Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 310 Master 1

Chapter 310 The No. [-] Master (Please Subscribe!)


Zhu Gui invited Lu Junyi to the mountain, and Lu Junyi saw a big pass. In front of the pass, there were guns, knives, swords, halberds, bows, crossbows, daggers, and spears.

The two were able to get in, and team flags were placed all over the aisle on both sides.

After walking for a while, we finally came to the gate of the camp.

Looking at the camp, Lu Junyi saw high mountains on all sides, and a mirror-like flat land in the middle, with a radius of three to five hundred feet.

From a long distance away, Lu Junyi heard the loud shouts in the camp.

After entering the camp, Lu Junyi took a deep breath. The school grounds were filled with darkness, and there were at least 5 to [-] horses. "How can there be so many horses in Liangshanpo?"

Zhu Gui inquired for a while, and then took Lu Junyi to find Li Yan and others who were organizing the First Army.

Zhu Gui stepped forward and whispered something to Li Yan, and Li Yan brought a few people over.

To Lu Junyi's surprise, he actually saw two acquaintances among the people!

Not long after, Li Yan and others came to Lu Junyi, and then Xu Guanzhong said with a smile: "Don't you come here all right?"

Lu Junyi hurriedly said: "I have seen Mr. Xu, but why is Mr. Xu here?"

Xu Guanzhong smiled and said: "I have voted for the governor, and now I am one of the military advisers of the governor."

Lu Junyi was shocked when he heard this!
He knows how capable this Mr. Xu Guanzhong is, and even more so, how high-spirited this Mr. Xu Guanzhong is!
Unexpectedly, even Mr. Xu Guanzhong voted for Li Yan!
Lin Chong who was at the side said: "Your brother only sees Mr. Xu, but never sees you as brother?"

Lu Junyi bowed to Lin with some reluctance: "I've met senior brother."

Although there is a nearly ten-year age gap between the two, Lin Chong and Lu Junyi both studied under Zhou Tong, the iron arm of the Shaanxi hero.

Back then, when Zhou Tong opened a martial arts gym in Tokyo, Lin Chong was Zhou Tong's official disciple and had learned martial arts from Zhou Tong for many years.

Many years later, Lu Junyi admired Zhou Tong's name and also worshiped Zhou Tong as his teacher.

Lu Junyi's talent is extremely high, and within a few years, he has had few opponents.

Slowly, Lu Junyi also began to challenge Lin Chong, the number one master in the martial arts gym at that time.

In the end, Lin Chong was lucky enough to win.

After that, Lin Chong never competed with Lu Junyi again, and later became a coach directly. There was no chance for Lu Junyi to win back. Even if Lu Junyi came to ask for advice, Lin Chong would not compare with him.

Lu Junyi has been brooding over this matter!

In fact, Lu Junyi also knows that his current martial arts should be higher than Lin Chong's, because Lin Chong was in a hurry to become an instructor, and he didn't learn all the martial arts of their master. Among all the apprentices of their master, he was the only one who had learned all the martial arts. , Their master once clearly said that his martial arts has surpassed Lin Chong.

But knowing that Gui knows, there is no comparison, he just has no chance to prove this, no comparison, in name, he is not as good as Lin Chong.

Later, Lin Chong was assassinated and sent to Cangzhou for offending Gao Qiu and his son, and then fell into grass, which made Lu Junyi even less likely to compete with Lin Chong.

Now this opportunity is so rare that Lu Junyi couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother, let's compete for a while, okay?"

What Lu Junyi never expected was that Lin Chong agreed and said, "Okay."

Lin Chong agreed so happily, but Lu Junyi was a little surprised. He clearly remembered how Lin Chong rejected his competition at the beginning!
Lin Chong said: "I have something to ask for my brother, please do it!"

"It turns out that I have something to ask for. I said how happy I am this time, but... what can he ask me for?"

It is worth paying some price to fulfill the wish of defeating Lin Chong, so Lu Junyi said simply: "Brother, please order."

Lin Chong said: "Junior Brother should have learned the whole set of stick techniques created by Master, right?"

Although there were some discrepancies, why did Lin Chong ask about the stick technique, but Lu Junyi still said truthfully: "I have learned everything."

Lin Chong said: "Brother, I beg my junior to teach this set of cudgel techniques to the governor, I wonder if it is possible?"

Why do you think Lin Chong agreed to compete with Lu Junyi so readily?
First of all, Lin Chong, who has experienced so much, is no longer mentally like before. He doesn't take victory so seriously, and his skin is not as thin as before. He feels that losing to his junior is no big deal.

Secondly, Lin Chong has now become a general as he wished. What he pursues is a higher position, not personal bravery, and only Li Yan can bring Lin Chong a higher position. Therefore, it is no big deal to lose some people for Li Yan , On the contrary, it can be promoted by Li Yan.

Hearing Lin Chong mention Li Yan, Lu Junyi remembered that he hadn't paid his respects to Li Yan yet, and immediately bowed to Li Yan: "The villain is rude, please punish him!"

Li Yan smiled and said, "It's okay."

Lu Junyi said unequivocally: "If the governor wants to learn this set of stick techniques from my master, the villain will give him all he can, but... the villain has not returned home for more than forty days. If the governor is not in a hurry, let Xiao People go home and stay for three to five days, and then come back to teach the chief governor this stick technique."

Li Yan did not point out that Li Gu is a white-eyed wolf. First, he may not believe Lu Junyi's current conceited character. Second, Li Yan also hopes that Lu Junyi will grow up through this matter, and then he will be recruited to serve as the first battalion of the army. A command of mounted cavalry.

Li Yan said: "Don't worry, I'm just a little itchy because I learned half of the set and didn't learn it all, but it's not too short of time."

Li Yan did not lie.

Li Yan has a lot of masters, and most of them have learned from Li Yan, and those who know how to stick have taught Li Yan one or two sets of stick skills.

And Li Yan is very talented, and he can learn it as soon as he learns it.

Nowadays, Li Yan can definitely be said to be a master of stick technique, a master of stick technique who gathers the strengths of a hundred schools of thought.

Therefore, for Li Yan, the half-set of Zhou Tong's stick method now is more about making up for regret than practicality.

Li Yan ordered to prepare wine and food to entertain Lu Junyi.

After the meal, Lu Junyi, who had already been impatient, went to Lin Chong.

Lin Chong did not shirk, and directly took Lu Junyi to the open space in front of the Juyi Hall, and the two chose a pole each.

Lu Junyi had been waiting for this battle for many years, so he went straight to the fight.

Although Lin Chong knew that he was not Lu Junyi's opponent, he didn't want to lose easily, so he tried his best to fight Lu Junyi.

As soon as they fought, the poles of the two people turned around like a swimming dragon, pointing at a point, and when they reached a corner, there was no response.

Before they knew it, they hit seventy or eighty.

At this time, Lin Chong began to lose the enemy gradually.

Lu Junyi's stick was as elusive as a poisonous dragon, and when it hit a hundred times, Lin Chong was already unable to parry.

After a lot of effort, Lin Chong found an opportunity, took the risk of taking three steps back and exited the battle, and then gasped and said, "The younger brother's martial arts skills are becoming more and more exquisite, my brother... my brother is no longer your opponent. "

Lu Junyi was breathless and said, "Brother, be humble, there is not much difference between you and me."

Lin Chong said with a smile: "You don't need to be like this, I can afford to lose for my brother, and my brother is not the top player in Liang Shanbo, and he can't even be ranked among the top three. It's nothing for my brother to beat me."

Lu Junyi didn't believe it!
Although Lin Chong lost to him, he was definitely a first-class master. How could he not even rank in the top three?

Lu Junyi couldn't help but said: "Who is the number one expert in Guizhai?"

Lin Chong said, "Naturally, it's the governor."

Lu Junyi hesitated for a moment, then bowed to Li Yanyi and said: "The villain is bold, I beg the governor to compete with the villain once!"


(End of this chapter)

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