Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 129 Offense and Defense

Chapter 129 Offense and Defense ([-])


"what happened!"

"Not good! Someone blasted a big hole in the bottom of the boat!"

"Someone chiseled the boat!"

"Look! There are people in the water! Thieves have invaded the camp!"

"Go ashore quickly, this ship will sink in a short time!"


Soon, there was chaos on almost all ships!

Before Hu Yanqing could react, hundreds of boats rowed out from the reeds!

As soon as these boats appeared, they all shot towards them like arrows!


Dozens of small boats caught fire, and then accelerated to shoot at those official ships that showed no signs of sinking...

I don't know what's going on with Hu Yanzhuo, he especially likes to engage in serials, such as serial horses and serial boats.

This kind of chain ship is stable, but if one ship is destroyed, the other ships connected with it will also suffer. When it is bombed and sunk, even the other ships together will lose their ability to move. In the best case, their speed will be greatly reduced and their movements will be inconvenient.

In this case, the Liang Shanshui Army, which has hundreds of fire ships, is simply too easy to burn the ships.

It is precisely because of this that not long after the battle, most of the Dengzhou navy abandoned their ships and fled to the shore, and only a small part was still stubbornly resisting.

Hu Yanqing acted decisively, abandoned most of the official ships, and sailed away from the shore of Jinsha with the few remaining official ships, and then relied on their size to deal with Liang Shanshui's army...


After relying on the bravery of Qiu Yue, Zhou Ang, and Hu Chun to attack the second pass, before Hu Yanzhuo was happy, there were countless muffled noises from the foot of the mountain, followed by flames that shot up into the sky, and the fire became bigger and bigger!

There is no need to send anyone where, Hu Yanzhuo can also guess that there must be a big battle on the navy side!

Hu Yanzhuo only hesitated for a while, and then gave an order: "Keep moving forward, as long as we break through this last pass, even if the entire navy is wiped out, we will win!"

That being said, Hu Yanzhuo still sent people down the mountain to see what was going on?

The people sent by Hu Yanzhuo came back soon, and together with the people sent by Hu Yanzhuo, there were more than 2000 Dengzhou navy troops who had lost their armor and armor.

I heard that except for two large ships with a load of [-] shi, six large ships with a load of [-] shi, and several small boats, all the other ships were destroyed. Hu Yanzhuo was so angry that he almost pushed all the four commanders of the Dengzhou Navy out to chop them up. up.


At the last moment, Han Tao and Peng Qi persuaded Hu Yanzhuo!
Hu Yanzhuo suppressed the anger in his heart, and then said in a deep voice: "At first, I still wanted to do the plan of ruining the boat, but now it's a good thing, then Li Yan did it for me. I won't tell you what the situation is like, but I think you will know it later. If we don't take down this Wanzi city, I will be trapped to death in this Liaoerwa. I might as well tell you directly that all the food we brought is on the boat. Now I am afraid that it will all be burned down. That is to say, if we don't take down this Wanzi city, In less than three to five days, I will be so hungry that I will be slaughtered, and this Wanzi city is full of food, there are also countless gold and jewelry, and there are young and beautiful women, what should I do?"

"Break Wanzi City!"

"Catch Li Yan alive!"

"Snatch food, grab money, grab girls!"


Seeing that the morale was available, Hu Yanzhuo said: "Where are the commanders of the front battalion, left battalion, right battalion, and middle battalion of the Dengzhou Navy?"

When the four of them heard Hu Yanzhuo calling them, they all froze!
The four who had already made a big mistake did not dare to delay, and said in unison: "The crime will be there!"

Hu Yanzhuo said: "I will give the four of you a chance to redeem your crimes. In this battle, the four of you will lead the troops of the headquarters to take the lead."

The four of them were all suffering, the commander of the Dengzhou Navy's middle battalion hesitated for a moment, and said: "I am a navy...not good at attacking cities, I hope..."

Hu Yanzhuo said directly: "Come here."

The commander of the middle battalion of the Dengzhou Navy quickly said, "Commander Sin is willing to take the lead with his headquarters!"


Hu Yanzhuo snorted and said: "If you don't try your best, I will go to the official's house and collect a copy for you!"

The four of them regretted it unceasingly. If they had known this, they might as well have listened to Hu Yanqing, and they wouldn't have fallen into the current situation!

The Dengzhou navy put on infantry equipment up and down, and then began to move forward.

I don’t know if it’s the luck of the Dengzhou Navy, or what, the road between the second pass and the third pass is far less steep than before the first pass and between the first pass and the second pass. This is also a slope, but it is not steep. Even horse troops can run here, and this section of the road is much wider than the front.

Seeing this, Hu Yanzhuo was overjoyed!
In this way, they have more options for attacking the city with their armored horse army.

Looking up at the third pass, Hu Yanzhuo was even more pleased - this third pass was much wider than the first two passes.

This situation is very beneficial to the attacking party, especially the attacking party with many soldiers and generals.

As the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, Hu Yanzhuo can't get angry with the navy.

Seeing that the environment was so favorable to them, Hu Yanzhuo immediately ordered the Runing infantry to go up and open the way.

After paying the price of more than 200 casualties and passing through three walls of fire, the officers and soldiers were finally less than ten feet away from the third pass.

At this moment, the Liangshan army suddenly stopped attacking, and at the same time a very magnetic voice sounded from the third pass: "General Huyan, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Despite some speculation, Hu Yanzhuo still asked: "Who are you?"

The man on the pass laughed and said, "You came to catch me, but you don't know who I am?"

Hu Yanzhuo narrowed his eyes and said, "You are Li Yan?"

Li Yan smiled and said, "It's right here."

Hu Yanzhuo asked: "Are you stopping the attack, are you surrendering, or delaying time?"

Li Yandao: "Neither of them, I see that you are a hero, General Huyan, and I have a heart of love for talents, and I want to recruit you to do justice for the heavens together. I don't know what you want?"


(End of this chapter)

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