Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 611 The Shocked Bird

Chapter 611 The Shocked Bird (Please Subscribe!)

Zhe Yanzhi used to be an official of the Xuanfu Division, and together with Xie Qian, the deputy envoy of Zhizhi, sent troops from the Weisheng Army to the north, fought bloody battles with the Jinren at Nanguan for four days, and finally returned home after being defeated.

After Zhong Shidao succeeded Li Gang as Xuanfu envoy, he promoted Ori Yanzhi as the staff officer of Xuanfu Division.

Later, Zhong Shidao was ordered to return to Beijing due to a serious illness. Before leaving, he recommended Zhe Yanzhi to the imperial court as the deputy envoy of Xuanfu.

During the period from when Zhong Shidao left the Xuanfu Division to when Fan Ne took office, the Xuanfu Division was actually represented by Orihiko.

Zhe Yanzhi is a Jinshi in Chongning, the seventh grandson of Zhecong Ruan, the second son of Zhe Keshi, and the tenth generation general of Zhejia General. He was originally a civil official in Huizong's time. He resolutely threw his pen into the army.

Orihiko was originally a general, and he himself was very talented, but he seldom won the battle against the golden soldiers despite his daring.

As far as the facts are concerned, this is actually not a complaint. At this time, the Song Army was actually scared by the Jin Army. Even if Yue Fei and Han Shizhong were to lead it, it would be difficult to win the battle.

After Orihiko took over from Zhong Shidao as Deputy Xuanfu envoy of Hebei East Road, he actively organized a defense line in the Hedong area.

However, in a hurry, Orihiko could only set up the east and west two-way commander-in-chief, namely the Longde mansion and the Pingyang mansion, hoping to prevent the Jin army from going south with these two commander-in-chief mansions.

However, the East-West Commander's Mansion, which Orihiko placed high hopes on, was quickly breached by the Jin Army.

There are subjective reasons such as Shuaichen's fear of the enemy and war.

For example, Lin Jiren, the manager of the Pingyang Mansion, fled before fighting.

There are also objective reasons such as insufficient soldiers and lack of food and grass.

For example, Huiniu Ridge is as steep as a wall. The Song army could have controlled the place and fought a successful blocking battle. However, due to the lack of food, the soldiers could only eat two liters of peas or old wheat a day, so they were unwilling to sacrifice their lives. The soldiers People often say: "The military food is like this, and it makes me fight?"

The Jin army came to Huiniu Ridge, looked up at the steep mountain top, and said: "If they attack from top to bottom with arrows and boulders, we will be seriously injured. What should we do?"

Therefore, the Jin army hesitated at the foot of the mountain and dared not launch an attack for a long time.

However, before long, the Song army on the mountain dispersed automatically.

The Jin army then easily crossed back to Niuling, advanced towards Pingyang Mansion, and then conquered Pingyang Mansion.

The fall of Pingyang Mansion marked that Song's defense in the Hedong area had collapsed across the board.

Soon after, the West Road Golden Army arrived at the Yellow River.

In the Hedong war zone, the West Road Jin Army's offensive was fierce and unstoppable, and the Song Army had collapsed across the board.

In another war zone, namely the Hebei War Zone, the Jin army on the East Road drove through them freely, vertically and horizontally. Although Zhongshan, Hejian and other important towns were still in the hands of the Song army, they had become isolated cities and the situation was precarious.

The top decision-makers of the Kingdom of Jin are far away in Shangjing in the northeast, so they cannot keep abreast of the dynamic situation on the front lines of Hedong and Hebei. Therefore, Wanyan Wu can only ask the Marshal's Office to take long-term measures according to the actual situation. There is no need to ask for instructions.

As for the marshal of the two armies, Wanyan Wu's begged younger brother Wanyan Xie also assumed the position nominally, but Wanyan Xie also stayed in Shangjing to serve as a master of the state, and together with Wanyan Zongqian, he governed the country.

Therefore, the Marshal's Mansion is actually located in Wanyan Zonghan's army.

Therefore, Wanyan Zonghan actually became the supreme commander of the East and West armies.

Before dispatching troops, Wanyan Zonghan had called a meeting of the senior generals of the Jin Army in Marshal Yunzhong's mansion to discuss policy issues towards the Song Dynasty.

At that time, Wanyan Zonghan decided to implement the peace agreement reached by Wanyan Zongwang on behalf of Jin Guo and Song Guo, that is, if Song Guo can cede the land of the three towns and pay compensation, the Jin army will stop going south. .

In other words, even if it was the second dispatch of troops, Wanyan Zonghan actually had no intention of crossing the Yellow River. His ultimate goal at that time was to draw a river with the Yellow River as the boundary with the Song Dynasty.

However, after the successful capture of Taiyuan and Zhending, Wanyan Zonghan comprehensively considered the situation on the battlefield in Hedong and Hebei, and believed that the Song court was corrupt and the army was vulnerable. The goal has been changed to - to join forces under the city of Bianliang.

In other words, at this time, the Jin people had no interest in cutting the three towns. They had a big appetite and tried to annex more territory of Song State, plunder more wealth and beauties, and the nature of robbers was completely exposed.

Knowing that the Jin army was about to cross the Yellow River, Zhao Huan and his ministers panicked. On the one hand, they hurriedly dispatched peace envoys to Taiyuan to discuss the matter of cession of land and peace, and on the other hand, organized enhanced defenses to defend the capital.

The former has nothing to say. Several waves of envoys for peace went to the Jin army to beg for surrender, not to mention the embarrassment of the Song Dynasty. The key point is that they were also used by the Jin people, which paralyzed the Song court.

the latter.

Zhao Huanjun and his ministers have made a clear deployment:

[-]. Set up four general managers around the capital, namely the north, south, west, and east four defense zones, respectively authorized to Zhao Ye, the prefect of Daming Prefecture, Wang Xiang, the prefect of Henan Prefecture, Zhang Shuye, the prefect of Dengzhou Prefecture, and Hu Zhiru, the prefect of Yingtian Prefecture. They are fully responsible for all affairs in their respective defense zones.

12. Deploy the Xuanfu Division to guard the Yellow River.Order Xuanfu Deputy Envoy Zhe Yanzhi to lead [-] troops to guard the Heyang area to block the West Route Jin Army; order Xuanfu Envoy Fan Ne to command [-] troops to guard the Huazhou and Junzhou areas to block the East Route Jin Army.

[-]. Li Hui, a member of the Privy Council of Tongzhi, was sent to inspect the Dahe River, and led [-] cavalry to inspect the banks of the Yellow River.And when the finances were very difficult, he took out a lot of gold and silver and asked Li Huidai to reward the soldiers guarding the river.

From the deployment of Zhao Huanjun and his ministers, it is not difficult to see that Zhao Huanjun and his ministers deployed defense based on the natural danger of the Yellow River.

In Zhao Huanjun's mind, 10,000+ soldiers will be able to block the Jin people on the north bank of the Yellow River, and then slowly negotiate peace with the Jin army.

When the vanguard Wanyan Loushi of the Jin Army arrived at the north bank of the Yellow River near Heyang, Zhe Yanzhi had led his army out of Heyang, retreated to the south bank of the Yellow River, and joined the [-] cavalry brought by Li Hui.

The Jin army was on the north bank of the Yellow River, and the Song army was on the south bank of the Yellow River. The two armies camped across the river.

Wanyan Zonghan was very worried about the vanguard crossing the river, and sent more than a dozen scouts to inquire about the situation of the Song army's river defense.

The scouts reported back one after another: "The soldiers in the south are very strong, and they can't cross easily."

Wanyan Zonghan then called the generals to a meeting to discuss the issue of crossing the river.

At the meeting, someone suggested to rest for a few days before fighting.

Wanyan Loushi disagreed, saying: "Although there are many soldiers in the Song Dynasty, it is not enough to fear. If you fight with them, you will not know the outcome. If you don't make false noises, take all the drums in the army and beat them up to the Dan, so as to observe the changes. "

All the generals agreed.

In the evening, the drums of the Golden Army continued to ring all night long.

(It is said that when the soldiers of the Golden Army got tired of beating, they tied the sheep to the drum and asked the sheep to beat the drum.)
The Song army on the south bank of the Yellow River heard the drums of the Jin army so densely, worried that the Jin army would use the pontoon bridge to attack, so they set fire to the Heyang pontoon bridge.

At this time, on the north bank of the Yellow River, there were still two or three hundred Xuanfu officials, many local officials, and many fleeing people, as well as about [-] war horses, who did not have time to cross the river.

Looking at the raging flames on the surface of the Yellow River, there was a lot of crying on both sides of the river, and the pain dried up in the sky.

In addition, the Xuanfu Division still had a lot of gold, silver and silk, but they didn't have time to transport them to the south bank. There were more than one million pieces of gold and silver that were just thrown away in the Yellow River beach in Heyang.

At dawn the next day, Wanyan Loushi heard that the Song army on the south bank of the Yellow River had disappeared, so he sent Yinzhu Bojin to lead 3000 troops, and together with Zhang Kezuo, the original Zhijun of the Weisheng Army who had surrendered, set off from Qinghe to Find a way to cross the river.

Yinzhu Bojin and Zhang Kezuo came to the bank of the Yellow River and found that the river was not too deep, so they led their troops across the water, and then quietly set up camp behind the Song army camp.

Although Orihiko claimed to have 12 soldiers in his hands, most of them were the defeated troops from the Taiyuan siege war, and some were newly recruited militiamen.

These people are all like frightened birds, and their combat effectiveness can be imagined.

Orihiko still knew his team well, and knew how vulnerable this temporary unit was.

Therefore, seeing the Jin army camping behind, Zhe Yanzhi thought that all the Jin troops crossed the river, so he hurriedly led the Chinese army to retreat south.

Seeing that the commander had withdrawn, the other armies collapsed without a fight.

The collapse of 10,000+ troops is out of control.

As a result, it led to an irreparable defeat.

Li Hui heard that the Jin army had crossed the river, and fled south in a hurry.

When he reached Xiaoyi Bridge, Li Hui left his soldiers to defend the enemy, while he fled along the mountain road to Yingchang Mansion, where he drank and enjoyed himself all day long.

The enemy is now, but Li Hui has a banquet with Wanguan in Yingchang Mansion.

The accompanying officials and generals were deeply angry and wanted to find an opportunity to kill Li Hui.

The main force of the cavalry of the Jin army came to the north bank of Heyang, and they were overjoyed to see the Song army collapsed without a fight!
The Jin army ordered the army to cross the river quickly, and at the same time drove the residents of Heyang City out of the city, and asked them to dig out all kinds of gold, silver and silk that had fallen in the river beach.

The natural danger of the Yellow River, which Zhao Huanjun and his ministers placed high hopes on and even believed to be foolproof, was crossed by the Jin army, and then the two armies of gold, east and west went straight to Tokyo like two steel knives...


(End of this chapter)

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