Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 376 Short-sightedness

Chapter 376 Short-sightedness (please subscribe!)

After leaving Shuibo Liangshan and saying goodbye to Li Yan, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing got together again.

Tian Hu said: "I said that the fourth brother can't just give us armor, war horses, flying thunder cannons, artillery shells, and thunderbolts, right? Double the price, tsk tsk, no bargaining, and you have to trade in gold and silver, what the hell black!"

Wang Qingdao: "In exchange for you, can you give it for nothing?"

Tian Hu said: "It's not for nothing, and we can't sit on the ground and raise the price. We are brothers who kowtow to the ground. He doesn't treat us as brothers, but he slaughters us like fat sheep!"

Fang La said: "What the fourth brother said is not unreasonable. With the war, the price of goods will soar and the transportation will be difficult. If he sells it to us at the previous price, he will indeed lose. To put it bluntly, there is a place at this time. It’s not bad to buy these things, double the price, not too expensive.”

Tian Hu smiled coldly, and said: "It's fine to sell me and the third child. You are his brother-in-law and father-in-law. Giving this price to you, the fourth child is too unkind. Your sister and daughter Not to mention blowing wind in your ears."

Of course, Fang La couldn't tell Tian Hu and Wang Qing that what Li Yan gave him was only one and a half times the original price, so he could only say: "A daughter who is married, the water that is thrown out is unreliable."

Wang Qingdao: "The only complaint is that we were short-sighted at the beginning. We sold all the craftsmen and materials in the site to the fourth brother at a low price one after another. In the end, we couldn't make it even if we wanted to."

Wang Qing's words aroused Tian Hu's sympathy, and said: "I understand this truth now, it's too late, there are not many craftsmen left in my place, even if I want to repair my palace, I can't find a good one."

Even Fang La was thinking: "I can't let Li Yan recruit craftsmen and boatmen from me anymore, I'm too controlled by him."

Tian Hu said again: "The old fourth wife is a bitch, she used some rags to fool the three of us, and earned me at least 3000 to [-] million coins in the past few years. I regret that I should be grateful to him back then!"

Wang Qing also regretted it, but he said that the cooked duck meat was rotten and the mouth was not rotten. He said: "You can't say that. If it weren't for the support of the fourth brother, we would not have developed so smoothly."

Fang La said: "The third brother's words are right. Without the help of the fourth brother, how could our three families be so prosperous, and it is right to let him earn some money."

Seeing that Fang La and Wang Qing didn't suit him, Tian Hu also felt bored.

Besides, an order of tens of millions of guan has already been placed, and someone will have to send the gold and silver to Li Yan in a few days. What's the use of talking about it now?
Therefore, Tian Hu did not continue this topic, but said again: "The territory of the fourth brother is overseas, the land of Shandong, he can either want it or not, and he himself is better than Song Guo, I dare to say, Once the situation is not good, he will pat his ass and retreat to Shandong, and then go to Korea to continue to be his governor, but the three of us have no way out, so should we discuss how to get through this difficulty?"

Wang Qingdao: "Didn't we discuss the offensive and defensive alliance?"

Tian Hu curled his lips, and said: "The fourth brother suggested that our four families unite to attack Song Dynasty. If we don't know, he wants our three families to help him conquer the world? It's not that we don't know the strength of his Liangshan army, really. After defeating the Song Kingdom, which of the three of us is his opponent? When he is here, he must be the emperor and we will be the courtiers. There is a saying, the cunning rabbit will die, and the running dog will cook. , can also make the three of us rich, if we don’t care about the past, the three of us will die in his hands sooner or later, this wishful thinking is really well done... Now, his wishful thinking has been ruined by the three of us Now, do you think he will send troops to rescue us when we are in crisis?"


Fang La and Wang Qing treated Li Yan with their own hearts, and felt that it was really unlikely that Li Yan could save them.

Furthermore, after they disagreed to unite to attack Song Dynasty, Li Yan directly doubled the prices of Bingjia, Feilei Cannon, Cannonball, and Thunderbolt, which also shows some of Li Yan's attitude towards them.

Fang La said: "What do you mean, second brother?"

Tian Hu said: "The three of us form an offensive and defensive alliance alone."


Water parks Liangshan.

After listening to Shi Qian's report, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing left him to discuss privately, Li Yan said leisurely: "Short-sighted!"

Xu Guanzhong said: "These three people are not the ones who can achieve great things. It is a blessing for you, the governor, not to advance and retreat with them."

Li Yandao: "It's a pity that the opportunity is rare. If they agree to jointly attack the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, which dominated the poor people, may come to an end."

Xu Guanzhong said: "Although the leader of Song Dynasty is fatuous and his ministers are treacherous, the foundation of the State of Song has not been shaken. Therefore, even if the three of them agree to join forces with you, the governor, the outcome is uncertain."

Le He said: "These three people have their own ulterior motives. As long as Song Guo uses the strategy of alienation, they are likely to stab you in the back. It's good not to cooperate with them."

Li Yan thought: "How could I not know that the three of them are unreliable, but if they don't unite, I'm afraid they will be wiped out by Song State in a short time."


Song Jiang took [-] generals and [-] soldiers and horses to Bianliang, Tokyo, and then set up camp at the location designated by Su Yuanjing, while Su Yuanjing went to the palace to return to his command.

Zhao Ji was very happy to receive Su Yuanjing's report, and Xuan Songjiang will meet with him tomorrow morning.

After Song Jiang got his life, he was overjoyed, and went to the court hall early the next day to worship.

In Zhao Ji's mind, Song Jiang, who can make such a big show, should be tall, powerful, and good at fighting. Unexpectedly, Song Jiang is dark and small, and he is still a lame man.

Zhao Ji, who likes to judge people by their appearance, doesn't like it at first sight.

However, on the occasion of employing people, Zhao Ji could only suppress his displeasure, and said: "Qing and others have resigned and trekked on the road, and we have wiped out Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing's three gangs of thieves. , I must reuse it."

After hearing this, Song Jiang bowed to the ground and said: "I am a humble and wretched official who violated the criminal code by mistake and was exiled to Jiangzhou. After being drunk, he spoke wildly and abandoned the market before execution. After the brothers rescued him, he had nowhere to escape but could only escape. Arriving at Erlong Mountain, I will continue my life. I have committed a crime, and ten thousand deaths are inevitable. Today, the official family has sympathized with me, and pardoned my minister’s serious crimes. I have worked so hard to repay the emperor’s kindness. I am ordered by the imperial edict, dare not do my best to be loyal, and die And then!"

Seeing that Song Jiang was still sensible, Zhao Ji said: "That's it, I will give you a pair of bows and arrows, a famous horse, and a precious sword, and I will give each of your soldiers a bottle of good wine and a catty of good meat to wait for you." Practice."

At that moment, Zhao Ji entrusted Gao Qiu to handle the matter.

Zhao Ji and his ministers had a tacit understanding for a long time, and they wanted to show off Song Jiang and his gang and teach these mountain and wild villagers how to behave.

Moreover, Song Jiang and his gang were recruited by Su Yuanjing, who had a problem with Gao Qiu, so how could Gao Qiu be merciful to them?
Therefore, after getting Zhao Ji's order, Gao Qiu made up his mind, and then handed over the matter of giving wine and meat to Song Jiang's gang to the officials with the dirtiest hands and feet...


(End of this chapter)

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