Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 651 Prelude to Dynasty Change

Chapter 651 Prelude to Dynasty Change (Please Subscribe!)


I heard that Li Zhu and others are going to move the Xuanfu Division to the capital. How can those who have been involved in politics for half their life not understand that this is the prelude to the change of the dynasty?

The ministers headed by Sun Fu who were still loyal to Zhao Song were filled with righteous indignation!
However, both eggs——

it's useless.

Wang Shiyong has asked Li Zhu to issue a notice in the name of the Xuanfu Department: Although he is an official, he will go to Xuande for a meeting at noon tomorrow.Considering that there were so many people mixed together that there was no way to distinguish them, all civil and military officials and officials in Beijing were assigned to observe people in the palace, the monks and Taoists went to Xiguan Pavilion outside Xuandemen, and the military personnel went to Dasheng Mansion for a meeting.

The Secretary Department is the department in charge of the library collection of the Song Dynasty. It is located in the right south corridor outside Xuandemen, facing the right Yemen.Dasheng Mansion is the department in charge of music of the Song court, located on the west side of Yujie Street and south of Jingling West Palace.

At dawn the next day, officials came to report to the secretary province one after another, soldiers went to Dasheng Mansion to assemble, monks and priests went to Xuandemen Xiduolou, and common people went to Xuandemen Dongduolou.

Although Xuan Fusi's report did not say what the meeting was about, most people had already guessed that it must be a matter of changing the dynasty.

When all the officials arrived, Wang Shiyong ordered to close the gate of the secretary's province, and ordered Fan Qiong to send troops to guard the gate, and no one was allowed to go out.

At this time, Wang Shiyong, Xu Bingzhe and other officials who had already attached themselves to Shuibo Liangshan walked into the capital hall, and then Wang Shiyong announced in public: "Zhao and Song Dynasties are dead, and there is no master in the world. In terms of morality, the king of Liaodong, honored Li Yan, trying to take the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, just because he couldn't bear the Han people to kill each other to teach the Hu people to benefit, so he gave all the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun to Zhao Song. The state also lost the large territory north of the Yellow River laid down by the ancestors, and was abolished by the Jin people, which made the Han people ashamed and unworthy of the master, but my master, the king of Liaodong, is the best in the world. He is the backbone of the Han people and must To be able to resist powerful enemies from outside and protect the Han people from being disturbed, and to rule the world internally so that the Han people can live and work in peace and contentment, we should replace the Zhao family and be the master of the world..."

No matter who it is, they have to admit the fact that it is most appropriate for Li Yan to replace the Zhao family as the lord of the world.

Only those who have been brainwashed by Confucianism, or who have really received Zhao's great favor, cannot accept this fact.

All in all, when Wang Shiyong announced: "Whoever is willing to support my lord Liaodong King to establish a new dynasty, please sign your position and name." After signing his own name first, hundreds of officials stepped forward one after another. Write your title and name on a blank piece of paper.

During this process, many people also signed their names with tears in their eyes.

Obviously, these people still have some memories or regrets for the Song Dynasty.

However, it may be out of fear, it may be out of fear, it may be out of righteousness, it may be for the sake of the family, it may be for their own future, although they cry for the Song Dynasty, But they are still willing to serve the pro-DPRK and Li Yan.

Of course, there are some people who are unwilling to accept the fact that a filial son comes out of a poor family and a loyal minister is shown in a difficult country.

Sun Fu said: "Your Majesty insulted the prince, and the crown prince died. I was a minister of the Song Dynasty, and the prince was Fu. The Song Dynasty died. I was unable to protect the prince. I should obey the prince with death. Please report to the king of Liaodong. Sun Fu cannot serve him."

While saying this, Sun Fu gave Wang Shiyong a deep look.

Although Sun Fu had no evidence, he also guessed that Zhao Chen's death was inseparable from Wang Shiyong, who had already spoken on behalf of Xuan Fusi.

Sun Fu didn't hate Wang Shiyong for being too cunning, but only hated his own eyes for being blind.

So, Sun Fu didn't say anything, didn't look at Wang Shiyong again, but left directly.

Fan Qiong didn't want to stop a person who was determined to die, so he let Sun Fu go.

Zhang Shuye replied frankly: "I have received the great kindness of the country for many generations, and I vowed to live and die with the country. I really don't want to create a different surname, and I will listen to it."

After speaking, Zhang Shuye also left.

Afterwards, Xu Churen, Hu Zhiru and others also left without signing.

The 37-year-old censor Zhongcheng Qin Hui also came to this meeting, but he refused to sign, and said: "It is undeniable that the king of Liaodong is powerful, but why is he virtuous? The king of Liaodong was just a hero in the world. , to be recruited, and later because the Song Dynasty recovered the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, it was bestowed on the King of Liaodong. Want to replace it, He De? Since his grandfather, he has been in the Song Dynasty for the seventh time. The handle of life and death, the authority to control the officials, the army and the people, etc., will definitely destroy the Song Dynasty and change their surnames. When the king of Liaodong raised his troops to save the capital and confronted the Jin army. Hinoki forgot to die to understand the reason. From the ancestors to the heirs of the Zhao family, For more than 170 years, merits and virtues have been established, compared with Long Han and Tang Dynasties, and actually different from the two Jin Dynasties. The treacherous ministers and Yumeng have enmity with neighboring countries, and the counselors have miscalculated. If the king wants to be virtuous to the world, he should return the government to the Zhao family, drive out the Tartars, and restore China to us. The world will sing praises of him, and he may be comparable to Duke Zhou and become a worthy minister through the ages."

To put it simply, Qin Hui wanted to persuade Li Yan not to seize the Zhao family's world, but to be a virtuous minister, to help the Zhao family drive out the Jin people, and then return the power to the Zhao family.

I have to say, judging from Qin Hui's speech this time, the current Qin Hui is too naive politically. It can also be said that the current Qin Hui still has some innocence. , and after repeated failures, Qin Hui could transform into that treacherous official through the ages.

There are many people who are as stupid and naive as Qin Hui.

An official with a stern face said sharply: "The Zhao family has been in the world for 200 years, how can it be given its surname? Even if this person is the king of Liaodong, I would like to go to ask for orders and return the power to the Zhao family!"

On the right side of this person, an official suddenly burst into tears: "I invite you to go with me!"

Wang Shiyong didn't know these two officials, so he said, "I list myself as a surname."

The official with a stern face replied: "I am Kou Xiang, the doctor of Fengzhi, and he is the court invite Lang Gao Shibin."

At this time, Ma Shen, the supervisory censor, said to the crowd: "I, Cao, is a contending minister. How can I just sit back and watch without saying a word? We should join the petition and beg for the Zhao family."

In addition, Wu Qi, the supervisory censor, and Wang Tingxiu, the prosecutor of the censor Taiwan, announced their resignation, the secretary of the provincial school, Hu Yin, and the chief book of Taichang Temple, Zhang Jun, fled to Taixue.

None of these people signed the petition.

It's a pity that those who did not sign their names, after all, are only a minority, a very small number—only a dozen or so people.

These people can't do anything, and they can't change anything. The general trend of dynastic change is set. Everyone knows that Li Yan, the king of Liaodong, is about to win the world, and a new era is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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