Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 95 The Yellow Turban Uprising

Chapter 95 The Yellow Turban Uprising
"My lord, this subordinate is incompetent!"

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei knelt down on the ground again, and said with shame on his face.

They listened to Liu Bei's slander, and the [-] troops surrendered to others, which led to this disaster.

Although Liu Bei has been put to death, their faults are also very serious.

Get up!
After killing Liu Bei, Guo Jia was also very happy, and immediately helped the two of them up.

"Liu Bei is the number one hypocrite in the world. Even the official was almost deceived by him, let alone you. Keep Wuji County well, and don't make any trouble again."

Guo Jia said gently.

"My lord!:

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were greatly moved.

Except for such a big mistake, the lord didn't even say a single serious word.

Isn't such a person worthy of death by two people?
The two of them had already made up their minds, and in this life, they would identify with Guo Jia.

At this time, Mao Jie came in a hurry. He was working below when the incident happened. By the time he got the news, the rebellion had been quelled.

"Xiaoxian, it's just in time for you to come back, and I'll leave the aftermath to you."

Guo Jia came here in a hurry this time, the civil servants were all cleaning up the mess in Lunu, and there were only a few generals in Wuji County, so it is natural that the civil servants should do the best to deal with the aftermath.

"My lord, did you really kill the governor of the governor's mansion?"

Mao Jie's expression was a little unnatural.

Killing the governor is no different from rebellion.


Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "Are you scared?"

Mao Jie didn't speak, but just paused and said, "Your Majesty, you are so confused. You are accused of treason for a little Liu Bei? This..."

He was a little overwhelmed.

Liu Bei is hateful, but he can't kill Duyou because of this, right?

Besides, there was no need for Guo Jia to kill Duyou at that time.


Mao Jie worried: "It's a trivial matter to kill the governor, but it is a major event to cause the governor's anger. If he reports to the court, wouldn't Zhongshan be destroyed?"

After they came to Zhongshan, they worked together and achieved some success with great difficulty.

How could Mao Jie not regret it?

Guo Jiachang laughed and said: "Xiaoxian, you don't have to worry about it. It won't be long before the governor's office won't be able to care about it."

Unable to help themselves?

Mao Jie looked at Guo Jia in shock.

What is this with what?
Guo Jia smiled and said nothing.

The time is almost up, and the Yellow Turban Uprising should begin.

Together with the Yellow Turban, Jizhou around the capital is naturally caught in the flames of war. The counties and counties are too busy to take care of themselves.

Who will take care of the mess?
Therefore, Guo Jia is still thinking about how to defend Zhongshan from being destroyed by the yellow turban bandits.


Soon, the news of Guo Jia's killing of Duyou spread to the governor's office of Ye County.

Han Fu stood up in surprise.

"Can you say that again?"

Until his subordinates reported the news again, he still couldn't believe his ears.

Guo Jia actually killed the governor of the governor's mansion?
This is outrageous!

Although the governor's salary is not as high as that of the prefect, the power lies with the prefect, basically a rope on the head of the prefect of each state.

It can be said that the governors of the states are responsible for the supervision and assessment of the prefects, and they are basically above the prefects.

The prefects from all over the world met the governor, which one is not like a grandson meeting a grandfather?
This Guo Jia dared to kill the postmaster he sent.

What audacity.

Thinking of this, Han Fu's face became gloomy.

A few days ago, the governor's office received a report from Liu Bei, saying that his boss, Guo Jia, left his post without authorization and went south secretly.

Originally, Han Fu didn't take it seriously?
However, Liu Bei sent people to send a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry.

For the sake of gold, silver and jewelry, Han Fu agreed to send a postal supervisor to send Guo Jia for interrogation.

Although Han Fu is not very clear about Guo Jia's details.

But to be able to spend so much money to buy a prefect, there must be someone in the court.

Guo Jia was willing to give some gifts and check up and down, so Han Fu just turned a blind eye and closed his eyes.

After all, the prefect left his post without authorization, and it would be dereliction of duty for the governor's office to ask.

But what Han Fu never expected was that Guo Jia actually killed the officials he sent.

darn thing!

This is trying to rebel!
Han Fu immediately stood up.

"Come here, pass on the order of the governor, and use all the soldiers from the three counties of Bohai, Zhao, and Changshan to attack Guo Jia, the rebellious minister and traitor."

Guo Jia killed the governor of the governor's mansion, but he didn't take him as the governor at all.

Naturally, Han Fu couldn't tolerate it, otherwise how could he gain a foothold in Jizhou?

The governors at the end of the Han Dynasty had already mastered a certain amount of real power, and some even had private soldiers, as did Han Fu.

He has been operating in Jizhou for many years, and he still has some foundation.

The prefects of these three counties are all Han Fu's confidantes, and they will definitely go all out when they hear his call.

Han Fu also gathered his own private soldiers and prepared to conquer Guo Jia himself.

At this moment, counselor Xin Ping ran over in a panic.

"Lord Inspector is not well, the Yellow Turban bandits have rebelled. The entire Central Plains is in chaos, and Julu has already fallen into the hands of bandits. A large group of bandits, led by the leader of the bandits, is attacking us."

"What, yellow turban thief? Jizhou is a peace, where did the yellow turban thief come from?"

Han Fu asked in surprise.

Xin Ping looked miserable and said: "Your Excellency does not know, this yellow scarf thief is the Taiping Dao. The head of the thief is the Zhangjiao of Taiping Dao. On the surface they cure the disease and save people, but secretly they are developing the church. Now there are hundreds of thousands of people, Julu is their base camp. The thief Zhangjiao is known as General Tiangong, and he is now attacking us with an army of [-]!"

10 million people!
Han Fu's eyes darkened, and he almost fell off his horse.

There are only tens of thousands of regular troops in Jizhou at most, and they are all stationed in border counties. The soldiers in Jizhou counties are at most 2.

What can he resist?
After a while, Han Fu's miserable cry came from the Governor's Mansion.

"Hurry up and report to the court, hurry up..."


The vigorous Yellow Turban Uprising finally started.

Although it has also experienced the traitor's informant and the tragic death of the internal response, the Taiping Road is still full of vigor and vitality.

In fact, Han Fu didn't need to report the letter, the court had already got the news.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was shocked, and immediately worshiped his brother-in-law He Jin as a general, and commanded the five warriors from the left and right Habayashi to station at the eight passes of Luoyang to defend the capital.

In addition, the northern army and some local troops were assembled, and Lu Zhi, Huangfusong, and Zhu Jun were appointed as Zhonglang generals to attack the Yellow Turbans on three sides.

The yellow turban bandits are very powerful, and the officers and soldiers were at a disadvantage at the beginning, and they didn't care about other places at all.As a last resort, the imperial court ordered the prefectures and counties to recruit troops to deal with the Yellow Turbans.

In this way, it is tantamount to giving various regions a certain degree of autonomy.

Wealth, food, and soldiers are strong everywhere, which opened the prelude to the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms.

(End of this chapter)

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