Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 339 Do It Yourself

Chapter 339 Do It Yourself (Please Subscribe!)

In history, Wang Gui and Yao Zheng betrayed Yue Fei.

Therefore, when accepting Wang Gui and Yao Zheng, Li Yan also hesitated!

However, now the Liangshan Army has nearly 15 regular troops, plus more than 20 reserve troops, plus the [-] to [-] reserve troops recruited from Hebei this time, there will be nearly [-], so there is an urgent need for military commanders.

Wang Gui and Yao Zheng, especially Wang Gui, are rare military leaders.

Wang Gui has made great achievements in defeating Cao Cheng, pacifying Jiqian, and recovering Xianghan. Of course, Wang Gui also has a cowardly side in his character, but if the person who leads him is Yue Fei, then Wang Gui's weakness can be ignored , because Yue Fei does not allow his subordinates to be cowardly.

Although Yao Zheng was not comparable to Wang Gui, he had made great achievements in many battles.

It's really a pity not to accept these two people.

Another fair word.

From the original intention, Wang Gui and Yao Zheng didn't want to harm Yue Fei either.

Qin Hui and Zhang Junmi lured Wang Jun, the main general who was almost beheaded by Yue Fei for violating military law, to betray the Yue family army, but Wang Gui resisted. Later, Zhang Jun asked Wang Gui's privacy and threatened him.

The situation of Yao Zheng is actually similar.

So, if Zhao Gou didn't want Yue Fei to die, there would be no problem with these two people.

Of course, for people with the character of Wang Gui and Yao Zheng to lead the army alone, there is no need to think about it. They should honestly assist Yue Fei.

In addition, there is nothing to say about Yue Fei's ability and character, but Yue Fei's character (likes to put down picks and disobey orders.) is really a problem. It is good to keep Wang Gui and Yao Zheng to watch Yue Fei, and then give Yue Fei a capable, A military adviser with military merits, prestige, and a better personality, such as Zhu Wu, will definitely make Yue Fei make fewer mistakes.

Some people may ask, Yue Fei likes to put down picks and disobey orders, is Li Yan really not worried about Yue Fei's rebellion at all?

Don't worry, not at all.

With Yue Fei's character, he can only be a general and cannot rebel.

Yue Fei's imperial orders are too strict, so strict that he doesn't care about human feelings, so strict that he is almost harsh.

Wang Gui, Fu Qing, Yao Zheng and others are all generals under Yue Fei, and many of them have been with him since his infancy, but they made mistakes, and Yue Fei directly wanted to beat and kill them regardless of nostalgia. their face.

Yue Yun, Yue Fei's son, was wearing a heavy armor and practicing Pegasus rushing down a steep slope, and accidentally turned his horse over.Yue Fei was furious: "Is it the same for leading the enemy?" He actually ordered Yue Yun to be beheaded, and after the generals interceded, he changed to beating a hundred army sticks.

As a commander-in-chief, it's nothing to be so strict with the generals, but as the lord, if he treats his subordinates like this, it will inevitably lead to betrayal.

It is true that Yue Fei's army and generals are strict or even harsh, which is necessary for a strong army, but it is precisely because of this that it is rare for Yue Fei's generals to have deep feelings for Yue Fei himself. On the contrary, when he was wronged, His subordinate general Wang Jun falsely accused him, Wang Gui and others were "forced" to give false testimony, and the other generals were scattered, and no one stood up to appeal for his grievances.

In addition, Yue Fei is open-mouthed, has a fierce temper, is stubborn and doesn't understand flexibility, and doesn't understand politics.

All of these are doomed, Yue Fei can only be a good general, not a good lord.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yue Fei to rebel, even if he really rebelled, it will not succeed.

Li Yan had someone examine Wang Gui and the others, and then took them all as his personal guards.

At first Wang Gui and the others were a little disappointed, but later they invited Niu Gao to drink, but Niu Gao refused, and explained the mystery for them, "You fools, you don't even know you're lucky."

Sun Ge's heart moved, and he said, "What do you mean by Brother Niu's words?"

When Wang Gui heard Sun Ge's question, his heart was also moved, and then he asked: "Yes, Brother Niu, please guide us in the maze!"

Zhang Xian and the others were very clever, and when they heard Sun Ge and Wang Gui's question, they immediately surrounded Niu Gao and asked them all.

This is not a secret at all, and Wang Gui and others who have been appointed by Li Yan as personal guards will know sooner or later, so Niu Gao made a favor and said: "You know, most of the officers in the Liangshan Army are from the relatives of the governor. military?"

Sun Ge's eyes lit up, and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Niu Gao said: "When the governor attacked Korea, he brought 500 pro-army with him, but the governor used the [-] pro-army to forcefully expand the five infantry. The [-] people are now the lowest rank It's all over, the high-ranking one is already the deputy commander, and, when the governor formed the first army last time, all the former pro-military troops of the governor were raised several levels, and now the lowest is the team general."

Tang Huai said excitedly: "Does that mean that being a soldier of the Metropolitan Governor is very promising?"

Niu Gao said: "Of course, the soldiers of our First Army, one counts as one, they all have to go to the lecture hall and the battle case analysis hall to listen to lectures, learn ten characters every day, and take regular assessments. Check the results of the examination of the soldiers of the First Army, and after hearing this, you all understand, the governor completely trains the soldiers of the First Army as officers."

Wang Gui and the others were all very excited when they heard this!
Niu Gao seemed to feel that the excitement of Wang Gui and the others was not enough, and said: "Besides, you are not ordinary soldiers, you are the personal guards of the Grand Governor just like me, and you can personally protect the personal guards of the Grand Governor. Meet with the Metropolitan Governor, if the guards of the Metropolitan Governor like us are devolved, at worst, they can be the heads of a hundred people in command, and it is easier to be promoted than others. Having said that, as long as I pass the assessments in the lecture hall and the battle case analysis hall, and then give up drinking, I will be appointed as the commander, in charge of 500 people, so please don't hurt me, I haven't had a drink for almost a month. "

Hearing what Niu Gao said, Wang Gui and the others were even more excited, and they all felt that the future was bright!
After hearing this, Yue Fei frowned and said, "Doesn't other armies have such a system?"

Niu Gao said: "The Commander-in-Chief also has the same requirements for other armies, but the enforcement is not as strong as our First Army. Regarding this, the Commander-in-Chief ordered that if soldiers of other troops want to be promoted, they must accept the instructions from the Lecture Hall and the Case Analysis Hall. training and testing."

Yue Fei said: "Soldiers of the First Army don't need to accept the assessment of the Lecture Hall and the Battle Case Analysis Hall for their promotion?"

Niu Gao said proudly: "This is also one of the advantages of the officers and soldiers of our first army. There is no need for assessment for promotion."

When Wang Gui and the others heard this, their mouths almost reached their ears, and they all thought: "The governor is so kind to us!"

But Yue Fei shook his head, and said: "It's not right for the governor to do this. The promotion of the soldiers of the First Army should also accept the assessment of the Lecture Hall and the Battle Case Analysis Hall, so that it will be fair to other armies and will not leave future troubles. Report to the governor."

Yao Zheng hurriedly stopped Yue Fei and said, "Don't, big brother, can you report to the governor after we are released? What if we don't pass the exam?"

Zhang Xian and others also discussed Yue Fei afterwards.

But Yue Fei didn't listen, so he found Li Yan that day and suggested this matter.

After hearing this, Li Yan felt that what Yue Fei said was very reasonable, so he called Le He and others to discuss a fair and efficient promotion evaluation system.

After the draft came out, Li Yan sent someone to Seoul to deliver it to Bing Cao Perfect.

Later, after Bing Cao formulated the system, he sent someone to send it back to Li Yan.

Li Yan called Lehe, Yue Fei and others to discuss it, then made some slight changes, and then implemented it.

Because of this incident, Yue Fei became famous in the First Army. Almost everyone knew Yue Fei, and almost everyone hated Yue Fei.

But Yue Fei didn't care, and still went his own way, repaying Li Yan's kindness to him in the way he thought was right.


(End of this chapter)

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