Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 378 Dismissal of Mawei

Chapter 378 Dismissal of Mawei (please subscribe!)


"These three bands of thieves, which one should be suppressed first?"

Everyone in the Western Army knew Tong Guan's arbitrary style, Wang Huan and other veterans and their subordinates had also heard about Tong Guan's style of handling things, only Song Jiang, an official official, didn't know anything about it.

That's all, the point is, before coming here, Wu Yong also gave Song Jiang a comprehensive strategy to suppress thieves, in case of emergencies, and so that Song Jiang will not be underestimated, so Song Jiang is confident and has a lot to say Unpleasant meaning!
In addition, Song Jiang, who has been dormant for decades, finally waited for this opportunity to express himself, and really couldn't hold back his own heart that yearned to get ahead!
Therefore, seeing that no one came out to respond to Tong Guan's question, Song Jiang came out and said, "The villain has a strategy to suppress the enemy."

Before Tong Guan could speak, Tong Guan's next person shouted: "Go back! Commander has fought all his life in the South and North, and has defeated the Xixia army. I want you to teach the commander how to fight!"

Being scolded by this person, Song Jiang's black face suddenly turned purple. At the same time, Song Jiang also realized that the generals in the tent did not have good strategies, but were waiting for Tong Guan's orders.

It can be said that Song Jiang committed a big taboo in officialdom because of his recklessness.

In fact, it's not Song Jiang's fault.

Before he went to Erlong Mountain, he was a small official in Yuncheng, his position was too low, and he had no contact with tricks in officialdom.

And after he went to Erlong Mountain, he became the second child, and the eldest was Chao Gai who didn't care about anything with him, so he could do whatever he wanted, it can be said that he could do whatever he wanted.

Later, he was the boss who led the party, and he did whatever he wanted.

This also caused Song Jiang to have a superior mentality.

He doesn't know the rules of the officialdom, his psychological quality is extremely superior, and he wants to express himself very much. How can such a Song Jiang not make this mistake?

Tong Guan glanced at Song Jiang, and then scolded Song Jiang's humanity: "Forget it, he is a wild man in the mountains, it's normal to have less rules, you can teach him slowly in the future, that's all."

The man glanced at Song Jiang, and then said: "Don't worry, Commander, the young general will definitely teach him the rules in the future."

Song Jiang was confused, "What do they mean by that?"

No one would pay attention to Song Jiang's feelings and thoughts, and Tong Guan said directly: "Since you have nothing to say, then I will talk about my thoughts." After a pause, Tong Guan continued Said: "Tian Hu is in the north, Wang Qing and Fang La are in the south. Among the three thieves, Fang La is the most harmful, but also the farthest. It will take the longest time to suppress Wang Qing, and Fang La must be eliminated first. However, Tian Hu's power has reached the Yellow River, and if he crosses it, he can threaten the capital of Tokyo. The most urgent thing is that he is afraid that he will unite with Xixia or Liao to invade our territory. I don't know what you want to do to wipe out Tian Hu?"

In fact, among these three companies, it is almost the same to suppress anyone first.

Of course, it is safest to suppress Tian Hu first. After all, Tian Hu is not far from Xixia and Liao. May be opened by Tian Hu.

Therefore, Tong Guan's claim is not wrong.

So, there is no one to speak.

After proving his own prestige, Tong Guan's expression eased, and he said again: "If you have anything to add, just say it."

Anyone who knows Tong Guan knows that Tong Guan really let them speak freely this time.

Liu Yanqing said: "Commander, before setting off, can you return all the military noise you owed in the past, brothers don't settle down well, and don't want to kill the enemy."

Tong Guan said with a smile: "Why did this commander let the brothers go into battle hungry?"

Everyone laughed.

The reason why Tong Guan was able to gain a foothold in the Western Army was largely because Tong Guan never withdrew the food and salaries of his direct line troops, and Tong Guan was able to get by even if he was not a direct line of Tong Guan.

Of course, in order to maintain this situation, Tong Guan also created a large number of empty quotas.

To be fair, although Tong Guan is greedy, but to a large extent, he still blames Zhao Ji for his extravagance, and his confidants are all greedy, so that the court cannot make ends meet, which in turn leads to a lot of military pay There is not enough time, Tong Guan, or anyone who wants to maintain this situation, must "think of a way".

Zhe Keqiu said: "If we drive away, who will guard the city of Tokyo? Wang Qing's gang of bandits are not far away from here. If you hurry up, you will be able to reach the city in less than three days. You must guard against it."

Tong Guandao: "The commander-in-chief has already ordered Zhong Shidao to bring his troops to defend."

After everyone said something that didn't hurt or itch, Tong Guan ordered: "In three days, the army will set out, cross the Yellow River, gather in Weizhou, and then go straight to Lingchuan County, then Gaoping County, and then attack Gaizhou."


After Song Jiang returned to the station, he told Wu Yong about the process of attending the meeting.

After hearing this, Wu Yong said, "Brother, what you did this time was wrong. Now it's no different than us on Mount Erlong."

Song Jiangdao: "Brother, I also know that this time I am a bit eager for quick success."

Wu Yong was silent for a while, and then said: "What is the name of the person who stood up and scolded brother, and what is his background?"

Song Jiang asked: "The military division asked him what he was doing?"

Wu Yongdao: "If my younger brother's prediction is correct, I'm afraid this person will have a great relationship with our Second Dragon Army."

Song Jiang hurriedly asked: "Why did the military division say that?"

Wu Yong said: "I'm afraid our Erlong Army will be under his command."

Song Jiang said in surprise: "What?"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

At this moment, the sound of fighting came from outside the door, and one person shouted: "This is Xin Tongzhi, Song Jiang's immediate boss, and you dare to stop him, you will die!"

Song Jiang and Wu Yong looked at each other, and then hurried out of the tent of the Chinese army!

Taking a closer look, Song Jiang couldn't help but get angry!

His personal guards were all knocked down to the ground, and a group of soldiers were still like wolves and tigers, knocking down all those who dared to stand up, and the leader of this group of soldiers was the one who was scolding him in the commander's tent. people.

The man glanced at Song Jiang and said: "A group of idiots, hundreds of people can't even beat my dozens of personal guards!"

After finishing speaking, the man led a group of personal guards into Song Jiang's tent of the Chinese army.

Song Jiang's personal guards, don't mention how angry they are, if these people hadn't said in advance that this person surnamed Xin was Song Jiang's chief officer, and Song Jiang had repeatedly confessed that they would not fight with people from other armies, plus These people suddenly beat them by surprise, no matter how useless they are, it won't be like hundreds of people being beaten helplessly by dozens of people!
Song Jiang suppressed his anger and said in his heart: "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years!" Then he said to the guards: "What are you doing lying on the ground? Don't you feel ashamed enough?"

After venting, Song Jiang quickly trotted into his big tent.

As soon as he entered the tent, Song Jiang saw that Xin was sitting in his seat.

Without waiting for Song Jiang to speak, the one surnamed Xin said: "My surname is Xin, and my name is Xingzong. From now on, your Erlong Army will be controlled by me. Let's get to know each other."


(End of this chapter)

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