Chapter 945 Leave no trace
A sea ship sailed in the night and was moored at a certain port in Langya County.

Xuzhou's warships were lent to Yuan Shao. After the battle with Jizhou, the ports here were almost useless.

Yunzhou's warships came in without any effort.

Lou Chuan lowered the boat and quickly transported Zhang Kai's men, horses and chariots aboard.

"Meet General Liao!"

Zhang Kai came down to Liao Hua with his hands.

well done!
Liao Hua nodded in satisfaction.

It was also the first time he performed a mission alone.

"The general is overrated."

Zhang Kai grinned and said, "Everything is the great general's blessing."

During his time in Xuzhou, he learned how to flatter horses, and the governor Tao Qian did it.

All right!

Liao Hua waved his hand and said, "The banquet is ready, General Zhang and brothers are invited to attend."

The deck of the five-story ship was brightly lit, and in the center was a large table filled with delicacies.


A general approached Zhang Kai: "It has been found out that there are only [-] soldiers and [-] sailors on board. Our troops can completely eat them."

This time Zhang Kai brought 500 people, which was more than Liao Hua's.

"Don't scare the snakes, eat and drink, and wait until midnight to do it."

Zhang Kai made up his mind and ordered.


The crowd nodded.

They had already made up their mind that once they seized the warship, they would kill all the three hundred soldiers brought by Liao Hua, leaving only the one hundred sailors to operate the ship.

"General Zhang, please!"

Liao Hua made a gesture of invitation.

Dare not dare!

Zhang Kai hurriedly led the people onto the deck.

The two sat down as the guest of honor.

Liao Hua clapped his hands.

Several subordinates brought over several large jars.

"General Liao."

Zhang Kai smiled and said, "It's better not to drink when you're on military duty. If the general wants to drink, when we arrive in Yunzhou, we will take care of him."

Liao Hua laughed and said, "This is the fine wine sorghum red brewed in Yunzhou. It is the general's reward to you brothers. As for military affairs, General Zhang, please rest assured that this is the sea, so there will be no problems."

As he spoke, someone patted the wine seal open.

It smells so good!

As soon as the wine seal was opened, everyone smelled a strong aroma of wine.

They have also heard of fine wine produced in Yunzhou.

"Since this is the case, it is better to be respectful than to obey!"

Zhang Kai clasped his fists, secretly gave his subordinates a few winks, and warned them not to drink too much.

Several soldiers poured red wine into bowls.

The red color is about to drip, and the aroma of wine is overflowing.

Zhang Kai's people couldn't bear it, and immediately picked up the wine bowl and drank it down in one gulp.

Good wine!

Everyone gave a heartfelt admiration.

Liao Hua smiled slightly, raised his glass to Zhang Kai and said, "Come on, General Zhang has made a great contribution, and he will definitely be rewarded by the Great General when he returns. I respect you, Brother Yu."

Zhang Kai originally didn't intend to drink, but Liao Hua respected him, so he was too embarrassed not to drink.

Besides, he couldn't stand the temptation of the aroma of wine.

Zhang Kai also raised his glass and drank it down.

After drinking a glass of wine, he immediately felt a fierce heat in his chest and abdomen.

It really is a good wine!

Zhang Kai gave a thumbs up.

In other words, it was the first time for him to drink such strong wine.

Of course!

Liao Hua signaled his subordinates to quickly fill up the wine for everyone, and said with a smile: "This is brewed in the winery of the Yunzhou government, and it is only sold in Yunzhou at the moment. You have money and no place to buy it elsewhere. Although Brother Yu is in Yunzhou, But it is rare to drink such a good wine. Today is also taking advantage of General Zhang. Come on, let's not get drunk today!"

As he spoke, he drank it all in one gulp.

Zhang Kai and the others were a little cautious at first, but they couldn't resist the temptation of fine wine at all, so they quickly started to drink freely.

The alcohol content in Yunzhou is much higher than that of traditional grain wine. These people have misjudged their own drinking capacity. They were not drunk at first, but after a few drinks, they feel drunk, and their bodies are not in control.

General Liao!
Zhang Kai stood up.

"Can't drink any more!"

He still had a trace of sobriety, and knew that it would not be good to drink any more.


Liao Hua laughed loudly and said, "Yunzhou fine wine is not only sorghum red, but also fruit wine."

As he spoke, he asked people to lift up several large jars.

The mud seal was removed, revealing greengages one after another inside.

"This is the green plum wine brewed by the winery. Fresh green plums are soaked in water, which can quench thirst and produce body fluids. Let's try it."

Plum wine!
Seeing the crisp greengages one after another, Zhang Kai's men salivated, and they stood up one after another to take the greengages, and those who drank the fruit wine drank the fruit wine without Zhang Kai's order.

The crispy greengage was served with the fruit wine, and soon these people fell drunk to the ground.

Zhang Kai also ate a few green plums and drank a few bowls of fruit wine, and his mind was a little bit out of whack.

Holding the wine bowl, he staggered to Liao Hua.

"Liao... General Liao, drink... drink!"

Liao Hua put down his wine glass and looked at Zhang Kai's men who had fallen to the ground, with a smile on his face.

This is the case on the upper deck, and the people on the lower decks are also staggering.

very good!

His face suddenly darkened, and he said, "Arrest all these people."

Dabo's soldiers rushed to the bow of the ship and captured Zhang Kai and others. Many of them were already drunk, and the Yunzhou Army didn't bother at all.

When he was tied up with a thick rope, Zhang Kai couldn't help being shocked, he was already half sober from the wine.

"General Liao, what... what is the meaning of this!"

What do you mean?
Liao Hua slapped the table and said with a sneer, "Zhang Kai, how dare you want to rob a military ship in Yunzhou?"

Hearing what Liao Hua said, Zhang Kai knew that the matter had been exposed, but he still bit the bullet and said: "General Liao wants to kill people to silence him, so why should he be wronged?"

Wrong you?
Liao Hua couldn't help snorting, he clapped his hands suddenly, and a soldier walked onto the deck, it was Zhang Kai's subordinate.

"Zhang Kai, your subordinates have already told me everything. Do you still want to argue?"

Liao Hua said with a sneer.

Liao Hua didn't trust Zhang Kai too much, so he also instigated a confidant around him.

Seeing this, Zhang Kai slumped to the ground, regretting it a little.


Liao Hua snorted and said, "Chop up these bastards and throw them into the sea to feed the fish."

He naturally doesn't like people who dare to make up their own minds.

General Liao!
Zhang Kai panicked, and hurriedly said: "For the sake of the Yellow Turban lineage, please spare us!"

Liao Hua shook his head.

"Skynet means killing people, crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, but I think they are of the same line as the Yellow Turbans, so I will give you a chance to serve Yunzhou, but it's a pity..."

His face became extremely ugly, and he said word by word: "Let your own be destroyed."

Said and waved.

After a while, screams came one after another, and Zhang Kai and his men quickly turned into headless corpses.

In this way, the main culprit who killed Cao Song disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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