Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 145 Infiltrate

Chapter 145 Infiltrate

"Brother Han is so idle. Could it be that business is not good?"

Han Bolong said: "The villain is here to wait for He Jibu, I want to ask He Jibu, have the soldiers who went to encircle Liangshanbo come back?"

He Tao said: "Ask them why?"

Han Bolong said: "Many of them owed the shop money for the wine, saying that they would pay back with the captured after they wiped out the bandits in Liangshan."

He Tao blushed immediately upon hearing Han Bolong's words. He also owed the wine money of Xiaoyaolou, and he already owed three or four hundred guan!
This matter has to be talked about when Chao Gai and the others outwitted the birth plan.

Cai Jing lost his birthday present for two consecutive years, which made Cai Jing furious, so he sent a paper and a government official to come to Jeju on a starry night, and asked the governor of Jeju to arrest the bandits who intercepted the birth plan within ten days, and send someone to Tokyo. If the case is not solved within the deadline, the governor of Jeju must go to Salmon Island first.

Unfortunately, it was He Tao who was in charge of this terrible job.

Fu Yin was annoyed at He Tao's failure in handling affairs, so he ordered someone to stab He Tao's face with the words "Deployed ... State" with only the name of the state left blank, and said: "If the case cannot be solved, before I go to the Salmonella Island, I will first I will stab you to far away from the evil Junzhou where the geese can't fly!"

It took He Tao a lot of effort to catch Bai Sheng and his wife, and learned that Chao Gai and other seven people had robbed the birthday outline.

However, something went wrong in the process of arresting Chao Gai and others - Chao Gai and others ran away.

Later, after He Tao made many inquiries, he found out that among them, Gongsun Sheng, Xiao Rang, Jin Dajian, and Yan Ruo went to Shuibo Liangshan to join the gang, while Chao Gai, Wu Yong, and Liu Tang went to Erlong Mountain in Qingzhou to fall grass.

Since Chao Gai, Wu Yong, and Liu Tang are not under the jurisdiction, he shouldn't have to worry about it.

However, Gongsun Sheng, Xiao Rang, Jin Dajian, and Yan Ji ran to the dangerous place of Shuibo Liangshan, so it should be out of his control. After all, that dangerous place is not something that he, a small Sandu envoy, can break through. .

But Fu Yin blamed him for slowing down, so he lost Chao Gai and others, and he still wanted to punish him.

In desperation, he could only manage up and down, entertaining his colleagues every day, begging them to speak well in front of the governor, and only temporarily escaped the catastrophe.

But in this way, he became impoverished and owed a lot of money to Xiaoyaolou, the restaurant that usually entertained his colleagues.

Han Bolong hurriedly said: "What is He Jizuu talking about? The small shop can be so peaceful, it all depends on He Jizuu's daily care, so what if the small shop sends three to five hundred guan flowers to He Jizuu, how can you ask He Jizuu for wine money? ?”

Speaking of this, Han Bolong explained: "Those sergeants are not locals after all. After the battle, if they pat their buttocks and leave, where can we go to find them? When they are in the same place, the boss will not care about it. I'm afraid they will blame me and others." It's not good to do things, so the villain asked He Jizhu to find out when they will come back, so that we can go to them and ask for the money for the drink."

He Tao heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Han Bolong was just worried about those outsiders running away, not asking him for wine money, and then said: "I don't know, I just took an errand and went to Liangshanbo to see them. How is the battle going there? If Brother Han hadn't stopped me, I would have set off now."

Han Bolong was a little worried and said: "He Zhichao, you are well-informed, and tell me if they can lose to those Liangshan bandits? The first two days of their departure, the fight seemed to be very fierce, and why there was no movement after that? They In case of defeat, wouldn't our Jeju city be very dangerous?"

He Tao said with a smile: "Brother Han is too worried, Hu Yanzhuo is a general, and what he brought with him is an army of more than 1 tigers and wolves with a complete army. How could he be defeated by a mere three to five thousand bandits?"

Han Bolong laughed and said, "That's right."

However, Han Bolong was still a little "worried" and said: "What if, what the villain said is what if they are defeated, and Liangshan bandits come to attack our place, what should we do?"

He Tao said: "Brother Han, don't worry. Although we don't have strong soldiers in Jeju Prefecture, we still have more than 1000 horse infantry, three capital arrests, three or two hundred government servants, and 10,000+ people. With a moat of more than ten feet wide, as long as the four suspension bridges in the southeast and northwest are erected, it is absolutely impossible for the three to five thousand bandits in Liangshanbo to invade our Jeju City, and there are soldiers on the left and right of the state capital. They will be able to come to help, but the reason why the Liangshan bandits are difficult to destroy is because they are huddled in Liangshanpo, which is easy to defend and difficult to achieve, if they dare to leave Liangshanbo, I will wipe them out long ago."

Hearing He Tao's words, Han Bolong heaved a sigh of relief, and then said, "Young man, you can rest assured."

He Tao said: "I still have an errand here, so I don't want to delay it. When I come back, I will have a drink with Brother Han and talk about it."

Han Bolong hurriedly said: "That's it, He Jizuu, hurry up, don't miss the mission... By the way, if He Jijuu finds out about them, please let me know, so that I can ask them for the money for the drink."

After He Tao agreed, he said goodbye and left.

After watching He Tao leave, Han Bolong returned to Xiaoyao Building, and went straight to the innermost private room on the second floor.

Knocking on the door with a secret signal, Han Bolong entered in a flash!

There are two people in the private room, one of them is a lean man with thick eyebrows and sharp eyes, who is just like Shiqian, and the other is a man with red robe and big eyes, who is Thunderbolt Lingzhen.

It turned out that as soon as the war was over, Li Yan sent out the only team that Shuibo Liangshan could send out at that time, that is, the special battalion for reporting secrets.

Li Yan's order to Shi Qian was to sneak into Jeju City with unconscionable cannons, explosive kits, and thunderbolts. The driver cooperated with people outside the city to seize the city gate and put down the suspension bridge.

In fact, Li Yan originally wanted to send another infantry army to act with Shi Qian and the others.

But at that time, Li Yan really didn't have any extra manpower.

Moreover, the soldiers in Liangshan all have a problem-they are too aggressive. When a discerning person sees them, they will know that they are soldiers.

In the end, Li Yan asked Shi Qian to go to the artillery battalion to pick up ten artillerymen with less obvious military strength, and then under the leadership of Ling Zhen, he sneaked into Jeju City with Shi Qian and others.

It was precisely because of acting together with Shi Qian that Ling Zhen became the first leader of the special battalion in Shuibo Liangshan to see the ability to report secrets. One hundred dynamite packs and one hundred thunderbolts were brought into Jeju City!
At that time, Ling Zhen and the ten artillerymen he brought were dumbfounded!
It was from that moment that Ling Zhen finally understood why Li Yan valued Shi Qian, a thief, and Shi Qian's gang of thieves so much!

As soon as they sneaked into Jeju City, Shi Qian and others approached Han Bolong, who temporarily took care of Xiaoyao Building on Zhu Fu's behalf.

Hearing that Li Yan was going to attack Jeju City, Han Bolong, who was trying his best to become a regular, was very excited, and then quickly arranged Shi Qian and others into the house that Zhu Fu had bought before, and then kept an eye on the government's movements...


(End of this chapter)

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