Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 392 Working for a Tiger

Chapter 392 Working for a Tiger (please subscribe!)

During the recent period, Zhao Ji was in a good mood - Tian Hu was wiped out, and Wang Qing's forces surrounding Bianliang in Tokyo were also defeated. Even if Zhao Ji didn't care about the affairs of the court anymore, facing such a good situation, he couldn't help being happy!
With such a good mood, Zhao Ji completed several masterpieces that can be handed down in one breath!
At this time, Zhao Liangsi, who once again made Jin sign an alliance with Jin to attack Liao in the name of selling horses, returned.

above the hall.

Zhao Ji asked: "Did the gold master agree to include Liaoxi Jing, Pingzhou, and Yingzhou?"

Since the policy of joining Jin was still a secret on the surface, during the process of discussing an alliance with Jin Guo, Song Guo did not use the letter of credence, but Zhao Ji communicated with Wanyan Aguda by writing a personal letter.

Zhao Ji wrote in his own letter: "According to Yanjing and the state city under its management, it was originally Han land. If you want to restore the old days, you can hand over Zilai and Khitan silver silk, and you can go to discuss it. Although there is no trust in the country, forgive me for not talking nonsense."——Zhao Ji The meaning is that Yanjing and its territories were originally the territory of the Han people. If you return them to us in the Song Dynasty, we will give you the old coins of the Liao Kingdom, and we will never break our promise.

In fact, what Zhao Ji intends to take back is Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures.

However, I don't know if it was because Zhao Ji was not in the state that day when he wrote the letter to Wanyan Aguda, so he only mentioned the prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of Yanjing in the letter, and did not mention the things in the area of ​​Liaoxijing, so he bound his hands and feet.

Later, Zhao Liangsi discovered the problem and hurriedly ordered someone to send back the news. Zhao Ji and his ministers knew that the imperial pen was a cocoon, and then quickly sent Ma Zheng to apply for employment, and noted the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun in the letter of credence.

Although Zhao Liangsi tried to expand the jurisdiction of Yanjing as much as possible in the negotiations, and requested to include Jingpingzhou and Yingzhou in western Liaoning, that is, to restore all Han lands south of the Great Wall, the Jin people flatly rejected it on the grounds that they were not under the jurisdiction of Yanjing.

In the beginning, Wanyan Aguda thought that the Pingluan area in the west of Liaoning was not important (in fact, it was not Wanyan Aguda's fault, because he didn't even know where the capital of Liaoxi was at that time, and the capital of Liaoxi was still in the hands of the Liao State, and it was the same as the Jin State. It has nothing to do with it, he is completely generous to the Liao Kingdom), so he promised it to the Song Dynasty together with Yandi.

Later, Wanyan Aguda's civil servants and military generals (mainly the Liao officials who surrendered the gold) strongly opposed it. Some people even said that if Song Fang's demands were too high, the alliance would not be concluded.

In fact, with the passage of time, as the people of the Jin Kingdom became more and more aware of the importance of the land of Yanyun, there were also differences within the Jin Kingdom over whether to return the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun to the Song Kingdom.

Some Jin people believe that the reason why the Northland is strong is that it has the labor of the Han people in the Northland. If it is returned to the Song Dynasty, it will not weaken its own side, and after returning the land of Yanyun, the Jinren can only retreat to the pass, and become strategically disadvantaged .

What's more, Song State has no capital to talk about the alliance with their Da Jin State. Song State wants to exchange coins and silks for Yan land. Couldn't they get these goods from Song State after their Da Jin State destroyed Liao State?
The two sides have been arguing endlessly about this issue, exchanging documents and discussing endlessly.

It can be said that there has been no conclusion before, so Zhao Ji asked this matter directly.

Zhao Liangsi replied: "The gold master has a far-sighted vision and tried his best to overcome all opinions. He wanted to make friends with our Great Song Dynasty. He agreed to return the land of Yan. He also promised that after the war is over, according to the results of the war, we will discuss the naturalization of Xijing and enshrine it." Wait for the state to be delivered.”—that is to say, look at the results of the two sides before discussing the ownership of this place.

To be honest, under such circumstances, it was not easy for Zhao Liangsi to be able to talk to this level, so that Zhao Ji was also very satisfied.

Zhao Ji said with a smile: "Aiqing has done a good job in this matter, and I have been added to the official Guanglu doctor... I heard that the gold master has captured the Liao Shangjing? The Liao master fled to the Liaoxi capital?"

Zhao Liangsi said: "In May, the Jin army arrived at the upper capital and sent envoys to surrender. Liao Shangjing stayed behind at Tarbuye, relying on the solidity of the upper capital and its abundant reserves, and attempted to hold on to the city. The Lord of Gold came to supervise the battle under the city, and the general's mother led the army. First, climb to the city. I saw with my own eyes that within half a day, the outer city was breached by the Jin army, and he knew that the city would not be safe, so he led his army to surrender, and the Liao Lord fled to Liaoxi Jing before the battle began."

After hearing this, all the monarchs and ministers were shocked!
Because he led troops to protect Bianliang in Tokyo, the veteran Zhong Shidao was also in the Daqing Palace at this time.

Shocked by the fighting power of the Jin soldiers, Zhong Shidao came out and said: "Today's matter is like stealing into someone's house. It can't be saved, and it can also be used to divide its treasures. Isn't it impossible?" - Zhong Shidao It means that this matter is like a robber breaking into a neighbor’s house. We should have rescued the neighbor, but it’s fine if we don’t save it now, and we have to share the treasure of the neighbor’s house with the robber. We can’t do this, we should read And Song and Liao have reconciled for a hundred years, and it is right to fight against Jin with Liao.

Thanks to Li Yan's blessing, Li Guang also returned to court ahead of schedule.

He also came out and said: "The northern captives are barbarians, but they have been sanctified for a long time, and they know etiquette and righteousness. For more than a hundred years, they have kept their oaths of alliance and dare not act rashly. The light means that although the Liao Kingdom is a barbarian, it has been gradually sinicized for more than 100 years, and it understands etiquette and righteousness, so it has only kept the oath of alliance for more than a hundred years, and has never fought against the Song Dynasty.

In fact, the reason why Song and Liao have been able to maintain peace for a hundred years is mainly because the forces of Song and Liao tend to be balanced - Liao has a strong military force, while Song has a relatively developed economy and culture. Can't win anyone.

In addition, Liao State and Song State fought wars in the past mainly to grab some money. After the two sides negotiated a peace, Song State gave Liao State New Year's Coins every year. up.

In addition, the Liao Kingdom admired the civilization of the Han nationality very much. The ruler of the Liao Kingdom said: "I am repairing cultural relics, and I am not different from China." The words "May China be born from generation to generation" are engraved on the back. That is to say, although the Liao Kingdom originated from the grasslands, it has actually been completely Sinicized now. It is not an exaggeration to say that the people of the Liao Kingdom are Han Chinese.

Therefore, for more than 100 years, on the border between the two countries, "breeding is common, cattle and sheep are wild, people who wear white, do not know how to fight"-the population on the border between the two countries has increased, cattle and sheep are everywhere, and no one with white hair has ever been seen fight.

Li Guang said again: "Today's women are tough and good at fighting. They drink blood like hair. They are not human. The northern captives attacked each other with barbarians and Di, but they are still invincible. If they are neighbors, how can they seek protection?" ——Li Guang's It means that the Jurchens are still uncivilized, drink blood like hair, and are brave and good at fighting. The Liao Kingdom, which is also a minority, will not be able to defeat them. If the Liao Kingdom is destroyed, the Song Kingdom will be directly adjacent to the Jin Kingdom. If not, what can be used to resist them?

It can be said that Li Guang's remarks are very insightful - the current situation of the Three Kingdoms of Song, Liao and Jin is very similar to that of the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu. Only when two weak countries unite against the strong can they survive. As a weak country, if To unite with a strong country against other weak countries is tantamount to helping a tiger, or even seeking death.

However, Zhao Ji couldn't figure out such a simple truth, or maybe Zhao Ji didn't pay attention to these trivial matters at all and couldn't listen to Li Guangzhi's words.

All in all, Zhao Ji didn't give up joining the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty because of the way of cultivating teachers and Li Guangzhi's words. On the contrary, after listening to Zhao Liangsi's words, Yan Aguda easily captured Liao Shangjing and began to annex Liao Zhongjing and Liao Tokyo. Zhao Ji was very envious , even jealousy.


Tong Guan, a powerful figure who advocated the recovery of Yanyun, was unable to escape because of the suppression of Wang Qing and Fang La, no one dared to make decisions!
In addition, Zhong Shidao, Li Guang and others strongly opposed it!
So, put this matter aside for now...


(End of this chapter)

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