion.

"Isn't that Wei Ping? Wasn't he rejected by President Su? How did he sit in the shareholder's seat?"

"That's right, the only shareholders are the Su family, the Zhen family and the Mi family, why should he be a shareholder!"

"I heard that two of Mrs. Cai's cousins ​​have become shareholders. Wei Ping took this position because of Mrs. Cai's connections."

"Scumbag, he was the one who persuaded us not to join this public-private partnership. We left, but he drilled a hole and sat in the shareholders' seat. How can there be such a villain in the world? I was also blind. I listened to him. Otherwise, I would also be a shareholder.”

Everyone discussed and looked at Wei Ping with contempt.

Wei Ping remained calm and turned a deaf ear to the words around him.

Su Qinglian was still the host, but today she was obviously a little low-key, she just sat down after saying some official things.

Su Qinglian has nothing to say, but it doesn't mean Wei Ping has nothing to say.

"Everyone, Wei, say a few words!"

Wei Ping stood up slowly, and said: "Everyone can sit together, it is fate, and it is inevitable. Wei is planning for the owner, and I hope everyone will unite sincerely and work together to spread the reputation of Yunzhou Winery."

As soon as the voice fell, someone spoke.

"Treasurer Wei has great ambitions. To return to Yunzhou Winery, who persuaded us not to take shares. We didn't take shares together, but you, Manager Wei, secretly joined in and became a shareholder. Didn't you put everyone together? Is it all sold?"

A middle-aged man stood up angrily, it was Shopkeeper Qin.

At the beginning, he intended to become a shareholder of the wine shop, but he listened to Wei Ping's words and missed a good opportunity. Although he can also join today, he lost the opportunity of being a shareholder.

The reason is because of Wei Ping's words.

Not bad!

The crowd was furious.

It was because of listening to Wei Ping's words that he missed the opportunity, but now it is too late to regret it.

What makes them unbalanced is that Wei Ping discouraged them from entering, but he himself became a shareholder, which is really unreasonable.

Ha ha!

Wei Ping just smiled lightly, cupped his hands and said: "Everyone, Wei once again reiterates. I am only doing things for others, and I am not in charge of it. Buying and selling, there is profit and loss. At the beginning, Wei was just advising, as for the decision-making power is still in the All of you here, you gave up the opportunity, and you can't blame Wei on his head. Besides..."

He paused, and said: "This time Wei is doing things for others, so he should share the worries of the owner. According to the agreement, our Wei's firm can get half of the channels. The Wei family is weak and does not have so many people. When the time comes I hope everyone can help me a lot?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent, even Shopkeeper Qin, who was full of anger, fell silent.

Things have come to this point, even if they complain about Wei Ping's death, it will be difficult to recover the previous loss.

Weiping has nearly half of the channels in his hands, if he can get a little more from him, it is far better than turning against him.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Wei Ping smiled slightly.

"President Su, let's talk about channels next!"

He said calmly: "After all, this is what everyone cares about the most."

According to the agreement, the channels are divided among the Zhen family, the Su family and the Mi family. Now Wei Ping has bought a large share of the Zhen family and the Mi family, which has exceeded the proportion of the Su family, and has become the real major shareholder of the famous teacher.

It is only natural that he wants to take away half of the channel ratio.

(End of this chapter)

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