Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 324 Personal Soldiers

Chapter 324 Personal Soldiers (please subscribe!)

After Bian Jiang, who went to explore the road, came back, anyone could see that Bian Jiang had something on his mind.

Seeing this, Li Yan called Bian Jiang over and said, "What's wrong?"

Bian Jiang reported: "To the governor, when I went to explore the road just now, I saw a villager who could carry a firewood load of five or six hundred catties like flying, and could shoot wild birds at a distance of a hundred paces. I wanted to recruit him for the governor, but he lied to me that I was young..." Afterwards, Bian Jiang told Li Yan the whole story of his contact with Niu Gao.

After listening, Li Yan confirmed it calmly: "He said his name is Niu Gao?"

Bian Jiang said: "Yes, the governor."

After being confirmed by Bian Jiang, Li Yan said: "Go, follow me to meet him."

In the storytelling, Niu Gao is just a gag, which is comparable to Cheng Yaojin who talks about Tangli.

In fact, Niu Gao is not an ordinary person. He is not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also very knowledgeable in the art of war and resourceful. He is a very powerful general.

After the Jin army invaded, Niu Gao joined the anti-gold team to defend his hometown. Because of his superb arrow skills, Niu Gao became an archer at the beginning and performed military exploits.

Therefore, Niu Gao quickly stood out.

Because of his high martial arts skills and his straightforward and upright personality, after the main force was disabled, Niu Gao raised his voice, and the crowd gathered.

After that, Niu Gao organized the people to block the Jin army in the Pingdingshan area, winning many times.

Later, he was promoted to Baoyilang by virtue of his meritorious service.

When Du served as the left-behind in Tokyo, Niu Gao crusade against the powerful bandit Yang Jin in Lushan, won three battles and won three times, and was repeatedly promoted to the governor of Rongzhou and the commander of the Chinese army.

The Jin army attacked the west of Beijing again, and Niu Gao won more than ten battles with the enemy, and was promoted to the training envoy of the Guozhou regiment.

The Jin army attacked Jiangxi and retreated from Jingmen to the north. Niu Gao led his troops to ambush in Songcun, Baofeng, defeated the Jin army, and was promoted to Hezhou Defense Envoy to serve as the commander of the five armies.

He also fought with the golden general Bojin at Dengjiaqiao in Lushan, defeated Bojin, and was transferred to the Western Road to recruit envoys.

Puppet Qi asked Jin to invade the Southern Song Dynasty. Niu Gao set up an ambush in a dangerous place, and personally led a large army to station in Danxia to wait for the invading enemy. State, Xinyang Army Town Fushi, Zhicaizhou.

It can be seen from these resumes that Niu Gao is brave and resourceful, he is a general in command of the army, not a comedian.

That's exactly what happened.

Later, Yue Fei was in charge of military affairs in Jiangxi and Hubei, and decided that Xianghan would march into the Central Plains to recover the lost land. Niu Gao went to Lin'an to meet Zhao Gou, insisting that Liu Yu would be defeated and the Central Plains could be restored. Then join the Yue Family Army.

After joining the Yue Family Army, both Niu Gao and the Yue Family Army were at ease.

Niu Gao was older than Yue Fei, and because of his outstanding military exploits, he was respected by Yue Fei.

Since joining the Yue Family Army, Niu Gao has been serving as the deputy commander of the Yue Family Army. The two Yue Niu fought side by side and wrote an epic history of the anti-golden war.

Captured Wang Song alive, captured Yang Yao alive, and defeated Jin Wushu four times. Later, when the Jin people saw Niu Gao on the battlefield, they were very awed, and they often collapsed without fighting. Under Yue Fei's command, Niu Gao led his troops to the Yellow River Along the coast, in the many battles against Xuchang and Bianjing, he was born and died, and won many battles. He made great contributions to recovering the lost land of the Central Plains. So, the Privy Council uses Niu Gao to manage all affairs.

In history, Niu Gao did not "laugh Niu Gao to death, anger Wushu to death" and Jin Wushu died together, but was poisoned to death by Qin Hui. Jin Yihe advocated going north to restore the Central Plains, and repeatedly offended Qin Hui.So Qin Hui secretly ordered Tian Shizhong to kill Niu Gao with poisoned wine in the name of entertaining generals from all walks of life.

Before he died, Niu Gao said angrily: "Niu Gao is 61 years old. He is enough from an official to an attendant. What I hate is the peace between the north and the south, so that I can't die wrapped in horse leather, but just die under the eaves!"

The general's integrity is high through the ages, and the world-shaking heroic wind accompanies King E.The clouds on the mountains are more generous, and the wind and rain in the cave are desolate.Tears are muddy and weeds produce red medicine, and bone abscesses turn green mountains into phoenixes.The old cypress still has grudges, so why should the shrouded corpse go to the battlefield.

Li Yan likes enemies like Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing, but Li Yan also likes generals like Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, and Niu Gao the most, because they are the key to the outcome of a war.

Of course, Niu Gao cannot be compared with Yue Fei and Han Shizhong—Niu Gao is certainly brave and loyal, but because of his alcoholism and other personalities, he cannot be used as the sole leader, and can only be used at a slightly lower level. .

But even so, Niu Gao is very rare, far stronger than most of Li Yan's generals.

That's why Li Yan came to see Niu Gao in Shibeigou in person.

This Shibeigou village is located in the deep mountains and old forests, the traffic is blocked, and the people are sparsely populated. It took a lot of effort for the sentry to find it.

Therefore, when Li Yan came to Niu Gao's house, it was already four days later.

When Li Yan arrived, Niu Gao was not at home, but went out to collect firewood, only his mother, wife and children were at home.

Li Yan asked someone to tell Niu Gao's mother to comfort the frightened Niu Gao's family, and then waited outside the courtyard for Niu Gao to come back.

Niu Gao, who had sold firewood, waited from morning to afternoon, and waited until it was dark, to come back.

Seeing that his house was besieged by the army, Niu Gao was shocked, and then he thought that it might be that he taught that young general a few days ago to cause the trouble!

Niu Gao didn't do too much psychological struggle, so he honestly "cast himself in the trap".

Looking at the soldiers of the First Army wearing solid armor with bows and knives on their backs, if it is said that Niu Gao, who is only a villager at this time, is not afraid, then the designation is false, but no matter what, Niu Gao bites the bullet He came to Bian Jiang who was standing next to Li Yan, and apologized: "It was my fault that day, I hope the little general Haihan will let my family go, and I will listen to the little general."

Bian Jiang looked at Li Yan.

Li Yan said: "Are you Niu Gao?"

Seeing that everyone else was standing and only Li Yan was sitting, how could Niu Gao have guessed that Li Yan was the biggest official, how could he not have guessed that the fate of their family depended on Li Yan's attitude?

Therefore, upon hearing Li Yan's question, Niu Gao hastily replied: "General..."

Ma Ling said: "Call the governor!"

Niu Gao quickly changed his words: "I report to the Governor, the villain is Niu Gao!"

Li Yandao: "I heard from Bian Jiang that your archery skills are pretty good."

Niu Gao replied: "Selling firewood is difficult to support the family, so I learned archery from others, so that I can hunt some prey to support the family."

Li Yan asked again: "Have you ever learned martial arts?"

Niu Gao replied: "When I was young, I worshiped a master and studied for seven or eight years, but I haven't practiced for three or five years."

Li Yan asked again: "Can you read?"

Niu Gao said: "When I was learning martial arts, I learned some random tactics from my master, so I can read some characters."

Li Yan nodded, and said: "My name is Li Yan, the governor of the Anton Protectorate, I wonder if you would like to be my personal soldier?"


(End of this chapter)

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