Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 335 Not a God

Chapter 335 Not a God (please subscribe!)


"This cake is so soft and delicious!"

"Wow! There's meat in this soup!"

"This pickle is also delicious, salty and crispy!"


Yue Fei glared at Wang Gui, Zhang Xian and the others with a black line on his face, and then said with some embarrassment: "Let the elder brother see the joke. The farmer has had no harvest in the past two years, and everyone can't eat enough."

The rough man, that is, Niu Gao, said: "I am also from the Yellow River, how can I not know?"

Yue Fei sighed: "This is the way of the world!" Then Yue Fei said: "By the way, big brother, what's going on?"

Niu Gao said: "What else can it be? The governor will help the victims. Those who are hungry will be given porridge, and those who are sick will be given medical treatment and free medicine."

Yue Fei asked: "It will cost the governor a lot of money and food, right? I heard that the governor has been helping the victims for three years, but is it true?"

Niu Gao said: "It can be false. The governor donates thousands or even tens of thousands of shi of grain every day. In the past three years, nearly ten million shi of grain has been donated. Millions of people in Hebei and Shandong have died because of the help of the governor. And live."

Yue Fei was silent for a while, then said: "The governor's food is all stolen..."

Niu Gao laughed and said: "Is this important? The governor really distributed food to the poor and saved the lives of countless poor people. If those high-ranking officials and nobles hadn't committed serious crimes, the governor would not kill them. If they didn't do evil , the governor would not even raid their homes. Poor people like us would not be able to survive. Without the governor, wouldn’t we poor people wait for our families to starve to death in this year of either drought or flood? "

As soon as many people mentioned Yue Fei, they raised Yue Fei to the height of a national hero, imposed countless righteousness on him, and some even regarded Yue Fei as a god.

There are also some despicable people who use Yue Fei's subordinates to kill prisoners of war and rob people's daughters, use Yue Fei to kill his uncle, use Yue Fei to suppress a national uprising, and use Yue Fei's soldiers to get back a few pennies because of careless shopping. He beheaded Yue Fei as a reason to slander Yue Fei, and even said Yue Fei was a traitor.

First of all, Yue Fei is not designated as a god.

Whether Yue Fei is a national hero or not is a matter of debate—due to historical changes and ethnic integration, the matter of whether Yue Fei is a national hero or not has become too complicated. There are different opinions.

But one thing is certain, that is, Yue Fei is definitely not a minister, and people who hold such views are the most shameless villains!

Without the resolute resistance of Yue Fei and others, what would Zhao Gou, Qin Hui and others have to negotiate a peace?

If Yue Fei was a treacherous minister, he could support his troops and stand on his own, and he could even lead his troops to surrender to the Kingdom of Jin like Li Qiong did. But the result was that although Yue Fei regretted that his ten years of hard work were wasted, he was still called back to Hangzhou and died in the In prison at Dali Temple!

You know, let's not talk about Yue Fei's contribution to the nation, there is no dispute about his contribution to the Southern Song Dynasty.

How did a rural boy with no background neither support nor participate in the transformation of Miao and Liu become a king, nor did he have the background left by his father? degree?If you don't rely on military exploits, what do you rely on?
Well, let’s say that he fought mostly domestic bandits and peasant rebels, without mentioning the significance of these military operations for the early days of the Southern Song Dynasty. What about the Jiankang battle?What about recovering the six counties of Xiangyang?

Not to mention the famous ten-year Northern Expedition of Shaoxing, Yancheng Yingchang, Zhang Xian who won the Huaining Mansion and Yingchang is not the most credited general among the generals, what kind of credit is Niu Gao who is the "most meritorious" You can probably imagine it.

This is just a "frontal battlefield".

Yue Fei also sent his men to lead the rebel army in the enemy-occupied area, holding back the pace of the Jin army going south.

Yue Fei's contribution to the Southern Song Dynasty is an ironclad fact!

And all the evidence pointing to Yue Fei's guilt is untenable, so it is unfounded.

Therefore, killing Yue Fei under such circumstances, Yue Fei died unjustly, and anyone who said Yue Fei was a minister is an indisputable villain.

Secondly, Yue Fei resolutely resisted the gold. Right or wrong, this related to the national conditions at the time, but his backbone was admirable. If a country does not even have people who have the courage to resist, then this country should be destroyed.

Again, there is no doubt that Yue Fei is a first-class commander. Although Yue Fei is not without defeat, he can build a group of mob troops into a strong army that can compete head-on with the number one army (Golden Army) at that time. A superb commander.

As for Yue Fei's crimes listed by those villains.

Kou Cheng killed the captives and Han Shunfu kidnapped the woman for drinking, please continue to see Yue Fei's treatment of these two people.

Let’s talk about Yue Fei’s murder of his uncle. Can you first look at the cause and effect? ​​It was Yue Fei’s uncle who disobeyed military discipline and intended to murder the commander-in-chief Yue Fei. During the execution, you bent the law for personal gain, and you acted like the Yue family army who froze to death and refused to demolish the house.

Take Yue Fei's suppression of the national uprising as an issue.

At the beginning of Zhong Xiang and Yang Yao's uprising, they declared that: the law distinguishing the rich from the poor and the rich from the poor is not a good law.I practice the law, equal to the noble and the humble, rich and poor alike.

But the situation is really big, these slogans are all deceptive nonsense.

After gaining a firm foothold, Yang Yao and Zhong Ziyi, the son of Prime Minister Zhong, and other leaders gradually betrayed the purpose of "equaling the rich and the poor, equaling the rich and the poor". But he was so poor that Yue Fei scrambled to join him.

Yang Yao not only enjoys himself, but also indiscriminately uses military power, burns countless houses and temples, kills officials, scholars, monks and Taoists indiscriminately, calls the indiscriminate killing of innocents "practice", mixes barbaric burning with resistance to imperial oppression, and gives Dongting Lake The area caused great damage, so that the people were in dire straits. It was not until Yue Fei put down Yang Yao's army that he gradually recovered.

In addition, Zhizhou Liu Yuan received a report from the Song army who managed to escape after being captured by Yang Yao, and learned that Yang Yao had already allied with the puppet Qi and made an appointment to attack the Song Dynasty together in the next autumn. In addition, there are many evidences pointing to the collusion between the two parties in an attempt to overthrow the Southern Song Dynasty , Yang Yao has become the third major scourge after "Golden Soldiers, Puppet Qi".

The reason why Yue Fei was able to easily defeat Yang Yao was because Yang Yao was unpopular, and the Yue family's army won the hearts of the people. Captured.

To put it bluntly, throughout the ages, one counts as one. The reason why they jumped up to revolt was not for the hard work of the masses, but for the sake of making them live a better life. Extremely rare.

As for Yue Fei's annihilation of Yang Yao, in the final analysis, he said that he must first settle down in order to fight against the outside world.

If Yang Yao was really united with the puppet Qi and Jin, the Southern Song Dynasty might have been destroyed by them long ago.

The soldiers who took Yue Fei were beheaded and beheaded by Yue Fei just because they carelessly returned a few extra coins when they bought something.

[-]. Whether the soldiers were really careless or deliberately took advantage of the common people remains to be verified.

Second, if Yue Fei really exchanged a soldier's head for the iron-like discipline of the Yue Family Army, or used the soldier's head to establish his own authority as those despicable people guessed, what's wrong?
Kindness does not control soldiers, righteousness does not control wealth, and if you want to command an army of 10 people, can you do it only by loving soldiers like sons and benevolence of women?

Of course, it wasn't fair to that little soldier.

But what Yue Fei did made the military discipline of the Yue family army so strict that it is amazing.

A soldier was buying firewood in Hukou County, and the people took the initiative to charge less than two pennies. The soldier firmly refused, saying, "Do you want to use these two pennies to buy my head?"

In the second year of Shaoxing, the Yue family's army defeated Cao Cheng and stationed in Jiangzhou. The military expenditure was not enough for a while.

Over time, the reputation of the Yue family's army became so good that when the common people heard that other troops were coming, they ran away without a trace, as if they had encountered bandits. Whereas the Yue family's army passed by, the common people went out to watch, and even burst into tears, full of excitement.

And Yue Fei also set an example, shared the joys and sorrows with his subordinates, and often ate with the lowest-ranking soldiers. All the wine and meat were distributed equally. Yue Fei would never live in the camp alone.

This is how Yue Fei built the mighty Yue Family Army bit by bit.

Yue Fei is not a god, and even a god cannot cover everything.

To be honest, Yue Fei probably never thought that after his death, he would be deified.

Yue Fei might not even be a national hero.

Actually, Yue Fei is quite simple.

He is a soldier with a sense of responsibility and firm political opinions. What national righteousness, loyalty to the emperor and serving the country may have been imposed on him by others.

He, especially the fledgling him, is really simple, he just wants to make his family live better, he just wants to stand out, he just can't see through the cowardly Song army, he just can't see through the cowardly generals, and he just hates the Jin who plundered his homeland. Soldiers, so rise up and resist.

As for national righteousness, loyalty to the emperor and serving the country, if there is, it is accumulated little by little, and it also sprouted as Yue Fei's status continued to rise.

In the beginning, Yue Fei was just an ordinary warrior, an ordinary soldier. In the era of wars everywhere, as a lowly soldier, he might die at any time. How could he have so many thoughts?
Yue Fei joined the army for the second time because of floods in Hebei and other roads, and the livelihood of the Yue family was difficult. Yue Fei joined the army again in order to make a living.

That's why Li Yan didn't take the initiative to find Yue Fei.

Because Li Yan did not regard Yue Fei as a god or a national hero, but only regarded Yue Fei as a superb soldier.

This is actually the reason why Yue Fei came to join the army.

Although Yue Fei has a vague idea of ​​being loyal to the emperor and serving the country in his heart, to Yue Fei now, the most important thing is that his family is full of food, and the most important thing is that his newly born children don't starve to death like many children .

So, after hearing Niu Gao's words, Yue Fei thought it was right, so he didn't ask any more questions, and quickly ate some pancakes and bowls of broth, preparing to participate in the assessment later.


(End of this chapter)

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