Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 619 Bianliang City Breaks

Chapter 619 Bianliang City Breaks (Please Subscribe!)


This morning, the sky was full of wind and snow, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of my eyes.

Wanyan Zonghan looked at Bianliang City, which stood not far away, and happily said to his opponent Wenwu: "The snow is so strong, it's like adding 20 new recruits!"

Soon, the Jin army took advantage of the heavy snow to attack Xuanhuamen.

At this time, the Hulong River has been filled by the Jin army, and the trees on both sides of the Hulong River have also been felled by the Jin army.

In other words, now only the siege is left.

The Jin army quickly placed more than two hundred cannons under the city, and then fired together.

These guns are actually mainly catapults.

However, the catapults of the Jin Army were refitted and specially made. Some were even seven-point cannons that could throw a hundred catties of heavy stones, and some were star cannons that could launch several stones at the same time. More than a thousand strong bows and crossbows fired at the same time.

All of a sudden, arrows and stones were flying all over the sky like rain, and all of them were scattered towards the tower, with an unprecedented level of violence.

More than 350 officers and soldiers of the Song Army had no time to escape, and died of artillery stones and arrows in just one round of attack.

After learning of these situations, Zhao Huan immediately ordered his own guards to go to the city for reinforcements.

He Li and Sun Fu also quickly dispatched many reinforcements from other city gates.

This time, the Jin army is very likely to win.

Therefore, someone suggested to He Li that Guo Jing, an extraordinary soldier, and his 770 seven Liujia soldiers should be sent to fight to eliminate the Jin army and restore the peace of the Song Dynasty.

Guo Jing and his seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven Liujia soldiers have been stationed in Tianjing Temple.

Prior to this, He Li had also sent people to ask Guo Jing to be a teacher many times.

But Guo Jing repeatedly declined, saying: "If it's not an emergency, my teacher will not come out."

Yesterday, someone said to Guo Jing: "The thieves are in a hurry to attack."

Guo Jing said with a smile: "If you choose a day to go out as a teacher, you will be able to bring about peace, until you reach Yinshan Mountain."

Guo Jing also bragged to the man that the magical soldiers he formed were only for beheading, and there was no need to fight.

Guo Jing had previously asked Zhao Huan to prepare dozens of sill carts so that they could be used to load the high-ranking Jin people such as Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Zongwang.

For Guo Jing's absurdity and hypocrisy, most Song people at this time believed in it and did not think it was strange.

Of course, there are also some people of insight who are chilled by it, knowing that it will definitely harm the country.

This time, the Jin army attacked extremely fiercely, so He Li forced Guo Jing to leave the army.

Under He Li's forced order, Guo Jing finally boarded the city wall of Xuanhuamen.

Guo Jing first set up banners on the city wall, and painted a picture of the king of heaven on each banner, saying: "The banner of the king of heaven has three sides on each wall, according to the instructions of the five parties."

All the god soldiers standing beside Guo Jing said: "This flag can make the captives lose their nerve."

The generals and soldiers of the Song Army who were present heard the words of the magic soldiers, and they all felt mysterious about these Liujia magic soldiers.

Seeing that it was almost time, Wang Zongling ordered the opening of the Xuanhua City Gate to let the divine soldiers go out to fight.

I saw the 770 soldiers of the Six Armies lined up in seven square formations, and they left the city in high spirits.

Hearing the hope of the Song Dynasty that the Six Armies Gods would finally go to battle, the citizens of Bianliang City flocked to the vicinity of Xuanhua Gate, stretching their necks and heels in the cold wind, waiting for the news of victory.

The crowd of spectators was so dark that they couldn't see the edge at a glance, there were about tens of 10 people.

There were also people who quietly followed the Shenbing out of the city to watch the excitement—there were tens of thousands of people.

Guo Jing saw on the city wall that the Liujia soldiers had left the city, so he asked He Li to send an order: Except for the guarding envoys and soldiers left on the city, the rest of the people will go down the city.

The reason Guo Jing gave was that he wanted to use the Liujia magical method on the city. This magical method can make people invisible, and the Jinren cannot be aware of it.

He Li then sent someone to deliver an order to order all other people in the city to go down to the city.

At this time, many people gathered in the city, and these people wanted to witness for themselves how the magic soldiers killed the golden man madly.

Unfortunately, they were all driven off the city wall.

Seeing the Song army going out to fight, the Jin army soon faced it.

The main force in this battle is Wanyan Loushi's troops.

Wanyan Loushi's soldiers divided into four groups and marched forward with clamor.

On the other hand, the former army of the Liujia Shenbing had already crossed the Hulong River and headed straight for the Golden Camp.

Wanyan Loushi's son, Wanyan Huo's daughter, came to the front line to command in person.

Wanyan Huonu found it ridiculous that the infantry of the Song army dared to stride forward in a phalanx.

How did Wanyan Huonu know that this is an army of Liujia divine soldiers full of the hopes of the emperors of the Song Dynasty and the people of the Song Dynasty.

Wanyan Huonu immediately dispatched more than [-] cavalry to raid the front army of the divine soldiers.

It's too late, but it's fast. The magic soldiers soon realized that they were also flesh and blood, and they were not magic soldiers at all.

The front army of Liujia Shenbing was quickly broken by the cavalry, and then turned into two sections.

The god soldiers in front were swept away by the golden cavalry with sabers, like mowing grass.

The magic soldiers in the back retreated one after another and fell into the Hulong River. The corpses piled up like a mountain, and even the suspension bridge on the river was suppressed and could not be lifted up.

In a short period of time, the former army of the Liujia Shenbing was trampled to death by the Jinren cavalry.

The wailing of the magic soldiers is unbearable to hear.

Seeing this, Guo Jing said to Zhang Shuye who was beside him: "I didn't expect the Jin people to be so rampant. I will go down to the city to do it myself, and I will make sure that the Jin people will not be left alone!"

After all, Guo Jing hurried out of the city.

But Guo Jing neither acted nor fought, but led the remaining soldiers to flee south.

(Later, Guo Jing fled to Xiangyang, and there were still more than a thousand soldiers following him. It is said that he found a clan of the Zhao family there and wanted to make him emperor, but was defeated by Xiangyang guards Zhang Sizheng, Qian Gai, and Wang Xiang At that time, someone came from Tokyo and described the incident between Guo Jing and Liujia Shenbing to Zhang Sizheng. Zhang Sizheng was very angry and ordered Guo Jing to be arrested, and Guo Jing was killed soon.)
When Guo Jing led the Liujia soldiers to flee to the south, the Jin army did not go after them, but rushed straight to Xuanhuamen.

The people standing inside the city gate were very flustered when they saw this situation. They urgently called on the defenders to close the gate and block it, and the city gate was closed abruptly.

The common people heard that the sound of the army outside the city had become chaotic, so they talked a lot:

Some people say that Guo Jing has been defeated and the Jin soldiers are about to enter the city.

Some people say that Guo Jing was originally a golden man.

Some people say that it was Guo Jing who sent Jin soldiers into the city.

Others said that it would be fine for Guo Jing to run away, and the officers and soldiers would definitely be able to defend Bianliang City.


The Jin army, who was blocked outside the city gate, saw that the towers and oars on the city had collapsed, so they turned to attack the city wall.

The tower above the city was set on fire by the Jin soldiers yesterday. Yao Youzhong ordered people to repair it urgently last night, but it was destroyed by the Jin army cannons.

He Li, Sun Fu, Wang Zonglian and others thought that since the Six Armored Divine Soldiers had gone out to battle and their power was boundless, it was impossible for the Jin army to come to attack the city again. Therefore, they were a little slack in the deployment of the city defense, so that the city did not even hit the pole. Prepare.

Let's put it this way, He Li and the others never thought that Guo Jing and his Liujia soldiers would be so vulnerable, and then fled away. They all thought that once Guo Jing and his Liujia soldiers came out, 10,000+ gold The heads of the thieves were all cut off immediately, and then the danger of the Song Dynasty was resolved, and then the lost ground was regained.

Just when He Li, Sun Fu, Zhang Shuye, Wang Zonglian and others were extremely angry with Guo Jing, the Jin army under the city had already set up the ladder, and the Jin soldiers in iron clothes climbed up the ladder with all their strength.

The generals of the Song army on the city were shocked when they found that the Jin soldiers had already entered the city.

He Li, Sun Fu, Zhang Shuye, Wang Zonglian and others urgently ordered the soldiers to fight and drove the Jin soldiers out of the city.

At this time, there were actually many imperial guards and city guards in the battle shed.

However, there was an open platform with a width of one or two feet between the Song Army and the place where the Jin Bing ascended the city. At this time, the artillery arrows of the Jin Army came down again like heavy rain.

None of these soldiers of the Song army were willing to fight to the death.

Wang Zongli hurriedly ordered the Linfu soldiers who were in charge of supporting the city to go to the city to fight.

But because Wang Zonglian failed to fulfill the reward he had promised, the Kelin Mansion soldiers did not listen to Wang Zonglian's orders at all.

On the other hand, Wanyan Zonghan learned that soldiers had already ascended the city, and immediately ordered to beat the drums to vibrate the brigade and attack in an all-round way.

Therefore, amidst the sound of war drums resounding in the sky, the golden soldiers moved several ladders, and climbed up the city one after another along the ladders, in an endless stream.

Seeing that the Jin army's offensive was so unstoppable, the Song army on the city was even more frightened and did not dare to approach.

Seeing that the situation was critical, He Li, Sun Fu, Wang Zonglian and others all went down to the city one after another.

Zhang Shuye yelled that he had been fooled by Guo Jing, and hurriedly went to the battle, but was shot by the arrows of the golden soldiers, and his two sons rushed forward to carry him to the city.

Soon, Jin soldiers climbed the city one after another, while the Song army soldiers on the city dispersed.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there is no one on Song Jun's side who dares to defend the city wall.

Guo Zhongxun, the guard in charge of guarding the city gate on the south wall, led the troops to climb the city wall to fight the Jin soldiers after closing the Xuanhua Gate.

But the arrows of the golden soldiers on the city rained down like rain, which made Guo Zhongxun unable to climb the city in the end, so he retreated into the inner city.

Due to the large size of Bianliang City, the defense areas were not familiar with each other, and the information could not be communicated in time. Therefore, rumors abounded during the chaos, but they could not be suppressed.

The defenders of Nanxun Gate wanted to escape from the city, so they lied: "Fan Tongzhi dedicated Dailou Gate."

The Caomen defenders wanted to go down to the city and escape, so they lied, "Taiwei Lu offered to seal the Qiumen."

After the general public and soldiers heard about it, they all followed it.

As a result, everyone's hearts collapsed. The tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of thousands of people were actually captured by hundreds of golden soldiers.

Soon, the soldiers of the Song Army abandoned their armor and turned to the road, while the citizens ran around like headless chickens.

People are panicking, everyone is in danger, and Bianliang City is in extreme chaos, as if the end of the world is coming...


(End of this chapter)

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