Chapter 624

In fact, the so-called famous teacher is to have a moral cloak. What really matters is strength. With strength, there is no need for any excuses.

However, in order to save myself from the burden of infamy, and to make it easier for those literati to package themselves, excuses still have to be used.

Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, in order not to delay things, and to show closeness, Li Yan and his close ministers have already made it clear in private, "This time we will enter the Central Plains and become the orthodox of China."

As Li Yan's starting general, Liu Kai, who was selected by Li Yan thousands of times, naturally understood Li Yan's meaning best.

Therefore, Liu Kai did not dare to delay for a moment, and advanced westward immediately.

As for the more than 1 horses in Qingzhou, let alone Sun Jing to deal with them, even without Sun Jing, they would never dare to block the path of the [-] to [-] troops with nearly [-] horses.

The marching speed of the former army was very fast - after crossing the Jiaolai River, it took only six days to cross the East East Road of the East River and the East West Road of the River.

Along the way, the former army imitated entering the land of no one, and did not encounter any resistance.

This made Liu Kai, who was walking carefully all the way, very puzzled!

Later, after the sentries captured a few rout soldiers and interrogated them, Liu Kai learned that all the Song troops on Jingdong East Road and Jingdong East Road were taken by Zhao Gou to Kaide Mansion to join Zongze.

This is good news for Liu Kai-apart from the fact that this will give Shuibo Liangshan more advantages, to be honest, from the bottom of his heart, Liu Kai does not want to fight Song Jun.

Of course, this is inevitable, so if necessary, Liu Kai will not hesitate to fight against the Song army.

Liu Kai ordered the army to speed up again, striving to reach Jeju Prefecture as soon as possible.

A battle of this level cannot be done without a fixed base camp.

The civil and military people in Shuibo Liangshan held many meetings before deciding to use Jeju Prefecture as the front-line base camp of the Liangshan Army.

There are many reasons for choosing Jeju as the base camp:
First of all, Liangshanbo is located in Jeju Prefecture. In the past, Li Yan gave countless grains here and kept the place stable for several years. Even now, no one dares to come here to act wildly. Therefore, Shuibo Liangshan has the best mass base here.

Secondly, the transportation in Jeju Prefecture extends in all directions, and not only the land roads are developed, but the waterways are also well-developed. If the base camp is placed here, the strategic depth of the Liangshan Army, which is good at water warfare, will be greatly increased.

Again, it’s not too far or too close to Tokyo—Ma Jun ran away and arrived in Tokyo in less than three days, and had just the right time to deal with various surprise attacks.

Secondly, if the Liangshan army wanted to go further, it might not be possible to do so easily - further ahead was the Kaide mansion, where Zongze had hoarded more than 2 troops, and there were [-] troops who had repeatedly defeated the Jin army.

(At that time, when this plan was formulated, Zhao Gou was still in Xiangzhou.)
Today, Zhao Gou took more than 2 people to Kaide Mansion, and the Grand Marshal's Mansion now has [-] to [-] troops.

In this way, Liang Shanjun would not be able to step forward easily.

Therefore, Jeju Prefecture is the first target of the former army's march.


Kaide Mansion.

Knowing that Zhao Gou personally brought more than 2 horses to join him, veteran Zong Ze was very happy, and led a thousand elite troops to meet Zhao Gou ten miles away.


What Zong Ze didn't expect was that Zhao Gou and the others took his overtures as flaunting.

Although Zhao Gou didn't show anything on his face, he was secretly vigilant in his heart!
Speaking of which, if it wasn't because Liangshan Army suddenly dispatched troops, Zhao Gou would never have come to Kaide Mansion to join forces with Zongze.

At the beginning, not long after Zhao Gou established the Grand Marshal's Mansion, the Deputy Marshal Zong Ze brought Cizhou soldiers and horses to join Zhao Gou, and then told Zhao Gou: "The capital has been besieged for a long time, and there is no delay in rescuing the capital." Zhao Gou was urged to rescue Tokyo Bianliang.

But at that time, it happened that Cao Fu, a member of the Privy Council who signed the letter, came from Tokyo with a wax seal and Zhao Huan's secret edict, saying that a peace agreement could be reached.

Zongze added: "The Jin people are cunning. They just want to deceive our army. Your father is more eager for rescue than hunger and thirst. You should quickly send your troops to Chanyuan and build camps one by one to relieve the siege of the capital. If the enemy has other schemes, our soldiers are already under the city."

At that time, the people in the Generalissimo's Mansion were unwilling to confront the powerful Jin army, so they advised Zhao Gou to send Zong Ze first.

People in Cizhou beat Wang Yun to death and forced Zhao Gou to return to Cizhou. The chief official Zongze, so Zhao Gou followed the advice of Wang Boyan and others, and kicked Zongze to Kaide Mansion.

Since then, the Grand Marshal's Mansion has been divided into two.

Unexpectedly, from Zongze to Kaide Mansion, he won all the battles with Jinren Shisan.

Zongze then sent a letter advising Zhao Gou to order all Taoists to gather troops in Tokyo.

Not only that, Zongze also sent a letter to Zhao Ye, the general manager of Beidao, Fan Ne, Xuanfu envoy of Hebei Road, and Zeng Mao, Zhixing Renfu, asking them to join forces to rescue the capital.

Zhao Ye, Fan Ne, and Zeng Mao all thought Zong Ze was arrogant and ignored him.

Zhao Gou didn't intend to pay any attention to Zong Ze at first.

But at this time, Liangshan's army arrived, and Zhao Gou didn't dare to stay in Hebei and Shandong anymore, so he came to Kaide Mansion to join forces with Zongze.

During this period of time, Zhao Gou has experienced many major events and has grown into a very mature politician, so he can hide his true thoughts well.

Zhao Gou got off his horse when he was far away, and then faced Zong Ze, saying as he walked, "The old general is really the mainstay of the Song Dynasty. He fought thirteen bloody battles with the gold thieves. He won every battle, greatly increasing the prestige of our Song Dynasty!"

Goodbye Zhao Gou, Zong Ze is also very happy!
Zhao Gouying was extraordinary in martial arts. He entered the Jinying camp alone. He had the spirit of Taizu and Taizong. Zong Ze thought in his heart: "The great Song Dynasty may eventually fall on the shoulders of King Kang."

Zong Ze said: "The generalissimo has a high reputation, this is the duty of a minister."

Zhao Gou said: "The old general takes credit but is not proud, he is a real gentleman!"

Zong Ze was even happier when he heard the words, and said, "The generalissimo praises you."

Glancing at the boundless troops brought by Zhao Gou, Zong Ze said happily: "With the 2 horses brought by the Generalissimo, plus the 2 horses under the command of the ministers, we can finally rescue the capital. "

Hearing Zong Ze's words, the smile on Zhao Gou's face froze!
However, Zhao Gou soon smiled again and said, "There is no rush, let's talk about it later, come on, come on, this king will introduce some loyal ministers and good generals like the old general to the old general."

Hearing Zhao Gou say that there is no rush to rescue Tokyo, Zong Ze frowned!
Today, the outer city of Bianliang City has been breached by gold thieves, and Zhao Huan has been detained by the gold men in the gold camp. It is uncertain when Bianliang City will be completely breached, and then the people in Bianliang City will be destroyed. It can be said that the rescue of Tokyo is already an imminent matter. How come Zhao Gou is here, and this matter has become less urgent?

As if Zhao Gou didn't see Zong Ze's frown, he continued to introduce Zong Ze to the civil servants and generals who had recently joined the Grand Marshal's Mansion.

After Zong Ze patiently got to know these newcomers one by one, he found a gap and said again: "General Marshal, when will we raise troops to serve the king?"

Zhao Gou was displeased, but he suppressed his true thoughts and whispered to Zong Ze, "Do you know, the old general, that villain Li Yan has already taken advantage of the fire?"


(End of this chapter)

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