Chapter 993 Break Your Dog Face
Guo Jiaxiong dominates Hebei and overlooks the world, which is awe-inspiring.

In front of Yunzhou, there is no force that dares to trust, even if it is as strong as Cao Cao and Liu Biao.

So Cao Cao will seal Guo Jia when he attacks Xuzhou.

Liu Biao will also personally meet Guo He who is here on behalf of Guo Jia.

But there are also those who disagree.

Wang Can is one of them.


Liu Biao hurriedly said, "Don't talk nonsense."

In fact, when Guo Jia came this time, the people of Jingzhou felt like a bright mirror in their hearts.

Mostly Yunzhou wants to form an alliance with Jingzhou. It is also a good thing for the two sides to join forces, but not everyone wants to form an alliance with Yunzhou.

Wang Can's yin and yang are strange, most likely he was instigated by others.

It's okay!
Guo Jia put down his wine glass, and his eyes fell on Wang Can.

"I have a saying that governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies. The emperor can cook, why can't the general make wine? The people regard food as the sky, and the general starts from the root of the people, takes from the people, benefits the people, so where does it come from?" Virtue loss?"

Beautifully said!

Everyone secretly praised in their hearts.

The emperor can cook, why can't the general make wine?
Although one cook is different from another, the meanings are similar.

Guo Jia's little sneaky idea actually left Wang Can speechless.

He can't say that the emperor is not doing his job right?
"By the way, is your Excellency?"

Guo Jia looked at Wang Can apologetically.

Wang Can almost exploded with anger.

I just introduced it, but now I forgot it, obviously I didn't take him seriously.

"Shanyang Wang Can!"

Wang Can said proudly: "When Mr. Cai Yong was in Luoyang, Mr. Wang visited him many times, and he always called him a brother."

Everyone smiled immediately.

Cai Yong is Guo Jia's father-in-law, and Guo He is Guo Jia's younger brother. Wang Can also meant to take advantage of Guo Jia by saying this.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said: "Mr. Cai Yong is a sincere gentleman, with noble character and a wide range of friends. He has friends of all kinds and religions, even if he is a beggar outside the door, he treats him equally. Therefore, there are more friends. Among them, those who have both ability and political integrity are naturally Yes, but..."

He gave Wang Can a sideways look, and said meaningfully: "There are also some people who try to catch their name but don't live up to their name."

In other words, what he hates the most are people who rub shoulders, especially those who step on their shoulders to climb up.

This Wang Can talked about Cai Yong openly and silently, in fact, it was just to gain the popularity of others.

If you want to take advantage of Lao Tzu, you are still far behind.


Wang Can's face changed slightly, how could he fail to realize that this fame-seeker was talking about him.

Liu Biao couldn't help but laugh too.

Looking at this Guo He is also not a simple person, it is not easy to take advantage of him.

Wang Can flicked his sleeves and said: "The general occupies a high position and is in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, but there are wars everywhere, and the people are in dire straits. It's really a corpse that pretends to be a courtier."

This is a bit rude.

is it?

Guo Jia glanced at him coldly, and said: "The general's corpse is a vegetarian meal? You really dare to say it. Then let me ask you, who put down the Southern Huns' rebellion. Who destroyed the nomadic invasion of the Central Plains?"

Everyone stopped talking immediately.

These three things are indeed the achievements of Guo Jia.

The Three World Wars wiped out hundreds of thousands of grassland nomads, and within 100 years, the nomads on the border were unable to invade south.

Guo Jia's move also made a great contribution to the Han people in the Central Plains.

cough cough...

Liu Biao suddenly stood up and said sincerely: "Liu has always admired the great achievements of the general. In terms of defending against foreign enemies, the general is really the No. 1 big man. Even if Wei and Huo are reborn, they can't compare. "

Indeed, Guo Jia wiped out hundreds of thousands of nomads in three wars in a small corner of the country, and created peace for nearly a hundred years in one fell swoop.

Although Wei Qinghuo Qubing is well-known in history, it is the power of the whole country. The powerlessness is the cost or the result of the battle. Compared with Guo Jia, it is a bit inferior.

Liu Biao is the lord of Jingzhou, so what he said is tantamount to giving Guo Jia a final judgment.

Wang Can didn't say anything anymore.

Although he is arrogant, he is eating Liu Biao's food at the moment, and he can't openly carry it with Mr. Mu Shou.

"Okay, even if the general has meritorious service!"

Wang Can said coldly: "However, internally it is not satisfactory. The emperor was trapped by Dong Thief and Li Jue, and the general Guo Jia stood still and watched Luoyang Chang'an fall one after another. Grand Tutor Yuan Kui and Situ Wang Yun all served the country faithfully. , Died tragically at the hands of villains. The capital was destroyed, the emperor was exiled, and suffered hardships. This must not be the work of a loyal minister."

Guo Jia's external credit is there, and he can't deny it even if he wants to, so he can only settle for the next best thing and start from other aspects.


Guo Jia suddenly laughed, and said: "I really can't blame the general, if we want to blame, we have to blame those senior ministers. Dong Zhuo was recommended by Taifu Yuan Kui, and Li Jue was recruited by Wang Yun. Although the general is in a high position, But they are stationed outside. Without an order, they are not allowed to return to Beijing. Yuan Kui and Wang Yun are two idiots with short-sightedness. They would rather invite such rebellious officials and traitors as Dong Zhuo and Li Jue than let the general return to the court to preside over the overall situation. Do you think the general has any grievances?"

The Yuan family has four generations and three princes, and Yuan Kai is also the head of the family.After he died, in order to help him cover up his embarrassment, the aristocratic family all put the blame on Guo Jia.

How dare you slander the Grand Tutor?

Wang Can was furious.

Yuan Kui was a representative of the noble family, and to insult Yuan Wei was to insult the noble family. Wang Can was also from a noble family, so he was naturally proud of his status.


A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth, and he said word by word: "What is the Yuan family? I don't even bother to insult."

Arrogance, absolute arrogance?

Wang Can roared and rushed over.

He was used to being arrogant, but he never expected to meet someone more arrogant than him.

Not hitting was not enough to satisfy his vanity.

Tolerable or unbearable.

There are also times when famous people fight violently, but they just put on a show, and some people will jump out of the way to dissuade them.

But this time surprisingly, no one jumped out to dissuade.

Good to come!
Guo Jia snorted, then suddenly grabbed Wang Can's hair and pressed it into the boiling cauldron.

For such shameless people, shameless methods must be used.

Say, you are not an opponent, fight, you are far worse.

Wang Can screamed a few times, his face was pressed onto the hot bronze cauldron, and green smoke rose immediately.


Liu Biao hurriedly stood up.

This Wang Can was used to being arrogant, hitting people when he disagreed with him, but now he met Guo Jia who was even more arrogant than him, it was bad luck.

When Guo Jia let go of his hand, his face was already too horrible to look at.

Guo Jia wiped his hands in disgust, and said coldly: "What are you, you dare to insult the general. Believe it or not, the general sent troops to Shanyang to destroy your Wang clan."

These words are very threatening.

With Yunzhou's military strength, it would be easy to wipe out a county and a city.

(End of this chapter)

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