Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 645 Oddly Take Bianliang City

Chapter 645 Strange Take of Bianliang City ([-]) (Subscribe!)


There are tens of thousands of young and beautiful women in Bianliang City who have packed their cars and are ready to go back to their hometown in Northeast China. In Bianliang City, there are countless gold, silver, jewelry and good things they have never heard of. Because the Liangshan Army made these beauties and treasures fly as soon as they reached their mouths like boiled ducks. It also said that if they could not take back those beauties, gold, silver and jewels in Bianliang City within three days, they would kill them. Don't give up and go back to their hometown in the Northeast, so that the Jinren stormed Bianliang City like crazy, trying to get back those beauties, gold, silver, jewelry, and good things that belonged to them.

As a result, it caused a lot of casualties to the white army who did not give an inch.

In the first night alone, nearly [-]% of the white army was lost.

If Li Yan knew that the Tabai Army had suffered such heavy casualties this time, he would definitely die of distress—the Tabai Army was selected from the entire Liangshan Army, or even from the entire Shuibo Liangshan. extremely difficult to restore.

But in any case, the stepping white army survived the most difficult first night.

During the day, it is beneficial to the defenders.

Moreover, the stepping white army has a large number of heavy weapons in their hands.

In addition, the soldiers of the White Army are all sharp archers.

Let's put it this way, if it had been daytime, the Jin army would have no chance of taking back Bianliang City.

During the day, the Jin army tried several times, but was easily beaten back by the white army, and finally determined that it was impossible for them to recapture Bianliang City during the day, and then gave up capturing Bianliang City during the day with great reluctance. , the two sides temporarily truce.

In the eyes of the people in Bianliang City, the Liangshan Army had defended Bianliang City, and the attitudes of both the former ministers of the Song Dynasty and the soldiers and civilians began to change.

After this night of fierce fighting, not only the Jin army had a better understanding of the strength of the Tabai army, but the Tabai army also had a better understanding of the strength of the Jin army.

Wu Song found Li Zhu, and said with all his heart: "The Jin army is the strongest enemy our Liangshan army has ever encountered. It should not be underestimated. The key point is that this Bianliang city is really too big, and our manpower is really too small." So, please ask the military division to find a way to mobilize some soldiers and civilians to defend the city together, so as to ensure that Bianliang City is safe."

Li Zhudao: "Don't worry Wudutong, I have a plan in mind, and I will not teach Wudutong to fight alone."

After speaking, Li Zhu left the city wall and went to find Wang Qing.

Under Wang Qing's guidance, Li Zhu came to see Tang Ke.

Seeing Li Zhu and Wang Qing coming to the door, Tang Ke made a difference first, and then laughed at himself: "I don't know what you two want to do when you come to see me, a sinner who has wronged the country?"

Li Zhudao: "My lord once said that Song State has wronged many ministers, but this does not include you, Mr. Tang. You made the right choice when the situation was not conducive to Song State, and you advocated moving the capital when it was impossible. The original words of the Lord's evaluation of you, Mr. Tang, are "Zhao Huan paid homage to 26 prime ministers like a lantern, of which only Li Gang and Tang Ke can be ministers. Li Gang is too strong, and he lacks tenacity. It is difficult to use it. Tang Ke is always sober, has a clearer understanding of the situation, has the ability, and has vision. It is a pity that he lacks the bearing that a Dazai should have, and is too rigid in party struggles, so he cannot be Dazai. Kill less.'."

Although Li Yan said that Tang Ke could not be the prime minister, at most he could only be the deputy prime minister, but it is not easy to get Li Yan's evaluation, especially the former prime minister of the Song Dynasty like Tang Ke who has a bad reputation and has not accomplished any great things. Persevere.

Let's put it this way, with Li Yan's objective evaluation, although Tang Ke will not be freed from wronging the country all at once, at least he will no longer have to bear the name of a criminal minister.

Therefore, Tang Ke was still very grateful to Li Yan, and said: "I beg Li Daochang to thank the King of Liaodong on Tang Ke's behalf."

Li Zhudao: "Master Tang can thank you himself."

Tang Ke is so smart, how could he not understand that Li Zhu was recruiting him for Li Yan?
Tang Ke said: "Tang Ke was a minister of Song Dynasty in life, and he was also a minister of Song Dynasty in death."

Li Zhu said: "Through this great change, Mr. Tang still can't see how difficult it is. Zhao Song is today because Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan's father and son have no talent for mastering the country. Some important strategies to save the country such as you were not adopted by their father and son. , but some important schemes to harm the country were adopted by his father and son?"

Li Zhu said again leisurely: "Master Tang, don't you want to prove yourself with some political achievements, instead of being a loser like you are now?"

Tang Ke is only in his early fifties, and he can still have a long political life. To be honest, he is not willing to end his political career here, especially with his current reputation.

Li Zhu said again: "The world is not a world of one person and one surname. Mr. Tang must have known that after reading a lot of books, thinking about the past and present, there is no dynasty that will last forever, and there is no orthodoxy that will never change. Now it has been abandoned by the golden men, and there is no one in the world. Naturally, there should be a new virtuous person to rule the world. This is the reincarnation of heaven. Looking at the current world, is there anyone more suitable to be a king than my lord? My lord has both virtue and martial arts, and loves the people Like a son, a virtuous minister, a villain from afar, is actually the reincarnation of Emperor Qin, Han, Wu, Tang Zong and Song Zu. If Master Tang really cares about the people of the world, he should follow the example of Wei Zheng, a wise minister in ancient times, to rule the world with my lord, instead of being foolish, loyal and without virtue. , an impotent emperor, and a dynasty that has perished."

Tang Ke remained silent.

Seeing this, Li Zhu got up slowly, and said at the same time: "A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman is for a person who pleases herself. Although Zhao Huan used Mr. Tang as his chancellor, he didn't listen to Mr. Tang's words. This is trust? Zhao Huan appointed Most of the 26 ministers are now in Bianliang City. There are thousands of civil and military officials in the Zhao and Song courts, and most of them are now in Bianliang City. The Lord admires Mr. Tang very much, I don't want to, Mr. Tang can't even understand this little reason, which makes people extremely disappointed."

Li Zhu said leisurely again: "My lord has never missed a single person in my life. I don't want to fall into Master Tang's hands this time. It's sad...Leave!"

After finishing speaking, Li Zhu turned around and left.


Now, Wu Min, Xu Churen, and others are also in Bianliang City. If any one of them is found, they can replace Tang Ke, and there are also people in power such as Sun Fu, Wang Shiyong, and Xu Bingzhe in the city. First find Tang Ke, a man who has lost power and has a bad reputation.

Li Zhuneng came to Tang Ke first, and there was only one reasonable explanation, that is, Li Yan was optimistic about Tang Ke.

It is impossible for Tang Ke to fail to understand this truth.

And just like what Li Zhu said, Tang Ke was not willing to be judged by history with his current reputation, and he also blamed Zhao Huan for refusing to listen to his words to move the capital, otherwise, Zhao Song would never be where he is today. so-so.

Therefore, just as Li Zhu was about to walk out the door, Tang Ke suddenly said: "With my current reputation, it is impossible for the people to listen to my call and go to the city wall to fight against gold."

Li Zhu turned his head to look at Tang Ke, and said with a smile, "I think Master Tang should have other ways to get the people to go up the city wall to fight against gold."

Tang Ke was silent for a while, and then said: "You have to find a few people to help."


(End of this chapter)

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