Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 328 Borrowing money

Chapter 328 Borrowing money (please subscribe!)

I heard that the Daming Mansion, one of the four capitals of the Song Dynasty, was captured by a group of bandits and bandits, and even killed Liang Zhongshu. Everyone from Zhao Ji down was in an uproar!
Zhao Ji couldn't help asking: "Where did the bandits come from Erlong Mountain?"

Cai Jing replied: "This group of bandits is the same band of bandits who attacked Gaotang and Qingzhou."

After hearing this, Zhao Ji was furious: "They also attacked Gaotang Prefecture and Qingzhou? Why didn't anyone report to me?"

After hearing this, Liang Shicheng stood up and said, "Report to the official family. When Gaotang Prefecture and Qingzhou Province were breached, I reported it to the official family. At that time, the official family... was a little busy, so I asked the official family to rewrite it as a memorial." ..."

After hearing Liang Shicheng's veiled words, Zhao Ji immediately understood what was going on.

He has done this kind of thing too many times, but whenever he concentrates on cultivating, or chatting with concubines, or engaging in artistic creation, he will do it.

His unmarked memorials have long piled up like a mountain, and Liang Shicheng's designation for these two memorials is also among them.

Zhao Ji said without blushing and heartbeat: "Look at me, I'm not old, but my memory is poor, so I forgot about it." Zhao Ji's tone changed, and he said, "Why didn't you send troops to rescue?"

Gao Qiu glanced at Cai Jing, but said nothing.

Cai Jing was not in a panic, and said: "Sent, the Privy Council sent Guan Sheng, the descendant of King Wu An, a three-point hero at the end of the Han Dynasty, to lead an army of [-] horses and [-] infantry to rescue. It was completely wiped out by Erlong Mountain, which led to the breach of Daming Mansion and Liang Shijie's death in battle."

Zhao Ji said angrily, "Guan Sheng is incompetent, hateful!"

Cai Jingdao: "Because of successive years of famine, bandits are rampant everywhere. If Tian Hu and Wang Qing who openly rebelled cannot be suppressed in time, there will be countless bandits like Erlong Mountain jumping up. It may be difficult to control when they are here. Therefore, my minister If you are willing to ask the officials to use the money in the sealed pile treasury to help the victims, and then distribute a full amount of troops to the Western Army, so that they can wipe out bandits from all over the place, so that our great Song Dynasty will last forever and prosper forever."

Zhao Jidao: "I understand Qing Anbang's heart to fix the country, but the ancestor's precepts must not be violated. In the sixth year of Zhenzong Xianping, Liao Xiao Empress Dowager and Liao Shengzong Yelu Longxu led an army into Chanzhou in the Song Dynasty in the name of recovering Waqiao Pass. It is critical, Zhenzong never used the money and silver in the sealed pile treasury, and now only two groups of thieves in the country are rebelling, and I will use the money and silver in the sealed pile treasury, it is really difficult to explain to the ancestors and the royal family."

Tong Guandao: "Now that we have established contact with the Kingdom of Jin, we can join forces with the Kingdom of Jin to attack the Liao Kingdom, regain the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, and use the money in the sealed pile treasury. Training."

Zhao Ji said: "Didn't it mean that the Khitan had already ceded the Liaodong land to the Jurchen, and made the Jurchen Lord the King of Donghuai, so the Khitan and the Jurchen often prayed for peace?"


Tong Guan was speechless.

At this time, the traffic was not developed, and Song Guo’s spies in Liao State were not very effective, so that the news Song Guo got was either not true or not comprehensive enough. In addition, many people in the DPRK opposed Lian Jin’s attack on Liao. , As a result, Song State has been hesitant about Lian Jin's attack on Liao Dynasty.

In the end, Tong Guan could only say weakly: "Zhao Liangsi said that the Lord of the Liao Dynasty does not look like a king. If you use the law of appearance, you will die sooner or later. If the Liao Dynasty is dead, our Great Song Dynasty will take back the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun." It's like picking something out of a bag."

Zhao Ji thought for a while, and said: "Send one person and a painter to the Liao Kingdom to paint the portrait of the Liao Lord. I ask all the immortal masters to see if he has the appearance of subjugation, and then decide whether to attack Liao with gold."

Tong Guan wanted to lobby Zhao Ji again, but Zhao Ji refused to give Tong Guan this opportunity. Zhao Ji said, "That's the matter. In addition, no one is allowed to seal the piles in the pile bank before attacking Liao and recovering the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun." The idea of ​​money!"

Seeing Zhao Ji's determination, Cai Jing, Tong Guan and others could only keep their mouths shut.

Although Zhao Ji insisted not to use the money and silver in the sealed pile treasury, it did not mean that Zhao Ji did not want to deal with Tian Hu and Wang Qing, two rebels who dared to openly rebel. This kind of thing cannot be tolerated by any monarch, even a The faint king who is so faint that he can no longer faint.

Zhao Ji looked at the officials and said, "Which Ai Qing can share my worries?"

No one answered.

Zhao Ji asked again: "Which lover can share my worries?"

Still no answer.

Zhao Ji asked for the third time: "Could it be that there is no civil and military man in the Manchu Dynasty who can share my worries?"

Seeing such a difficult time for a good friend, Cai You feels the same way!
It may be that this basic love stimulated Cai You's brain, and Cai Xiu came up with an idea!
The more he thought about it, the more Cai You felt that his idea was feasible!

Zhao Ji said angrily: "You all say that you have the talent to stabilize the country and stabilize the country. At this time of national calamity, no one can relieve my worries!"

At this time, Cai Youlang said: "I have a plan, which will surely relieve the worries of the officials!"

Zhao Ji was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "Cai Aiqing, what is the plan!"

Cai You said: "Officials can borrow money from others."

After hearing Cai You's "bad idea", Zhao Ji was disappointed!
To make up for the 3000 Western Army's military salary, plus relief to the victims, it would cost at least [-] to [-] yuan. Who can afford so much money?
This is indeed the case.

Rich people like Chai Jin and Lu Junyi have at most 200 million.

Even if someone is richer than Chai Jin and Lu Junyi, at most they have 700 million family assets.

How could it be possible to lend Zhao Ji two 3000 million guan?
Zhao Ji said: "I know that Aiqing is the one who divides the worries of the couple, and this is my lovely plan..."

Cai You said: "The officials are worried that no one will be able to take out this much money?"

Zhao Ji asked: "Can someone come up with so much money?"

Cai You said confidently: "One person will be able to come up with these coins!"

Zhao Ji asked, "Who?"

In fact, some smart people such as Cai Jing have already guessed that the person Cai You mentioned is Li Yan.

But these people did not rush to say Li Yan's name before Cai You.

First, they don't want to offend Cai You, who is currently the most beloved.

Secondly, this matter can not be solved by just saying Li Yan's name - the biggest problem is not whether Li Yan has so much money, but to persuade Li Yan to lend so much money to Zhao Ji.


Cai You said: "This person is Li Yan, the governor of the Anton Protectorate."

Zhao Ji said differently: "Li Yan? Is he so rich?"

Cai You said: "The officials may not know that Li Yan's glass and soap are selling like crazy. I heard that Li Yan made less than 5000 to 2000 million yuan by relying on the glass and soap. Don't forget the officials, Li Yan captured half of Korea, although Korea is small, but half of the wealth of Korea must be there... In short, Li Yan should be able to get the three to twenty million guan."

Hearing Cai You's analysis, Zhao Ji's eyes lit up, and he thought: "If I can really borrow 3000 to [-] million coins from Li Yan, everything can be easily solved, but...is it possible for Li Yan to lend me so much money? ?”


(End of this chapter)

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