Chapter 974

In fact, Cui Zhouping still admires Liu Biao very much.

During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Jingzhou was in a mess. The governor of the state and the prefect of Nanyang were killed one after another.

It was under such circumstances that Liu Biao became the governor of Jingzhou.

At this time, in Jingzhou, there was no place that belonged to Liu Biao, and no soldier belonged to Liu Biao.

It can be said that Liu Biao is a polished commander.

In the first year of Chuping, Wang Rui, the governor of Jingzhou, was killed by Sun Jian, and Dong Zhuo wrote to Liu Biao to succeed him.Because the Jiangnan sect was very prosperous at that time, Yuan Shu stationed himself in Luyang, and he had all the people in Nanyang under his command.Su Dai, a native of Wu, was the prefect of Changsha, and Bei Yu was the magistrate of Huarong County. Each of them ruled the local militia, which made it impossible for Liu Biao to take office directly.So he went to Jingzhou anonymously and alone, and was able to take office just now.

After Liu Biao arrived in Jingzhou, he entered Yicheng alone and conspired with Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue from Yanzhong Lu County and Cai Mao from Xiangyang.

Kuai Yue suggested that Liu Biao send people to invite 55 sect thieves to a banquet, behead them all, and attack their tribes together.Only the Jiangxia thieves Zhang Hu and Chen Sheng defended Xiangyang, and Liu Biao sent Kuai Yue and Pang Ji to ride alone to surrender.When the prefects and magistrates in Jingzhou heard of Liu Biao's reputation, most of them took off their seals and fled.So far, Liu Biao has controlled the seven counties of Jingzhou except Nanyang County, and organized troops in Xiangyang to observe the changes of the times.

Jingzhou was conquered with one single soldier, and Liu Biao was not unwise.

But after being wise, you are fatuous.

Once established, Liu Biao exposed his weaknesses, short-sighted, suspicious, vain, and not enterprising.

In today's words, it means that the wife and children are hot on the kang.

He first married the daughter of the Cai family, a rich family in Xiangyang, as his successor, then appointed the brothers of the Kuai family as the governors of the other family, and appointed Huang Zu as the prefect of Jiangxia, commanding the navy.

In this way, the military and political power in Jingzhou was divided between the Cai family, the Kuai family and the Huang family.

Of course, these three families are the solid backing for Liu Biao to pacify Jingzhou, and it is only natural for Liu Biao to reuse them after he came to power.

After these three families gained the power in Jingzhou, they began to expand their territories one after another, intervening in local government affairs, and became veritable wealthy families.

The three families control the military and political power in Jingzhou, and it is basically impossible for others to come forward.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. In the process of fighting for power and profit among the three families, conflicts often arise and the relationship is relatively tense.

The result of this is that Jingzhou has fallen into the vortex of internal strife, unable to make progress at all.

Liu Biao himself did not want to make progress and gave up many opportunities.

For example, when Cao Cao conquered Xuzhou, he had to guard against Ma Chao and Jizhou, so most of the troops he stayed behind were stationed in Luoyang and Xudu, and the hinterland of Yuzhou was very weak.

If Liu Biao sends a partial division to enter Yuzhou, he can definitely take Runan into his pocket.

But Liu Biao just let the army hold on to Yiyang, and missed this great opportunity.

In addition, Yizhou Shepherd Liu Yan died of illness not long ago, and his youngest son Liu Zhang succeeded to the throne, and the political situation in Yizhou was turbulent and unstable.

This is if Liu Biao is willing to send troops to Bashu, he can easily take the Badong area.

However, he only persuaded Shen Mi, Lou Fa, and Gan Ning in Yizhou to surrender, and did not send troops, and did not send further troops.So that Liu Zhang reacted immediately, sent powerful generals to guard Badong, and cut off the tentacles stretched out from Jingzhou.

If only that's the case.

Liu Biao's stupidity also lies in his attitude towards talents.

When the recruiting hall was first established, talents from around the area came to vote one after another, all with the intention of serving Jingzhou.

But Liu Biao was cronyistic, and the power in Jingzhou was in the hands of the Huang family, the Kuai family and the Cai family. These talents could not be used, and could only become victims of his fame.

The recruiting hall is in charge of food and housing. After entering, there must be no worries about food and clothing, but who is really capable, who is willing to spend a lifetime here?

Therefore, many talents retired one after another, and would rather die than respond to Liu Biao's call.

Cui Zhouping was also one of them. He was also somewhat dissatisfied with Liu Biao's stupidity. He wandered around the recruiting hall all day long, not to get in but to make some like-minded friends.

"Brother Guo!"

Cui Zhouping suddenly said: "If you have great ambitions, never enter the recruiting hall. This is a bird cage. Once you enter, you will have no future."

The recruiting hall is Liu Biao's means of gaining fame. He raised these celebrities in captivity, not to reuse them, but to convey to the outside world the false impression that Jingzhou values ​​talents.

He and Guo Jia hit it off right away, so he spoke out what was in his heart.

That's it!

Guo Jia nodded.

Liu Biao's stupidity, he is naturally aware of it, otherwise Jingzhou would not have so many talents in vain, but it became someone else's wedding dress.

It seems that his arrival did not change Liu Biao's stupidity.

"Since that's the case, why is brother Zhouping still wandering around in Jingzhou?"

Guo Jia asked puzzledly.

Cui Zhouping drank his glass again, and laughed at himself, "There's only one wild crane in the cloud, and there's nowhere to go. I have to nest here."

In fact, he also wanted to go out and vote for a Ming lord, but looking at the surrounding wars, it was really safer to stay in Jingzhou.

Besides, Cui Zhouping was also the overlord of one side at the beginning, he was appointed as the prefect of Xihe, and he was one of the people who led the army to join the alliance with Yuan Shao to attack Dong Zhuo.

He has an equal relationship with Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, so how can he shamelessly apply for a job with them now?
Guo Jia seemed to understand Cui Zhouping's distress, and immediately said softly: "Brother Zhouping, you are a great talent today, staying in Jingzhou is really wronged, how about..."

Just when he was about to persuade Cui Zhouping to join Yunzhou, there was a burst of shouting from below.

"Miss Tianxiang, I'm Kuai Tong here today, you have to give face if you give it, and you have to give it if you don't."

A young scholar said while tugging at a beautiful girl.

The beautiful girl seemed to be a bit alien, but she just stared at him and said, "You let me go, or I won't be polite."

As he spoke, he tried hard to break free from Kuai Tong's hand.

You're welcome?
Kuai Tong laughed, and said: "Why are you being rude, if you are being rude on the bed, I like it very much."

Then a wretched smile appeared on his face.

you scoundrel...

The girl named Tianxiang was furious, and poured a glass of wine on Kuai Tong's face.

"This is Zuiyuelou, show some respect!"

darn thing!

Kuai Tong was furious when his face was poured with wine.

"Toast and fine wine, Tianxiang, today the young master put down his words, and will bring you to my house to warm the bed tonight. You have to obey, and you have to obey if you don't."

As he spoke, he tried hard to resist Tianxiang.

"Master is mighty!"

A bunch of dogs were shouting and beating gongs and drums.

Kuai Tong was about to leave carrying Tian Xiang triumphantly, at this moment a man jumped down from the second floor, kicked Kuai Tong to the ground, and grabbed Tian Xiang with his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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