Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 383 The Great Governor Comes to Help Himself

Chapter 383 The Great Governor Comes to Help Himself


Why was the gate of Jinning Prefecture opened?
turn out to be--

When hiding Niu Wenzhong, Wang Huan asked his five hundred swordsmen to change into the clothes of the Jin army and sneak into Niu Wenzhong's remnant army in the chaos.

The city gate of Jinning Fucheng was opened by these five hundred knives and axes.

At this time, Wang Yuan was leading the defenders to guard the city gate.

However, they are just recalcitrant.

The Jin army is far inferior to the Song army in all aspects. The reason why it is not defeated now is entirely due to the large number of people.

But Song Jun also has a lot of people, but they haven't fully charged up yet.

As long as the Song army's large troops rushed up, the Jin army would have no other way but to be defeated.

Niu Wenzhong was originally from the Green Forest. He has occupied the mountains and been king for many years, and has accumulated a considerable fortune.

But money is not what Niu Wenzhong is after. What he wants is to make a career.

Therefore, Tian Hu raised the flag to rebel, and he donated all his wealth to Tian Hu, and conspired to rebel and occupy the prefectures.

It is precisely because of this that after Tian Hu established the state of Jin, he was granted the post of privy envoy.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, their state of Jin and his privy envoy are ridiculous, but Niu Wenzhong, who has the dream of making contributions, never thinks so. He is really dedicated to the country.

Now, at the moment of their Jin Kingdom's life and death, Niu Wenzhong did not choose to escape, but shouted: "Reinforcements are coming!", and took the 2000 troops he had gathered to support Wang Yuan.

Hearing that the reinforcements were coming, the Jin army, which was about to be unable to hold on, was cheered up, and beat the Song army who was about to come in again.

Seeing this, Xu Jing, who was fighting outside the city, said: "At this time, if we have an infantry army and perfect siege equipment, the city will be destroyed."

Zhang Kai said: "You can be content, if it weren't for Wang Huan, an old ghost, who quietly sent five hundred knives and axes into the city, the city will not be broken in a month or two."

Xu Jingdao: "That's right... Otherwise, let's go exercise too?"

Han Cunbao said: "Alright, let's personally lead the troops to charge at it, and we should be able to take this city in one fell swoop."

Yang Wen said: "That's right, let's..."

Mei Zhan said: "There's so much nonsense!", holding his three-pointed two-edged knife, he slapped his horse and killed him!
Seeing Mei Zhan rushing out, other than Wang Huan and Mei Zhan, the other eight Jiedu envoys rushed out and said one after another: "This old guy is too impatient!", "Hmph, he must be trying to claim credit again!", " Old Ghost Mei, how about we compare who kills the most enemies?"...

Seeing several Jiedu envoys coming to charge and kill in person, the morale of the Song army was immediately boosted, shouting: "Jiedu envoys are here to help, kill!", while fighting hard!

On the other side, while fighting, Wang Yuan asked Niu Wenzhong: "Why haven't the reinforcements come up yet?"

While fighting desperately, Niu Wenzhong bit to death: "It will come up soon."

Although Shi Jiedu is old, he has excellent martial arts skills, and there are many masters at the level of tiger generals. With them joining the battle, the Jin army retreated steadily.

Just when there was no doubt about the way out, there was another village.

"The reinforcements are here!"

"Brothers, kill!"

"Your Majesty sent reinforcements to rescue us, beat them out!"


Are reinforcements here?

Soon, more than 3000 infantry rushed up from behind.

Seeing the outfit of this infantry, Niu Wenzhong knew that they were not the Jin army, but the Liangshan army.

In the Jin army, there are very few uniformed soldiers, and even fewer armored soldiers.

And this infantry army is all wearing the latest cotton armor launched by the Liangshan Army, which is easy to recognize.

After the infantry rushed up, they didn't talk nonsense, and each of them directly took out a thunderbolt, and then threw it at the city gate in three waves according to the command's order.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom boom..."


"It's Thunderbolt, run away!"



After a series of explosions, a large area was vacated at the city gate!

If it is not empty, it will not work.

Even Mei Zhan, Yang Wen, and Jing Zhong in Jiujiedu were injured. If they hadn't been protected by good armor, they might have died under the three waves of thunder.

How can Song Jun not retreat under such circumstances?

Niu Wenzhong's reaction was quick, and he quickly shouted: "Go and close the city gate!"

Hearing Niu Wenzhong's reminder, the brave Jin army sergeant rushed up and closed the city gate.

But at this moment, someone shouted: "The Song army is about to attack the city, go up to the city wall and defend!"

Hearing this shout, Sergeant Liangshan stepped on my hand and I put your shoulders on your shoulders in a very orderly manner, and climbed up the city wall with a few clicks, and all the soldiers of the Jin army were stunned.

When the soldiers of the Jin army also climbed up the city wall, they saw an even more unimaginable scene-this mysterious infantry, each of them had extremely accurate arrow skills, and it can be said that almost every one of them could hit six or seven out of ten.

Not long after, two more Liangshan infantry appeared.

Like the previous Liangshan infantry, these two infantry climbed up the city wall with a few clicks, then dispersed under the command of a young man, and then shot and killed the Song army.

Under the precise shooting of these sharpshooters, the Song army, which lacked siege equipment, was quickly repelled, and the Jinning prefecture was saved from danger.

After being safe, Niu Wenzhong found the leader of the infantry, that is, the young man, and said gratefully: "Thank you brothers for coming to rescue us, thank you, I don't know brother Gao's name?"

The young man said: "My surname is Li, and I have only one 'Zong'."

Niu Wenzhong said: "Dare to ask, but Li Zong, the adoptive son of the governor?"

Li Zong nodded and said: "It's me, I don't know how to call the general?"

Niu Wenzhong said: "My name is Niu Wenzhong, the privy envoy of Jin."

Li Zong said: "It turned out to be the privy minister."

Niu Wenzhong said: "Don't dare to be, I don't know Mr. Li..."

Li Zong said: "Your Majesty is polite, just call me Li Zong."

Niu Wenzhong said: "Hey, let me call you General Li...by the way, General Li, how did you appear behind us?"

Behind the Jinning mansion, there are towering mountains on both sides, it is difficult to cross, and then it is blocked by Huoshan County controlled by the Jin army. Niu Wenzhong really can't imagine where Li Zong and the others came from?

Li Zong said: "We came over the mountain."

Niu Wenzhong couldn't believe it: "Can such a dangerous mountain be turned over?"

Li Zong smiled and said nothing.

Niu Wenzhong suddenly remembered their agility, and thought to himself: "With their skills, maybe they can really turn over."

Niu Wenzhong suddenly thought: "Since they can come, we can go. Doesn't that mean we have an extra retreat?"

Thinking of this, Niu Wenzhong hurriedly said: "General Li, can you tell me the route you came from?"

Li Zongdao: "I'm afraid it's hard to say clearly. That's all right. Later, I'll ask someone to bring my husband's people to go... Mr. Mr., my adoptive father will bring [-] troops over in a couple of hours at most. Are you ready?" welcome."

Niu Wenzhong said with a face full of surprise: "The governor personally came to help us?"


(End of this chapter)

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