Chapter 940

The Qin Dynasty divided China into 36 counties, one of which was Langya County, which was the largest port of the Qin Empire at that time.Natural disasters occurred frequently in Langya County in the Western Han Dynasty, and the county government was moved to Dongwu, which was under the jurisdiction of the Xuzhou Governor's Department.In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Langya County was changed to Langya State, and Kaiyang City was established as its capital.

A few years ago, a large family moved into Kaiyang City. No one knew what the origin of this family was, but they bought a large house right after they moved in, and sold hundreds of land outside the city, which shows that they have strong financial resources.

This family is very particular, what they eat every day is beef, sheep and chicken, seasonal fruits and vegetables, what they wear is silk and satin, and what they serve is a wealthy family.

It's just that this family is relatively low-key, and they haven't been out and about for a few years after they moved in. The neighbors around only know that the owner's surname is Cao, and he is an official family who came back from the capital.

It can be seen from the attitude of the prefect towards him.

During the holidays, officials of all sizes in Langya County come back to visit.

It is also because of this that no one dares to make plans with this family.

This family is naturally Cao Cao's father, Cao Song. He used to be a Taiwei. Although it was donated with money, he is also a real Sangong.

Cao Song was rich, and spent [-] million yuan to donate a Taiwei, which can be regarded as the family of a rich man.

It's just that this person is stingy, and he regards money as his life. Even when Cao Cao raised his troops, he didn't even pay a dime.

After Cao Cao raised his troops, Cao Song kept his family far away from Yanzhou to avoid being implicated.

After settling in Langya for a few years, Cao Song heard that Cao Cao had done a good job, welcomed the emperor back, and became the chief minister again, planning to join his son to spend his old age in peace.

It's just that there is a long distance between Langya and Xu, and it's not peaceful these years, it's hard to get there alive without an escort.

"Father, father!"

A young man barged in ostentatiously, it was Cao Song's youngest son Cao De.

Among the several sons, Cao Song loves the youngest son Cao De the most, even if he is fleeing, he must be taken with him.

"Brother replied!"

Cao De said excitedly.

"What, Ah Man replied?"

Cao Song was also a little excited.

He doesn't like Cao Cao very much. This son has been mischievous and troublesome since he was a child, and he is too capable of causing trouble. Every time, Cao Song begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother for money and compensation.

Fortunately, their Cao family still has a bit of a face in Luoyang. Both Zhongguan Zhang Rang and Yuan Wei will give Cao Song a little face, so although Cao Cao has caused countless troubles, he has not suffered too much.

This time, Cao Cao and Chen Liu rebelled against Dong Zhuo. Cao Song was afraid that he would be hurt, so he not only had nothing to do, but also hid in Langya with his family.

To Cao Song's surprise, Cao Cao succeeded in rebelling, not only being recognized by the court, but also became a high official.

Now it is Da Sikong who has power over the government and the public.

Cao Song wrote many times, wanting to join his son.But Cao Cao felt a little upset when he recalled that this iron rooster was so stubborn, so he didn't respond.

But recently, Cao Song couldn't stand the letters home one after another, so he had to write back and asked the prefect of Mount Tai to lead the army to welcome Cao Song and his party home.

Very good!
Seeing Cao Cao's handwritten letter, Cao Song's heart finally fell into his stomach.

"Your elder brother said, let Taishan county guards send troops to take us back to Xudu."

Taishan County belongs to Yanzhou, and the governor of Taishan County is naturally Cao Cao's subordinate.

"Father, I heard that elder brother became a high official, what's his name..."

Cao De scratched his head and seemed to be unable to remember.

Cao Song slapped him on the head.

"It's Da Sikong, Sangong. Your father and I are also Sangong, and now your brother is Sangong again. Our Cao family is expected to prosper. Isn't the Yuan family known as the fourth generation and the third father? Now our Cao family has two generations and three generations, as long as the descendants Let's fight, so what if we surpass his Yuan family?"


Cao De curled his lips: "Your Sangong was bought with money, my elder brother's Sangong was earned by military service, can it be the same as your billion-dollar Taiwei?"

Cao Song slapped him again.

"If you don't have your father, a billion-dollar captain, how can our Cao family's foundation come from, and how can we have a meal like you, a brat. Stop talking nonsense, you just refuse to let you read more books, and we will see how you become an official in the future .”

He couldn't help feeling a little proud.

I bought my position as Taiwei with money, what about hundreds of millions of dollars?

The son didn't spend a dime, he came here as a rebel.

Regardless of whether he came here with money or rebellion, that is a real right.

When one person achieves Taoism and ascends to heaven, the Cao family has hope for prosperity.

Come on!
Cao De muttered, "Eldest brother hasn't read many books, how could he not be as good as me? He has become a Sangong. Didn't Su's father always say, don't let us learn from elder brother? That's the scum of the Cao family." .”

shut up!

Cao Song was a little unhappy, and scolded: "Your elder brother is a genius, how can a fool like you be able to match it. From now on, the future of the Cao family will depend on your elder brother?"

For Cao Cao's son, he is getting more and more pleasing to the eye now.

Yes Yes Yes!
Cao De didn't say anything anymore, anyway, they were brothers, and Cao Cao wouldn't treat them badly when he became well-developed.

"Hurry up and prepare, what should be dealt with, the Taishan County Sheriff will come to pick us up after today."

Cao Song ordered.

Cao De nodded.

In fact, there is nothing to deal with, just such a big house and dozens of acres of land outside the city, just find a buyer and sell it.

Qingzhou and Xuzhou have not suffered much war, and there are still some rich people.

"Remember, don't sell it cheap, it's all your hard-earned money."

Cao Song urged again and again.

Cao De became a little impatient, this old man is really stingy.

Cao Song was still a little worried, and after a thousand exhortations, he asked Cao De to go out to find a buyer.


A carriage was driving slowly on the official road, and it was naturally Cao De who was sitting there. This time, he was ordered to find a buyer and dealt with the property of the Cao family in Langya.

The eldest brother Cao Cao has all the power in the government, so naturally his younger brother will not be treated badly if he goes.

Maybe you can get a high-ranking official to do it.

Thinking of this, Cao De couldn't help getting excited, and couldn't help singing a few lines.

At this moment, the carriage suddenly shook and stopped.

what happened?

Cao De climbed out.

Outside the carriage, a group of black-clothed troops gathered around, and the leader was a chubby man, who only heard him smile and said: "You are Cao De, the fourth young master of the Cao family?"

When Cao De saw that these people were not kind, he felt a chill in his heart, and said, "I am Cao De, who are you?"

The fat man in the lead rode his horse and came to him slowly, and said with a smirk: "I am Zhang Kai, the captain of the Taishan County Guard, and I am here to welcome Master Cao and Young Master Cao by the order of the Lord."

So fast?
Cao De was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed.

The person who greeted them finally came.

(End of this chapter)

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