Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 390 Don't Force Me

Chapter 390 Don't Force Me (Please Subscribe!)

Outside Wang Qing's bedroom, Li Zhu kept wandering.

After waiting for a long time, Wang Qing did not come out, so Li Zhu had no choice but to urge the servant to report again.

Not long after the servant went in, he came out again and said: "Your Majesty, the military commander is waiting, and he will leave the hall immediately."

Li Zhu waited for more than an hour, but there was still no movement inside.

Li Zhu had no choice but to secretly ask a close servant why?

The servant said: "Your Majesty and Madam Duan are having a lively fight!"

Li Zhu asked, "Why did your Majesty and Your Majesty quarrel?"

The attendant whispered in Li Zhu's ear, "Because of Madam Duan's face, the king has not been in Madam Duan's palace for a long time, Madam Duan lost her temper."

After Li Zhu listened, he could only continue to wait.

Although Wang Qing is the king of Chu State, the Duan family is huge and accounts for no less than [-]%. Therefore, if Duan Sanniang, the core member of the Duan family, gets angry, no one can do anything, including Li Zhu.

After waiting for another hour, a servant came out and said, "Your Majesty has an order to ask if the military advisor is still here?"

Li Zhu said: "Waiting here!"

The servant plays in.

After a while, I saw a number of palace attendants coming out, surrounded by Wang Qing, who was sloppy on his feet, and then went to the front hall to sit up.

Seeing Wang Qing's miserable state at this time, Li Zhuxin said: "It's really hard for the king!" Then he played: "My lord, the big thing is not good, Xijing was captured by the Song army!"

Wang Qing was startled and said: "What, Xijing is broken?" Then he hurriedly asked: "How did it break?"

Li Zhu said: "Song Jiang's group, after being recruited, took the lead in every battle. This time they attacked our Chu country, and they were also the vanguard. Song Jiang sent people to sneak into Xijing first, and then fought inside and outside together. Xi Sheng was caught off guard and broke through Xijing."

After Wang Qing heard this, he said, "Xi Sheng is abominable, for betraying the trust of the king! Li Yan is abominable, keep this vicious dog!"

Li Zhu said: "Xi Sheng has already died in battle. Now Erlongshan's group and Tongguan's army are attacking Wanzhou from the north and east respectively. It is difficult to stop the force along the Luzhou counties. Some even directly surrendered and rebelled. The Song army is about to approach the city of Wanzhou in a few days, and Liu Min sent people eight hundred li to ask for help."

Wang Qing's already pale face became even paler after listening to Li Zhuzhi's words, and said, "How can you be so fast?"

Li Zhudao: "This area is flat and there is no danger to defend. If the main state city is broken, it will naturally be difficult to resist."

Wang Qing thought about it, and said, "What should I do now?"

Li Zhu said: "Send competent people to help Liu Min. Wanzhou must not be lost. If Wanzhou is lost, the Song army can divide its troops and advance. It will be difficult to defend when it is here."

Wang Qingdao: "Then send Du Po with twelve generals and [-] troops to aid Wanzhou, and tell Du Po to stay with the king for at least three months!"

Li Zhu's heart moved, and he said, "Three months?"

Wang Qing said vaguely: "The military division will just follow this king's words and tell Du Po." Then avoiding this topic, he said: "Have you sent someone to ask Fang La for help?"

Li Zhu said: "It has been dispatched."

Wang Qingdao: "Then I will wait and see whether Fang La will send reinforcements to rescue me."

Li Zhudao: "Our state of Chu and his southern state are at odds with each other, how can he not come to rescue?"

Wang Qingdao: "Military advisor Fang La knows too little about it. His heart is not in the north, but all he wants to do is conquer the southeast and establish a country and proclaim himself emperor... He thinks that with the natural danger of the Yangtze River, he can sit back and relax and become his Southern Emperor."

"The Yangtze River is not an insurmountable natural danger." Li Zhu said.

Wang Qing said leisurely: "My good elder brother may think that with my help to slow down the Song Army, he can calmly swallow a large area in the southeast."

Li Zhu frowned and said, "Fang Shenggong won't be so short-sighted, will he?"


Wang Qing snorted and said, "If it wasn't for you, how could he have only left Fang Qifo and a partial division to block the fortress in the north, and put the whole army in the south to attack the city?"

Li Zhu said: "Wanzhou, Shannan, and Jingnan are all located on unobstructed plains, and it is difficult to defend them. If the three counties of Wanzhou, Shannan, and Jingnan are taken down by the Song army, we will only have Longmen Mountain in Chu State." One place can be defended, so Wanzhou, Shannan, and Jingnan cannot be lost, and we obviously cannot defend these three places on our own, so if we cannot get help from the Southern Kingdom, our Chu Kingdom may be in danger."

Wang Qing let out a long sigh, why isn't he here?

Wang Qingdao: "I once told Fang La that if the Song army came to attack me, and I couldn't see his army, I would turn around and join the Song army, and then help the Song army to fight him."

Li Zhudao: "Your Majesty must not take this path. Most of the soldiers and civilians of our Chu State followed His Majesty to establish Chu State because they were completely disappointed with Song State. Some even hated Song State to the bone. Like Du Po, Liu Min, and my nephew Li Yan, it is impossible for them to follow the king and vote for the Song Dynasty."

Fearing that Wang Qingzhen would vote for the Song Dynasty, Li Zhu said again: "Your Majesty must not reveal this intention, otherwise it may cause political chaos."

Wang Qing's heart trembled, but on the surface he said as if nothing had happened: "This king is just trying to scare Fang La, otherwise how would he send troops to rescue this king?"

Li Zhu was a little skeptical!

Li Zhu knew Wang Qing's character very well. He knew that Wang Qing had the advantages of being generous, informal, courteous and corporal, measured, and tolerant.

Therefore, Li Zhu was really afraid of the smart Wang Qing. After analyzing the current situation clearly, he embarked on the road to vote for the Song Dynasty!


In fact, Li Zhu also figured it out, resisting resolutely, Chu State's chances of winning are not great, especially in the case of Fang La's failure to rescue, and voting for Song Dynasty is indeed a feasible way.

But just like what Li Zhu and Wang Qing said, most of them in the King of Chu were very disappointed with Song and didn't want to vote for Song, and this actually included Li Zhu.

In addition, although the king of the Chu Kingdom is Wang Qing, the establishment of the Chu Kingdom is largely due to Li Zhu's relentless planning and running. It can be said that the Chu Kingdom has devoted all of Li Zhu's efforts.

Let me ask, how could Li Zhu be willing to surrender to Song Guo, who disappointed him so much and ruined his hard work for several years?

Li Zhu asked calmly: "Then how does the king plan to deal with the Song army?"

Wang Qing said with a smile: "The soldiers come to cover the water and the soil."

Li Zhu was dissatisfied, and said: "Our Chu State has only 20 troops and lacks training. How can we stop the Song army that is like a wolf and a tiger?"

Wang Qingdao: "Expand the army, and then find allies to join forces."

Li Zhu asked: "Who does Your Majesty want to form an alliance with? Fang Shenggong?"

Wang Qingdao: "Fang La is a man who doesn't believe his words, how can this king trust him? This king is going to form an alliance with Li Yan."

Li Zhu laughed, and said: "Your Majesty is wise, whether it is strength or character, the Governor is the best choice. As long as the Governor is willing to form an alliance with the King, our country of Chu will be able to save the day!"

Wang Qing looked at Li Zhu's smile from the inside out for a while, and said with a smile: "I would like to ask the military adviser to make an appointment with Li Yan for this king. This king will talk to Li Yan about the alliance in person."

Li Zhudao: "It is imperative."

Wang Qing put away his smile, and said again: "The military master will send a message to Fang La on behalf of the king—don't force me."


(End of this chapter)

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