Chapter 943 Shipbuilding
The history of China's ocean voyages can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the development of my country's shipbuilding industry reached its first peak.Qin Shihuang organized a large fleet capable of transporting 50 shi of grain in the war to unify southern China.According to ancient books, Qin Shihuang once sent a general to lead a fleet composed of buildings and ships to attack the state of Chu.After the unification of China, he made several large-scale cruises, cruising in inland rivers or sailing on the sea.

By the Han Dynasty, the navy with building ships as the main force was already very powerful.It is said that in one battle, the central government of the Han Dynasty could dispatch more than 2000 ships and 20 navy troops.The fleet is equipped with various combat ships, including the assault ship "Xiandeng" which is at the forefront of the fleet, the long and narrow warship "Mengchong" used to attack enemy ships, the fast ship "Chima" which is as fast as a galloping horse, and the "Chima" which is as fast as a galloping horse. There is a heavy armored ship "sill" with double-layer boards on the upper and lower sides.Of course, the Louchuan is the most important ship and the main force of the navy.Louchuan is a famous ship type in the Han Dynasty, and its construction and development is also a symbol of superb shipbuilding technology.

Guo Jia felt that the original records in these books were somewhat exaggerated.But after witnessing it with my own eyes, I felt that the rumors were true.

This building ship is the flagship, with five decks, each deck can accommodate nearly [-] people, and a full load can accommodate a thousand people.

It's a huge ship.


Guo Jia shook his head.

Building ships in the Han Dynasty were still based on the needs of offshore combat, with sails and long oars running side by side, so the ship's ocean-going capabilities were not outstanding.

For example, the sail has only two sides, one main sail and one auxiliary sail, the wind force that can be borrowed is limited, and most of the time is mainly paddling.

In addition, the structure of the hull is not reasonable, and the role of transporting soldiers is mostly used for combat.

It's okay to use on the coast, but it pales in comparison when it really reaches the sea.Gu Yue and the others were able to cross the ocean to Mexico with a large ship, which is definitely an anomaly.

It still needs to be improved if you want to fight in the ocean.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly waved at Gu Yue.

"General, are you satisfied?"

Gu Yue asked with a smile.

When it comes to fighting, he is not good, but when it comes to sailing ships, he is an expert. After all, he is also the general of the big man.

"You were Fusang who took this kind of boat back then?"

Guo Jia asked curiously.

Not bad!

Gu Yue nodded, and said with some lingering fears: "It's just that I went to three ships at that time, and only one came back. It can be said that it was close to death."

At the beginning, they set off from Xuzhou and headed east to the Wonu country, but they encountered a storm on the way and lost their way.

Two of them capsized halfway, and only one, Gu Yue, drifted aimlessly with the wind. Without supplies, the crew had to use rainwater to quench their thirst and fish for food.After another half a year, he drifted to a small island and got a lot of supplies on the small island.They obtained abundant vegetables and fruits, and because of this, they were able to reach the ancient Fusang country smoothly.

However, it took almost two years to go back and forth, more than [-] people died, and only a few dozen people were left when they came back.

Although it was not the first time that Gu Yue had heard Gu Yue narrate this journey, it was only after Guo Jia boarded the boat that he understood the hardships inside.

There is no ability to distinguish directions, no power, no fresh water, and no fresh fruits and vegetables.It is really a blessing from God that a ship can float to Mexico!
However, these problems are not a problem for Guo Jia, a time traveler.

Compared with Si Nan's crudeness, the compass is much more accurate.It is not difficult for Guo Jia to make an accurate compass.

In terms of power, if we can build sailboats of later generations and use wind power to sail, power and the like will not be difficult.

The sailing ships of later generations have a complete set of methods for sailing at sea with the help of wind. Although it is more difficult when the wind is headed, it is not impossible.

It solves the problem of power and direction. Although it is difficult to supply fresh water, when it is always cloudy and rainy, making a simple water purification device can perfectly solve this problem.

The last question, and the most important one, is the vitamins the crew needs for their voyage.

Of course, there is no such thing as vitamins at this time. The crew of the Age of Discovery are all hoarding a lot of fruits and vegetables to combat this.

Although fruits and vegetables can provide a lot of vitamins, they are not easy to store.But Guo Jia has a way to pickle or dehydrate fruits and vegetables. Although there are not many vitamins left, they can still provide sufficient vitamins to the crew.

In view of the limited conditions, whether pickling or dehydration still cannot improve the shelf life of vegetables, Guo Jia still has a last resort.

That is to bring a lot of soybeans and mung beans and let the crew soak the bean sprouts by themselves, which can not only enrich the taste but also supplement vitamins.

There is no problem with the direction, nor with the supply, nor with the vitamins. The key question is whether it is possible to build a sea-going ship with a pointed head in the age of great voyages.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia took out a blueprint.

This is a sea-going ship structural diagram copied by him in recollection of the practice of sea-going ships of later generations, and a sharp-headed sea-going ship improved in combination with the general outline of existing buildings.

"General Gu, see if we can make this kind of boat with our current technology."

Guo Jia handed the blueprint to Gu Yue.

Gu Yue took it over, looked it over carefully, suddenly her eyes lit up, and blurted out: "This... this is a sea boat!"

As an expert in shipbuilding, Gu Yue saw the difference in the ship at first sight.

First of all, the draft of the hull is deeper, and the pointed nose is more conducive to riding the wind and waves, and sailing for a long time.

big sail!

Gu Yue's eyes once again fell on the densely packed cables and huge sails on the hull, without any oars, it was a sea ship driven by the wind.


Gu Yue didn't understand.

"General, why is there no oars on this boat? If the wind is against the wind, it will be difficult to move."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to worry about this, just ask whether it can be made or not."

Gu Yue studied it carefully for a while, and said: "The keel is sharp, if it is simply fixed with wooden pins and glued, it may not be able to support it."

What about iron nails and copper nails?

Guo Jia interjected.

Iron nails and copper nails?

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Gu Yue couldn't help but be overjoyed. Using wooden dowels and glue is a common way to build ships. Of course, copper nails and iron nails can also be used, but it is not a small sum to get a ship down.

If Guo Jia can really provide enough copper nails and iron nails, he can give it a try.

"If the general can provide enough copper and iron, the subordinates are willing to try their best."

Gu Yue clasped her fists and said.

Not a try!
Guo Jia said lightly: "Yes, I will write a letter tomorrow to ask Yunzhou to provide you with copper and iron. Other materials such as wood and tung oil are all available. Within half a year, you must make this new type of sea-going ship Build it."

(End of this chapter)

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