Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 613 Awakening Like a Dream

Chapter 613 Awakening Like a Dream (Please Subscribe!)

After quietly returning to Seoul, Li Yan immediately began to prepare for sending troops to the Central Plains.

In fact, Li Yan has already completed the main layout.

The elites of the special camp like Shiqian and Zoubao have already mixed into Bianliang City.

Zhu Gui has opened hotels in all the towns and key points along the way that the Jin army went south.

For example, Xu Guanzhong has already transferred [-] troops to several ports in Shuibo Liangshan to station, and they can board the ship at any time.

For example, the [-] good horses on Jeju Island have all been bred to be fat and strong by Huangfu Duan.

For example, the grain, grass, materials, weapons and equipment for the expedition have already been secretly transported to various ports in Shuibo Liangshan, and they can be loaded at any time.

and many more……

Li Yan's current preparations are actually mainly to confirm whether the previous layout is fully implemented, and then pay close attention to the current situation of Song State's sudden change, and prepare to find an appropriate time to send troops!


Not long after the Jin army crossed the Yellow River, Wang Zongli, the commander-in-chief of the palace, said: According to the report of Tanma, the vanguard of the Jin army has arrived at Sishui Pass (also known as Hulao Pass, located in Sishui Town, Xingyang, Henan Province), and is rushing to cross the Sishui River. , Running towards the direction of the capital, Xu Gao, who was punished in the west of the capital, and the officers and soldiers guarding the Sishui Pass, all collapsed in the face of the wind.

Zhao Huan was shocked, and hurriedly ordered to close the gate of Bianliang City and cut off the road into the city. Clear the field outside.

After hearing the news, the citizens and common people in Bianliang City rushed to tell each other and talked a lot, showing a scene of panic and uneasiness everywhere.

At this time, the envoys of the Jin Dynasty Baojing Army Jiedu Envoy Yang Tianji, Zhaode Army Jiedu Envoy Wang Rui, and Belle Selangmei came to Bianliang, Tokyo.

The Jin envoy came here this time to discuss peace in name, but in fact it was to inquire about the reality of Song State.

After seeing Zhao Huan, Yang Tianji said: "The soldiers are approaching the river, within walking distance of the capital. The two countries have fought for many years, and the lives and people have been miserable for a long time. It is because of villains who use things to do things that they start this army. Now I want to stop the army for good. , send ministers and others with an oath to restore the friendship between the two countries, and only ask for the Yellow River to be the boundary. I wonder if Your Majesty agrees?"

At this time, the Jin army had already crossed the Yellow River, and most of the areas north of the Yellow River (except a few towns and strongholds such as Zhongshan and Hejian) were all owned by the Kingdom of Jin.

More importantly, the Jin army had already gone straight to Bianliang City to kill.

In this situation where a sharp sword is pointed at the throat, Zhao Huan has no other way than agreeing to Jin Jun's blackmail, at least Zhao Huan thinks so.

Seeing that Zhao Huan agreed to cede the north of the Yellow River, Wang Rui was overjoyed, but he still said calmly: "Your Majesty trusts Xu He, it's the luck of the two dynasties' truce, I don't know who to send to apply for employment?"

Zhao Huan said: "After discussing with the ministers, we will decide on the candidate."

Wang Rui said: "This spring, we discussed peace and retreat, with the agreement of the three towns. His Majesty sent Zhang Bangchang and Lu Yundi to cede the land. Neither of them was a governor, but they were promoted suddenly. They were ordered to go, but they gave up halfway. Now we are pouring the country , is to deal with dishonesty. If you don’t send the left and right trusted ministers, you will not be able to win the trust.”

Zhao Huan also nodded to Wang Rui's request.

Seeing that Zhao Huan fully agreed to their two requests, Yang Tianji and Wang Rui looked at each other and smiled.

Then, Yang Tianji proposed to take away nine family members including Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Wang Fu, Ma Kuo, Wu Min, Li Gang, Zhang Xiaochun, Zhan Du, and Chen Yun.

Zhao Huan said: "Cai Jing is dead, Wang Fu and Tong Guan have been killed, Ma Kuo is now unknown, Wu Min is responsible for the resettlement in Fuzhou, the deputy envoy of Jiedu, Li Gang is responsible for the resettlement in Kuizhou, the deputy envoy of Jiedu, Zhang Xiaochun knows Taiyuan, Zhan They were resettled in Hunan, and Chen Yu now knows Zhongshan, and their family members are not in the capital, some of them are far away, and some have disappeared, so you need to search slowly, and send them to you when you find them.”

Yang Tianji and Wang Rui felt that what Zhao Huan said was very true, so they did not insist on this condition.

The next day, Zhao Huan ordered Tang Ke to draft and sign the imperial edict.

He Li was taken aback when he saw the imperial edict, and said, "Why not follow the edict of the three towns, but follow the order of Huahe?"

He Li refused to sign and asked to resign.

Zhao Huan then dismissed He Li from his position as Minister of Zhongshu, and ordered him to know Hangzhou as a scholar of the Zizheng Palace, but to stay in the capital and lead the Kaifeng government affairs.

At the same time, Zhao Huan appointed Shangshu Zuocheng Chen Guoting as the Minister of Zhongshu.

Zhao Huan also criticized: "If the Jin people want to cede land, they need two people from the two houses to order each to report, and they are willing to send envoys."

Chen Guoting first stated: "The Lord is worried about the humiliation of the minister, and the minister is willing to die."

Tang Ke, Cao Fu, etc. all hesitated to answer, Geng Nanzhong declined on the grounds of his old age, and Nie Chang refused to go on the mission because there was an old man in his family who needed to be served.

After hearing this, Zhao Huan wept and sighed.

No one took the initiative to go, Zhao Huan could only force it.

Therefore, Zhao Huan criticized again: "The loyalty and friendship of the court is commendable, and it is exempted. Geng Nanzhong was sent to make Wu leave Hebei, and Nie Chang made Nianhan River to go out at sunset."

Seeing that Zhao Huan was angry, Geng Nanzhong and Nie Chang forced him to go to the Jin army to handle the delivery of Hebei and Hedong, but they did not dare to disobey their orders, so they had to agree.

But the promise is the promise, Geng Nanzhong and Nie Chang still procrastinate and refuse to leave Beijing.

For this alone, loyalty and evil can be distinguished.


Up to this time, the state of Song had not yet reached a consensus on whether to fight or flee or defend, and the court was still arguing fiercely.

Some ministers thought: "The enemy army took the opportunity to cross the river and march southward with drums, obviously intending to despise our army. Now, we might as well station [-] troops within ten miles of the capital, and firmly occupy the key points, so as to defeat the enemy's plot. Then dispatch thousands of troops from other places, come to help them, and destroy the enemy's food roads. Fortify the walls and clear the fields, in case the enemy's food and grass are exhausted, and try our best to prevent them from looting everywhere. Arrange spies to scout the inside information and find the enemy's weak points. Send troops from time to time Then order the counties and cities in Hebei to form camps for self-defense, and quickly send envoys to the north to worship King Kang as the marshal. Let King Kang concentrate Hebei troops and threaten to lead his troops to attack Yanshan in order to shake the enemy's morale. Then, King Kang secretly Lead the army across the Yellow River, gather the troops of King Qin from all directions, go around the enemy's back, and attack the enemy. If this is the case, the enemy will not die."

There are also ministers who think: "Now the enemy's soldiers are arrogant, and our army has been frustrated for a long time. Hearing that the enemy has penetrated deeply, the spirit is weak. If we fight again, we still cannot defeat the enemy, but it will hurt the country's health. It is better to protect the emperor from the city to avoid the enemy. Sharpness, and then Xu discusses the strategy of defending against the enemy. If an isolated city defends itself, how long can it last?"

There are also ministers who think: "There are [-] troops in the city, and they will guard the city and wait for reinforcements. It will not take a few months for the Jin army to go north. When the time comes, they will refine the army and send their troops north to regain the lost ground."

The ministers were arguing and arguing endlessly.

How to choose?

Zhao Huan was still hesitant.

For several days in a row, all the ministers of Song State held meetings until late at night.

But there is no fixed proposition.

a few days later.

At the second watch of the night, Cha Hou Ma Gang came back and reported, "The thief horse has indeed crossed the river."

In this regard, the ministers of the Song Dynasty still did not fully believe it.

Zhao Huan then sent his envoy Liu Si to lead [-] cavalry out of the city from Fengqiu Gate to spy in the distance.

Early the next morning, Liu Si came back on his horse and reported: "Our army was killed by Jin people as soon as it arrived at Chenqiao, and hundreds of people were injured."

At this point, Zhao Huan and all the ministers of the Song Dynasty woke up like a dream: it turned out that the enemy had arrived at Chenqiao in the northern suburb of Bianliang City.

Zhao Huanjun and his ministers were at a loss, at a loss, and panicked!


(End of this chapter)

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