Chapter 977 The Highest Price
Today Kuai Tong is very angry, very angry.

He had long coveted Tianxiang, a beauty from a different race, but Tianxiang Meimei hadn't given him good looks. After finally convincing that her brother had made a deal, Kuai Tong excitedly came to get her.

At first he thought it would be easy to catch, but what he didn't expect was that it was actually destroyed by the stupefied Qing Gan Ning.

It's just that, that's all. After all, the Kuai family is deeply rooted in Jingzhou, and even a small gatekeeper, Kuai Tong, is not in his heart.

But then another person appeared to compete with him for a woman?
Is this really unreasonable?

Kuai Tong was angry and impatient, but he still remained vigilant.

People who can drink on the top floor of Zuiyue Tower must have unusual backgrounds.


Kuai Tong looked at Guo Jia angrily.

Has the Kuai family ever been afraid of anyone?
"What exactly do you want?"

Kuai Tong asked coldly.

It's easy!
Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "You are interested, and I am also interested. For the sake of fairness, let's make a bid. What will happen to the highest bidder?"

Kuai Tong couldn't believe his ears.

This person dared to compete financially with him, who didn't know that the Kuai family was a wealthy family in Jingzhou, and comparing financial resources with the Kuai family, the old birthday star hanged himself and didn't want to live.

no problem!
Kuai Tong readily agreed.

The one with the highest bidding price wins, which is not hurtful.

He really wasn't sure about Guo Jia's origin, so he didn't get mad at the moment. In case Guo Jia was someone he couldn't afford, he also had a way out.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded, and bowed to the manager.

"Leave everything to Zuiyue Tower?"

The steward of Zuiyuelou walked over, clasped his fists and said, "You two, please rest assured, our Zuiyuelou will definitely handle things impartially."

Speaking of which, people set up a platform in the middle as today's rostrum.

Soon, the news spread that someone in Zuiyue Tower was bidding for a beauty, and many people rushed over to watch the fun.

The Zuiyue Building simply let go and refused to reject anyone who came, and the three-storey building was immediately crowded with people.

"I heard that there is another auction of fresh noodles today. Two young masters are fighting for a beauty."

"It's Tianxiang, the fisherman's girl. With her figure and face, anyone who wants to play tricks on her can go around Zuiyue Tower a few times."

"Xiangyang evil young man Kuai Tong? He is a well-known little overlord. The woman he takes a fancy to can't escape the clutches in all likelihood. This Tianxiang girl is dead!"

"What is the background of that young man? He dared to compete with the wicked young man Kuai Tong. Doesn't he know how powerful the Kuai family is?"

"Hmph, what is the Kuai family? The Cai family, the Huang family, and the Pang family are no worse than him. If you are the son of these three families, I am afraid there will be a good show."

"This person is very rare. He doesn't seem to be from the three families. Could it be that he is a relative of Lord Mushou? If that's the case, Kuai Tong will be kicked on the iron wall. After all, no matter how big the Kuai family is, it is no bigger than Lord Mushou .”

Everyone talked about each other, guessing Guo Jia's identity.

In their eyes, those who can compete with Kuai Tong belong to Liu Biao's relatives besides the other three.

Only people with such a background are qualified to compete with Kuai Tong.

A few groups of people walked in from the crowd, all to watch the excitement.

Among them, the most eye-catching is a young man with a feather fan scarf, a face like a crown jade, and very handsome.

The second one is an old man, in his late 40s, with three long beards reflecting his refined temperament.

There was also a man with gloomy eyes, who stared at Kuai Tong as soon as he arrived, as if he had some hatred.

While Zuiyuelou was getting ready, Cui Zhouping quietly came to Guo Jia.

"Brother Fengyi, are you sure? This Kuai family is a rich family!"

Although he also knew that Guo Jia was rich, it seemed a little unwise for Qianglong not to overwhelm the king of the land and compete with the Kuai family for wealth in the territory of Xiangyang.

Don't worry, Zhouping!

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "The Kuai family is a rich family, but this Kuai Tong is just a dude, how much money can he have?"

He knows it well.

In addition to cooperating with Liu Biao this time, they also wanted to develop the market in Xiangyang, so Su Qinglian and Wu Neng prepared a lot of money as an initial investment.

In addition, the entire Zuiyue Building is owned by Skynet, so Guo Jia doesn't have to worry about lack of financial resources here.

More importantly, Kuai Liang, the patriarch of the Kuai family, is a smart man, and he would definitely not spend a lot of money in an unintentional dispute with a dude.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Cui Zhou felt relieved. He originally wanted to help Guo Jia, but he had limited financial resources, so he stopped making ugly appearances.

A chime sounded from the rostrum.

An older steward stepped up to the front desk.


The old steward said calmly: "Today, a strange thing happened in Zuiyue Tower. The two sons both fell in love with a girl. Based on the principle of making money with kindness, they are willing to bid, and the highest bidder wins. We Zuiyue Tower is honored to be the host of this time, and you are all witnesses."

Then he clasped his fists again.

"What the old steward said is that today is a good day."

"It's a rare thing for two people to compete for a daughter."

"Yes, yes, this trip was not in vain."

"We all know it, let's start quickly!"

Everyone said.

They are all for fun.

very good!

The old steward nodded and said, "I invite Miss Tianxiang!"

After a while, Tianxiang came to the stage gracefully.

She is a unique landscape here, many people recognize her, and many people have whistled.

Tianxiang girl!

The old steward Nian Xu said: "Before hosting, Zuiyuelou needs to confirm one thing, are you willing to sell yourself as a slave?"

Tianxiang had already been instructed by Cui Zhouping, so she nodded immediately.

"Little girl is willing, as long as the two young masters bid fairly, whoever bids the highest price will be the master of the little girl."

She completely pinned her hopes on Guo Jia.

very good!

The old steward nodded and said, "In that case, let's start!"

As he spoke, the bell rang again.

"Since Mr. Kuai has already offered thirty gold, if Mr. Guo wants to win the love, he can't lower the price, so the reserve price is thirty gold, and the price must not be lower than five gold each time. Now, let's start!"

Fifty gold!
As the voice of the old steward fell, Guo Jia was the first to bid!

Adding an extra twenty gold in one breath is considered a head start.

Fifty gold?
There were murmurs of tut-tsk in the surrounding area.

"Are these two crazy? They thought Kuai Tong's thirty gold would be enough to buy a female barbarian, but this young man paid fifty gold. Fifty gold for a female barbarian? Fifty gold You can buy a big courtyard in Xiangyang."

"We don't understand the world of the rich."

"Poverty limits my imagination. If I had fifty gold, I would marry a decent wife."

(End of this chapter)

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