Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 181 Mount Tai overwhelms the top

Chapter 181 Mount Tai overwhelms the top (please subscribe!)

That day, Li Yan was furious after hearing Wu Dalang explain the ins and outs of Wu Song's imprisonment, and immediately ordered:

Ma Yijun (Lin Chongjun), Ma Independence Battalion (Shi Jinying), Buyi Army (Deng Feijun), Buli Independence Left Battalion (Chen Daying), Buli Independence Right Battalion (Yang Chunying), Paoyi Battalion, and Personal Guard Battalion immediately assembled, Then order the water army to send [-] people and [-] large ships to escort food, supplies, and infantry, and also order the first reserve army and the second reserve army to act as civilian husbands to set off together!
Adding everyone together, the Liangshan Army dispatched a total of 500 people this time, which is the same as the number dispatched when Hu Yanzhuo attacked Shuibo Liangshan.

Some people may ask, do we need to use so many people to fight a small county?

Pretty sure, no need.

But these people are idle in Shuibo Liangshan, so they might as well pull them out to practice in actual combat.

Furthermore, since there are conditions to easily capture Yanggu County with the momentum of Mount Tai, is it necessary to take the risk and have a fair duel with Yanggu County?

Under the signal of the carrier pigeon, in less than an hour, all the relevant troops were assembled.

However, Li Yan didn't take people out immediately, but let Shi Qian's secret special battalion sneak into Yanggu County first.

Learned the lesson of attacking Jeju government last time.

Shi Qian trained a team of gunners himself. In addition, Liu Huiniang improved the unscrupulous guns for them to report to the secret special battalion—their unscrupulous guns should be more convenient and more accurate. Of course, there must be gains and losses. The power of the unconscionable cannon is also much smaller.

In addition, in view of the fact that there was no lesson learned from beheading generals last time, before setting off this time, Shi Qian invited Li Yan, and then carefully selected Yang Lin, Ma Lin, and Ma Ling from among the generals. He mixed into Yanggu County together.

Two hours later, Li Yan gave the order: set off to Yanggu County by land and water!
Although Yanggu County is only a county seat, its response is not slow.

When Li Yan led a group of Liangshan Army soldiers to Yanggu County, the four gates of Yanggu County were closed.

Li Yan immediately ordered that Yang Zhiying, Xu Ningying, and Qiuyueying block the fourth, south, and north gates respectively, and not a single fly could be released. Li Yan led Lin Chongying, Zhang Qingying, Shi Jinying, and Qinweiying A total of [-] horsemen guarded the east gate of Yanggu County.

How could the people of Yanggu County not know about such a big move by the Liangshan army?

As soon as the Liangshan Army surrounded Yanggu County, Li Zhixian, the magistrate of Yanggu County, scrambled up the city wall, and then shouted: "I don't know... I don't know what the good man is doing in Yanggu County? "

Because the infantry hadn't come up yet, Zhu Wu, the military adviser with the army, suggested to Li Yan: "Brother, we'd better delay for a while, and give Brother Shi Qian some time to rescue Brother Wu Song and transfer Brother Wu Song's family to a safe place , In addition, delaying the siege until night is also beneficial to our side.”

Li Yan nodded, then took out a liquidation list dictated by Wu Dalang and written by Zhu Gui and asked Ruan Xiaoqi: "Do you know all the words on it?"

Ruan Xiaoqi's face became hot, he looked at the people on the left and right, then lowered his voice and said, "I can only recognize ten of them."

Li Yan said: "Then I will let others talk about it."

Ruan Xiaoqi hurriedly said: "Don't, brother, you know that I am most willing to do this showy thing, although I don't know the word, but I can let the six sons teach me, I promise to help my brother do it well Beautiful and bright!"

Li Yandao: "Learn to read and write, and you will never be able to hang out with me for the rest of your life."

Ruan Xiaoqi said: "It would be better to hang out with my brother for the rest of my life, I am willing, if one day I can die for my brother, that would be the best."

While speaking, Ruan Xiaoqi snatched the list from Li Yan's hand, and then shouted at Wang Dingliu: "Six, come here, come here!"

"Watch out for cold arrows when you go!"

Li Yan has nothing to do with Ruan Xiaoqi, a brother who doesn't seek to make progress. Not only that, Li Yan was a little moved after hearing Ruan Xiaoqi's words just now, "Forget it, just keep him by my side."

Wang Dingliu was originally illiterate, but unlike Ruan Xiaoqi, who was not motivated, Wang Dingliu was willing to learn, whether it was martial arts or literacy, Wang Dingliu was willing to learn, and he worked very hard. Li Yan concluded that in the future Wang Dingliu would Dingliu's achievements must be greater than Ruan Xiaoqi's, but it's strange to say that Li Yan's favorite is Ruan Xiaoqi, "Maybe it's because Qilang has been with me the longest."

After Ruan Xiaoqi memorized all the names on the piece of paper, he patted his horse and came to the bottom of the city, and then swaggered: "Is there anyone in the city who can breathe?"

Seeing that Liang Shanjun was finally willing to answer, Li Zhixian hurriedly said, "I don't know what advice the hero can give you?"

Ruan Xiaoqi sat on the horse with a golden knife, and said: "All of you listen to Grandpa, Wu Song Wu Erlang is the sworn brother of my elder brother Shuiboliang Village Master Supreme Treasure Li Yan. He was killed by Ximen Qing and others from your county. After being imprisoned, my brother was furious, and you are now limited to two hours to send Brother Wu Song out by using the Eight Lift Bridge, and hand over the following people!"

Speaking of this, Ruan Xiaoqi shook off the paper snatched from Li Yan, and said loudly: "Ximenqing, Wang Po, Earl Ying..."

Wu Dalang's knowledge is really shallow. Except for Ximen Qing and Ximen Qing's sworn brothers and Wang Po, he doesn't know who else participated in the frame of Wu Song.

Of course, this is not absolute. Wu Dalang actually knows another person, and this person is Li Datian, the county magistrate.

However, out of fear of the official, Wu Dalang deliberately did not mention Li Datian's name.

Therefore, the list dictated by Wu Dalang only contained the names of Ximen Qing and Ximen Qing's sworn brothers and Wang Po.

It's not that Li Yan didn't expect that the person who framed Wu Song appointed not only Ximen Qing, his sworn brothers and Wang Po, but even Li Datian, the county magistrate, must be involved.

But Li Yan did not expand the scope of liquidation.

Li Yan had his own calculations. Although Yanggu County without moats and high walls was not as difficult to attack as those prefectures, if there was firm resistance, then the Liangshan Army would have to spend a lot of lives to take down Yanggu County.

Therefore, if there is no fight, Wu Song can be rescued and revenge for Wu Song's capture of Ximen Qing and others. Li Yan would rather let the corrupt official Li Zhixian go.

After reading the list, Ruan Xiaoqi put the list away, and said: "In a moment, if there is one less person, we will destroy your Yanggu County, and conduct a public trial against you corrupt officials and rich and heartless big families! In addition, our Liangshan army cannot Come to your county, and your county will lend me Liangshanbo 500 million shi grains and 500 million guan coins. I Liangshanbo will help you to accumulate virtue. Grandpa warned you that food and money cannot be raised from the poor. If I, Liangshanbo, know that there is a grain Food and pennies are raised from the poor, and our Liangshan army will surely crush your Yanggu County and hold a public trial for you!"

When they heard that Liang Shanjun came to save Wu Song and avenge Wu Song, everyone scolded Ximen Qing, Wang Po and others!
With the situation like this, Ximen Qing, Wang Po and the others were not very popular, so Li Zhixian and others quickly reached an agreement to hand over Ximen Qing, his sworn brothers and Wang Po.

As for the 500 million shi of grain and 500 million guan of money that Li Yan wanted, Li Zhi County could not decide on this matter, so he had to call all the dignitaries in the county to discuss it.

After deciding on a countermeasure, Li Zhixian and Di Xiancheng took people to arrest Ximen Qing and others, others to arrest Wang Po, and others to notify the county's dignitaries to come and discuss how to raise money and food...


(End of this chapter)

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