Chapter 938 Coercion
"Wei Ping, what happened to our ancestors was indeed wrong. Not only did it harm others and ourselves, but it also ruined the business's future. You want revenge, and I, Su Qinglian, understand. But..."

Su Qinglian paused, and said: "The business has declined, we should use our limited power to make it bigger, instead of using it in disputes in a narrow sense. Now that the general is in full swing, he is the best assistant for the business. You Why don't you let go of your heresy hatred and join hands with me to develop the business?"

Put down the hatred, hahahaha!
Wei Ping suddenly laughed a few times, and his face suddenly sank.

"Su Qinglian, you said it lightly. Do you know how much we have suffered and suffered. You can let go of hatred and love? For hundreds of years, we have always wanted to revenge and let your Wang family Pay the price."

Speaking of this, he gritted his teeth a little bit, hating the Wang family to the bone.

Su Qinglian shook her head helplessly.

"I, Su Qinglian, am willing to take responsibility for the mistakes made by my ancestors. I am the only descendant of the Wang family. If you want revenge, you can kill me!"

Kill you?

Wei Ping was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"Su Qinglian, don't be hypocritical. How can I kill you now?"

Su Qinglian stared at Wei Ping, and said word by word: "As long as you promise me, after you kill me, you will assist the general with all your strength. The general is different from those sour scholars. He knows the value of the merchant, and he will definitely give the merchant the best." Fairly arranged."

Seeing Su Qinglian's calmness, Wei Ping was also a little stunned. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Even if you let me go, I won't be able to get out of this cell. You're just an entertainer."

He naturally didn't believe that Su Qinglian would let him go.

It's easy!
Su Qinglian reached out and took out a dagger.

"You only need to agree to my conditions, and I will let you go. You can take me out of this cell. Don't worry, I still have some status in the general's heart. The guards dare not force you."

Wei Ping narrowed his eyes suddenly, his face was a little cloudy and uncertain.

He also didn't know if what Su Qinglian said was true or not, but he could only take a risk now.

"Okay, I promise you. After I go out, I will persuade other people in the business to help Yunzhou."

it is good!
Su Qinglian nodded, reached out and cut the rope on his body.

After gaining freedom, Wei Ping didn't act immediately. His body was too weak to hold Su Qinglian hostage.

After a while, Wei Ping saw that Su Qinglian didn't show any remorse, so he stood up slowly.

"are you ready?"

Su Qinglian asked suddenly.

All right!

Weiping nodded.

Su Qinglian handed the dagger to Wei Ping.

The moment Wei Ping took the dagger, his thoughts changed sharply.

Although his body is weak, at this short distance, he can still easily pierce Su Qinglian's throat.

Su Qinglian is Yu Ni of the Wang family, and once she dies, the century-old revenge of other departments of the merchant has been avenged.

The price Wei Ping paid was his own life.

Of course, it is still a good deal to exchange his mortal life for the life of the only descendant of the Wang family.


Wei Ping hesitated for a moment.

If he did this, he would face the point of breaking his promise. A businessman valued credibility the most. Since he agreed to Su Qinglian, he couldn't break his promise.

Besides, killing a woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken with a knife is not a manly act.

"Let's go, they won't make things difficult for you!"

Su Qinglian said lightly.

Since she chose to use this method to resolve the grievances between the two parties, she will not quit halfway.

it is good!
Wei Ping nodded, the dagger in his hand rested on Su Qinglian's neck, hesitating for a moment, and left her skin.

Seeing this scene, Cai Yu couldn't help being surprised.

"Put her down!"

If it was in the past, she would naturally ignore Su Qinglian's life and death, but after these two incidents, the conflict between the two has reduced a lot.

Besides, Skynet's funding depends entirely on Su Qinglian, so Cai Yu naturally dare not take risks.

"Let me out, and I will naturally let her go safely."

Wei Ping said viciously, the dagger in his hand tightened.

Let President Su go!
Xu Chu also rushed over upon hearing the news, and behind him stood a row of guards, each of whom had a delicate short crossbow in their hands, and the arrow pointed at Wei Ping with a cold light.

These people are the elite of the Tiger Guards, and now they have been transferred to Skynet, and they are the backbone of Skynet.

Given the chance, they can shoot David Ping.

But what made them unsure was whether he would hurt Su Qinglian while shooting Weiping.

"Let her go, I'll let you go!"

Cai Yu took a deep breath and said slowly.

She can't take risks, Su Qinglian must be saved.

Ha ha!

Wei Ping laughed a few times, and said: "You treat me as a three-year-old child, let him go, and your crossbowmen will shoot me without reason."

The handle of the knife in his hand tightened, and he said, "Let me go quickly, otherwise, I will kill her."

The two confronted each other for a long time, and Cai Yu suddenly closed his eyes.

"Send them out of town!"

She is not stupid either, it is impossible for Wei Ping to break free and grab Su Qinglian, there is probably something wrong with it.


One of his subordinates hesitated for a moment, and wanted to say something, but was interrupted roughly by Cai Yu.

"You're deaf, and you still haven't withdrawn."

Skynet's men had no choice but to let the two go.

Wei Ping took Su Qinglian into a carriage and quickly left Lunu City.

Xu Chu immediately followed with others.

The carriage left the city quickly, Wei Ping immediately held Su Qinglian and jumped off the carriage.

Seeing the pursuers rushing away, he let go of the dagger.His eyes fell on Su Qinglian, who was still calm and calm.

"Are you not afraid that I will break my promise and kill you before running away?"

Wei Ping asked puzzled.

"If that's the case, treat me as unlucky and misjudged the person."

Su Qinglian said lightly.

Wei Ping's face was a little uncertain, and he said for a long time: "You are very courageous, and you are worthy of being the heir of the merchant."

It is impossible for business successors to succeed without courage.

"They should soon find out that there is no one in the carriage. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!"

Su Qinglian said lightly.

Don't worry about this!
Wei Ping smiled lightly and said: "I have an agreement with my companions, they will come to meet me."

After hesitating for a moment, he turned the dagger and handed it to Su Qinglian.

"You go, if my companion sees you, he will definitely kill you."

His companion is not as easy to talk to as Wei Ping.

"You are willing to join hands with me to achieve the great cause of the business together."

Su Qinglian asked.

She saw that Wei Ping is a talent, so she was moved to love talent. Now that the talents of the merchants are dying, the best strategy is to win over Wei Ping.


Wei Ping was about to say something, when suddenly there was a sound of crossbow strings, and a bright light flew over not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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