Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 367 A Blessing in Misfortune

Chapter 367 A Blessing in Misfortune


"Governor, these two people cannot forgive easily!"

Li Yan looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that the speaker was one of the Tai students.

This person has regular facial features, and there is a sense of determination between his brows.

Li Yan looked at him and asked, "Who are you?"

The man said: "Student Chen Dong."

Hearing Chen Dong's self-report, Li Yan thought, "So it's him!"

The names of the six thieves, Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Wang Fu, Liang Shicheng, Zhu Yu, and Li Yan, were given by Chen Dong.

Of the six thieves including Cai Jing, three were killed, one was released into the field, and the other two actually became fugitives who took the crime. It can be said that Chen Dong was the instigator.

During the crisis in Tokyo, the Jin army surrounded Bianliang, Tokyo, and asked Song Qinzong Zhao Huan: 500 million taels of gold, 5000 million taels of silver, 100 heads of cattle and horses, and [-] million pieces of silk; all people from Yanyun and Yunzhou should be repatriated to their original places; Cut off the three towns of Taiyuan, Zhongshan, and Hejian and all the prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of these three towns and the Kingdom of Jin; Zhao Huanzun called the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin his uncle;

When the Jin army was pressing on Tokyo, Zhao Huan originally planned to escape like his father Zhao Ji, but he had to stay in Tokyo under the strong persuasion of Li Gang and others.

However, at that time, Zhao Huan seriously lacked the determination to resist, so he joined forces with Li Bangyan and other capitulators to seek peace and was ready to accept Zongwang's conditions.

Later, Li Gang organized troops to actively resist, and Zhong Shidao and others brought more than 20 King Qin soldiers and horses to rescue.

Zhao Huan turned to the main battle.

Later, Yao Pingzhong launched a sneak attack, but was ambushed by the Jin army and lost more than 1000 horses.

Yao Pingzhong did not dare to take the charge and fled.

As a result, a group of surrendering ministers began to gloat and spread rumors, saying that the reinforcements had been wiped out, and they attacked Li Gang to cause disaster.

When Zhao Huan heard this, he listened to the capitulation faction and became panicked. He then sent envoys to Jinying to make amends and dismissed Li Gang and Zhong Shidao.

Hearing that the imperial court was going to remove Li Gang from his position and compromise and surrender, Chen Dong was very angry. He immediately led hundreds of Tai students to the Xuande Gate of the imperial palace, and wrote a petition, demanding that the imperial court restore Li Gang and Zhongshidao to their original positions and punish Li Bangyan. , Bai Shizhong traitor.

Later, these hundreds of people rolled to tens of thousands, most of whom were Tai students.

Some people may ask, were there so many Tai students in the Song Dynasty?

It must be said that the Taixue run by Zhao Ji, Cai Jing and others was too successful.

Each class is [-], and the school hours are eight years (since the students have different backgrounds when they enter school, it is more flexible to control the student's study period, and many graduate in less than eight years.), one session after another, slowly, Tai students accumulate more and more.

However, due to the limited number of official positions, it is becoming more and more difficult for Tai students to find employment—in fact, the employment rate of [-]% is not even reached. He is a poor student.

In the end, these Tai students either became private school teachers, or became petty officials, or became aides, or studied repeatedly, or simply became unemployed.

This is also the reason why Li Yan asked for two thousand Tai students, Zhao Jijun and his ministers, and it was easy to get them together. Without him, there are too many, and opportunities are too few, and Li Yan also pays three guarantees (including distribution, employment, and family members. ).

Seeing that Chen Dong and the others had made such a big deal, Zhao Huan was terrified, and quickly sent an official to deliver an order, saying: "Li Gang failed in the army, so he has to let it go. When the Jinren retire a little, he will be reinstated."

How could the excited Tai students agree to such an answer? Many people rushed into the court angrily and beat the "Dengwen drum" there (drum played when there was an urgent matter) desperately, breaking the drum surface.

The outcry of protest was overwhelming.

Seeing that the situation was serious, Zhao Huan quickly resumed Li Gang and Zhong Shidao's posts.

After Li Gang was reinstated, he reorganized the team and ordered that anyone who can kill the enemy bravely should be rewarded heavily.

The Song army has a neat lineup, high morale, and has the power to fight.

But Zhao Huan did not dare to resist resolutely, and still sent people to negotiate with the Jin people and compromise.

Seeing Li Gang's reinstatement and the revitalization of the Song army, Zong Wang was also a little worried. In addition, Zong Han's troops were blocked in Taiyuan and could not encircle Bianliang in Tokyo, so he did not insist on the amount of the beneficiary, and other items were in accordance with the previous agreement.

In the end, under the attack of the soldiers and civilians of the Song Dynasty, the Jin army withdrew to the north without waiting for the amount of gold coins they asked for.

Chen Dong was entangled in the letter petition by the Tai students, which was indeed suspected of coercing the holy will. This is why Chen Dong later wrote a letter requesting "to keep Li Gang, and dismiss Huang Qianshan, Wang Boyan and other surrender factions", and also asked "Zhao Gou to personally conscript to welcome back the second emperor" , and then asked "Zhao Gou to return to Tokyo to resist, not to go to Jinling", but Zhao Gou, who wanted to flee south, killed him together with Ouyang Che, who wrote a letter suggesting "reform politics and resist the Jinren", and reprimanded Huang Qianshan and other capitulators one of the reasons.

But then again, it was precisely because Chen Dong and other imperial students wrote petitions that the shame of Jingkang happened a year later.

Judging from the results, Chen Dong and the others were right, and the Northern Song Dynasty was not without resistance.

To be fair, petitioning is something that the rulers of all dynasties are unwilling to see, because it is an extremely unstable factor. Once such a thing happens, the situation is likely to develop in a direction that no one can control.

However, the reason why Chen Dong and other imperial students wrote petitions was mainly to blame Zhao Huan and Zhao Gou for being weak, greedy for life and afraid of death, otherwise Chen Dong and other imperial students would never have used such a radical method to appeal.

Chen Dong was asked by Li Yan on his own initiative, in order to make himself vigilant, because Li Yan knew very well that he was not a god, and he would make mistakes, so he needed someone who was not afraid of death and dared to speak the truth to remind him at critical moments.

In addition, the decline of the Song Dynasty was largely due to the fact that the Jianyuan (Yushitai) became a decoration, so that Zhao Ji, Cai Jing and others were not restrained. It is impossible for Li Yan to be in power forever, and it is impossible for future generations to be Li Yan. Such a time traveler, therefore, Li Yan wants to rebuild the Admonition Court, set up a supervisory agency, and restrain the future rulers.

And Chen Dong is Li Yan's admonisher.

Li Yan looked at Chen Dong and asked, "Why can't the two of them forgive easily?"

Chen Dongdao: "Although it wasn't intentional, the two of them attacked you, Commander-in-Chief. If you don't punish them, it will damage your prestige with Commander-in-Chief."

"This...isn't a big deal?" Li Yan said.

At this time, another person stood up and said: "Although it is not a major event, it must be a clear example. Your prestige, Governor, cannot be compromised."

Li Yan looked at this person and asked, "Who are you?"

The man said, "Student Ouyang Che."

"Yes, Chen Dong's troubled brother is also here." Li Yan thought in his heart.

Li Yan asked: "Then according to what you two want, how should I deal with them?"

Chen Dongdao: "This matter is decided by you and the officials in charge of punishment, and the students dare not go beyond it."

Ouyang Che also said: "Students also have the same intention."

Li Yan pondered for a while, and said, "Where is Xingcao?"

Pei Xuan replied: "The next official is here."

Li Yan asked: "What should the two of them do?"

Pei Xuandao: "If the two of them did this intentionally, they should punish the Nine Clans. However, the two of them should have made an unintentional mistake, and they did not pose any threat to you, the governor. Therefore, the lower officials suggest that the sentencing should not be excessive. Heavy, less than [-] sticks, more than ten sticks is more appropriate. In addition, these two are soldiers, how to deal with it should be decided by the Military Justice Department, I have no right to interfere with the punishment, and the sentencing proposed by the lower officials is just a suggestion."

Li Yan asked again: "Where is the Military Justice Department?"

Liang Hongyu responded, "The end is here."

Li Yan asked: "What should the two of them do?"

Liang Hongyu said: "Although the two of them have not joined our army yet, our Military Judicial Division does not use this as an excuse to shirk this matter. According to our Liangshan Army's military law and Mr. Pei's suggestion, the Military Judicial Division has imposed a [-]th Military Law on the two of them. Punishment with a stick."

Li Yan looked at Han Shizhong and Wu Jie, and asked, "What do you two think?"

Han Shizhong and Wu Jie are so angry!

Originally, the governor didn't want to pursue their faults, and he didn't take it seriously. As a result, Chen Dong and Ouyang Che were killed halfway. Not only did they get punished, but they might also ruin their relationship in the governor's heart. impression!

Blocking one's future, such as killing one's parents, if thoughts could kill, Chen Dong and Ouyang Che would have been hacked to pieces by Han Shizhong and Wu Jie long ago!
But now is not the time to seek revenge.

The most urgent thing now is not to let the governor misunderstand these two loyal subordinates!

Therefore, upon hearing Li Yan's inquiry, Han Shizhong and Wu Jie immediately said: "The young general is willing to accept the punishment."

Li Yan didn't write any ink, and said directly: "Pull out the punishment."

After a while, Han Shizhong and Wu Jie, who each received [-] military sticks, came back with their buttocks pouted.

They gave Chen Dong and Ouyang Che a hard look, then stepped forward and said, "The young general is back."

Facing the fierce eyes of Han Shizhong and Wu Jie, Chen Dong and Ouyang Che looked calm and fearless.

From the corner of his eye, he looked at the performance of Chen Dong and Ouyang Che, and then Li Yan said to Han Shizhong and Wu Jie: "You two have good martial arts skills, and you have the responsibilities that soldiers should have. Each of the First Army is in command of a battalion, what do you two agree with?"

Not only did Li Yan not resent them for fighting Li Yan, but he also vigorously promoted them. How could Han Shizhong and Wu Jie, who were still worried about their official careers, not be overjoyed?

"A blessing in disguise!"

Han Shizhong and Wu Jie bowed together: "Thank you for cultivating it!"

Li Yan looked at Chen Dong and Ouyang Che again and said, "You two dare to speak out directly, you have the style of a gentleman, go back to the Court of Admonishment and report to Chen Gongfu."

Chen Dong and Ouyang Che were also overjoyed!
The official career of a child from a poor family is extremely bumpy!
Speaking from the heart of a villain, if it weren't for this, Chen Dong and Ouyang Che would not be able to follow the path of remonstrance.

Now, although Li Yan didn't say what level of officials the two of them were, Li Yan personally agreed that it could not be of no rank or rank, and it could not even be of a too low rank.

You know, Chen Dong gave up his life to fight against the gold, retreated the gold soldiers, and saved the capital, Tokyo Bianliang, and only got a civil servant No. 30, the seventh rank (the last rank) of Di Gonglang.

Let me ask, how could Chen Dong and Ouyang Che, who have successfully entered their official careers and had a good starting point, be unhappy?

In fact, this is also one of the reasons why these Tai students are willing to come to this borderland - it is easy to stand out.

However, Chen Dong and Ouyang Che had a good character. Although their hearts were surging, they still gave Li Yan a very standard salute, and said in unison: "Thank you, Commander!"


(End of this chapter)

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