Chapter 966 A Discovery
Soon, Xudu's open supply of wine attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

The supply in this wave is huge, not only high-ranking officials and dignitaries have enough to eat and drink, but even ordinary people have the opportunity to buy it.

The changes in the market also caught Wu Neng's attention, and he immediately invited Su Qinglian over.

"President Su, are you still used to living here?"

is acceptable!
Su Qinglian said calmly.

This Wu Neng still kept his word. Although he was only under house arrest, he didn't make things difficult for her, and he had three generous meals a day.

But there are still some contradictions in her heart.

At this time, Su Qinglian hoped that Guo Jia could come to prove that he was not ruthless to her, but also feared that Wu Neng would turn back and kill Guo Jia.

After all, this is Xudu, Cao Cao's territory, and Guo Jia and Cao Cao don't deal with it very much. If his whereabouts are leaked, Cao Cao will definitely not let him go.

"Here is a good news and a bad news. I don't know which one President Su wants to know first?"

Wu Nengsi said slowly.

good news?
A look of surprise flashed across Su Qinglian's face.

After being under house arrest for so many days, it was the first time she heard good news.

"Let's tell the good news first!"

Su Qinglian said calmly.

it is good!
Wu Neng nodded, and said: "The good news is that in the past few days, the wine sales outlets in Yunzhou have suddenly increased the supply of wine, and the current market in Xudu is basically full. You can say that Yunzhou is a big You made a fortune. Facts have proved that your thinking is correct. The economy of Yunzhou can completely transform from a border trade to an export-oriented economy."

During these days of detention, the two also discussed some issues. Su Qinglian told Wu Neng about the economic transformation of Yunzhou.

Wu Neng also agreed, as long as Yunzhou can continue to produce something that other states and counties cannot produce, it can completely support Yunzhou's economic transformation.

"I said that the transformation of Yunzhou will definitely be successful."

Su Qinglian said firmly.

This is also the biggest reason she persuaded Wu Neng.


Wu Neng changed the subject and said meaningfully: "My eyeliner report in Yunzhou did not find that Guo Jia left Yunzhou. In addition, there is no sign of his arrival here. That is to say, you made a wrong bet. Guo Jia did not No one sees you as irreplaceable."

Hearing this, Su Qinglian's heart suddenly trembled, and a bitterness welled up in her heart.

He still didn't come!
Everything he said was false!
But her heart suddenly calmed down again.

If Guo Jia didn't come to Xudu, his life would not be threatened. Even if he died, why would he be unwilling?

"I said it before!"

Wu Neng said coldly: "The King has never taken us businessmen seriously. In their hearts, we are all pawns."

He is different!
Su Qinglian said firmly again.

"He is a different king that I have seen. He does not discriminate against businessmen. If he can rule the world, he will treat businessmen equally. I can firmly believe that."

In this era of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce, people who can value merchants and encourage trade are rare.

This is why Su Qinglian chose Guo Jia.

Because this man is not only her man but also her hope.

Ha ha!

Wu Neng stood up and said meaningfully: "Okay, I have great admiration for President Su's persistence, and I sincerely hope that your persistence will be rewarded. It's just..."

He paused, and said calmly: "My patience is also limited. If Guo Jia doesn't show up again, President Su will ask for blessings."

Said and walked away.


Su Qinglian stared into the distance in a daze, a flash of hope flashed in her eyes, and then a kind of helplessness replaced it.


"Master Guo, there is news, there is news!"

A tiger guard walked in excitedly.

"Our brothers staying by Huang San's side have sent news that Huang San and the others have discovered something."

Discovered again?
Hearing this, Guo Jia lifted his spirits and said, "Go to Huang San's place quickly."

In the past few days, he has been living like a year. On the one hand, the stronghold of Skynet has been exposed, and Guo Jia dare not use their power, so he has to recruit a group of punks to help him find out the news on the market.

For the sake of safety, Guo Jia couldn't reveal his purpose, so he had to take advantage of the opportunity of the wine shop's big pie sale to make them keep an eye on the surrounding area.

After three days in a row, I finally noticed something.Huang San and the others found a strange person, they didn't buy alcohol outside the winery, they just stared at the winery for twelve hours, as if they were stalking.

This is good news!

No matter who is monitoring the winery, it must be targeting Yunzhou, and perhaps we can learn about Su Qinglian from them.

Guo Jia made a decisive decision and led the people to Huang San's residence.

Huang San is eating wine with a gang of gangsters at his residence.

During this period of time, their little life was very nourishing.

Guo Jia let them be his eyes and ears, and he would have a lot of funds every day. Although he was not rich, it was enough to eat and drink.

It's much better than the previous situation of eating the last meal without the next meal.

"Oh, Master Guo is here!"

Seeing Guo Jia coming, Huang San wiped his lips and stepped forward.

"Master, take your seat, take your seat!"

Huang San raised his sleeve and wiped it on his bearded stool, as if afraid that Guo Jia would dislike it.

Guo Jia smiled lightly, sat down too, and glanced at the table.

Vegetable tofu, rice with coarse grains, and a small pot of stewed meat in the middle seemed to be exclusive to Huang San, and the rogues around did not dare to move their chopsticks.

Huang San took out a clean bowl, poured a bowl of wine, and handed it to Guo Jia respectfully with both hands.

Naturally, he dared not neglect his parents.

"Master Guo, this place is simple, and there is no hospitality here. You should have a glass of water and wine first."

Naturally, this wine is not from Yunzhou, but a very cheap local self-brewed wine.

Guo Jia picked up the wine bowl, sniffed it, and then fell to the ground.


Seeing Guo Jia pour the wine down, Huang San was embarrassed.

"Come here, bring our wine!"

Guo Jia said lightly.

Two tiger guards brought in a large jar, and one of them slammed the mud seal open, and the aroma of wine overflowed immediately.

Is this fine wine from Yunzhou?
The Poppis recognized it naturally.

Although they haven't drunk it, they have smelled it. Yunzhou wine is full of mellow aroma, and they can't go wrong with it.

"Come on, everyone have a taste!"

Guo Jia waved his hand.

Huang San couldn't help swallowing, and said in surprise, "Thank you, Master Guo, thank you, Master Guo."

He said and poured himself a bowl.

All the poppiers are also full of you fighting for me.

Although they can now eat enough, they still dare not think about drinking Yunzhou wine.

After all, this thing is still the patent of dignitaries.

If they were lucky enough to get a pot, they would not be willing to drink it.

(End of this chapter)

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