Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 659 Long Live My Emperor

Chapter 659 Long Live My Emperor (please subscribe!)

"He will be enthroned in three days, the king of Liaodong must be too impatient, right?"

"What do you know? A country cannot be without a master for a day. If the king of Liaodong does not ascend the throne quickly and announce to the world, the world will be in chaos."

"Thinking about it, it really feels like a dream. A few days ago it was the Song Dynasty, and three days later it will be the New Dynasty."

"If you want me to say, the king of Liaodong must be too disappointed in Zhao."

"how do I say this?"

"Think about it, the king of Liaodong killed and injured tens of thousands of horses before taking back the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun. As a result, in just over three years, Zhao Song lost the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun that the king of Liaodong fought so hard. It was also occupied by the Jin people in Hebei and broke through the capital, and then it was abolished, which made us Han people ashamed and became a joke. Do you think that a strong man like the King of Liaodong can not be disappointed with Zhao Song like this?"

"In other words, the Zhao family is not immoral. From Taizu to Zhezong, most of Zhao's emperors were benevolent, wise, and martial. I didn't expect Huizong and Qinzong to defeat their ancestors' foundation. It's really unfilial."

"Time! Luck! Destiny! The Great Song Dynasty is dead, and it can only be said that its fate has come."

"Death is death. This dynasty will only blackmail our good people. It should have died a long time ago. To be honest, I am also very disappointed in Song Dynasty. There are millions of troops, hundreds of millions of people, and all of them are dead. It was beaten into the house, and the emperor and all the royal family were captured, so what is the reason for it not to perish?"

"The death of Zhao Song is not a pity, but it is hard for us kind people, who dig gold and offer their daughters, and are bullied by the golden dog. If the king of Liaodong did not stand up to clean up this mess, we might become the subjugated slaves."

"When the King of Liaodong arrived, the Jin people retreated another [-] miles, which shows that the Jin people are very afraid of the King of Liaodong. I think only such a prestigious emperor can protect us to live and work in peace and contentment."

"Whoever loves to be the emperor will be the one. Anyway, it's not my turn. Compared with whoever is the emperor, I am more concerned about whether the king of Liaodong will give us food. The family is almost in trouble."

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. The king of Liaodong brought so much food, how can it make you hungry again? Whoever becomes the emperor has nothing to do with you, but it is very important. If the original emperor is the king of Liaodong , How dare the golden dog violate the border, so many people died in the Song Dynasty? Can your wealth be confiscated by the court and dedicated to the golden dog?"

"You're right. It's really important who will be the emperor...By the way, can we get back the gold and silver that was confiscated by the gold men?"

"Where do you want it? From the gold man, or from Zhao Song? Who can tell where the gold and silver are now? So, don't worry about those gold and silver. It will also be charged to the national treasury, and it will save us a few years, only Amitabha."


Everyone in Tokyo is talking about Li Yan's ascension to the throne three days later.

This is also normal, after all, this is a major event of regime change, and it is closely related to them, how could they not discuss it?
Even in front of Li Yan, they had already whispered about it.

Amidst all the discussions, Li Yan led his entourage into the imperial city behind Xuande Gate.

After entering the Xuande Gate, there are left and right rising dragon gates and two corridors in the east and west. The north is the Daqing Hall on the central axis of the palace city.

The Daqing Hall has nine bays in total. There are five East Halls and five West Halls on the left and right.

Don't gossip.

After Li Yan brought all the civil and military officials to the main hall of Daqing Hall, he stood at the door and looked around, then walked straight to the dragon chair that only the emperor could sit on.

After looking at this chair that countless people yearn for, Li Yan turned around and sat on it.

Seeing this, all the civil and military officials who came in with Li Yan were all very excited!
Under the leadership of Zhao Ding and Xu Guanzhong, all the civil and military officials bowed together: "I wait to see the emperor, long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"

Although Li Yan's enthronement ceremony was held three days later, from the moment Li Yan sat on the dragon chair, Li Yan was already the emperor. This is the consensus of those who witnessed this moment.

After savoring what it was like to be an emperor, Li Yancai said, "Free from courtesy."

After the civil and military officials straightened their bodies, Li Yan said again: "We have time to celebrate, so we don't rush this moment, the most urgent thing is to make the court function first, so as not to give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of, so as to be worthy of the Li people. "

All civil and military officials said in unison: "No!"

Li Yan didn't hesitate, and said directly: "I... I appointed Wen Huanzhang as the political affairs officer of Pingzhang under the Zhongshu sect (Taizai), Zhao Ding as the political affairs officer under the Zhongshu sect (Shaozai), Xu Guanzhong as the privy envoy, Zhu Wu is the deputy envoy of the frame secret, Tang Ke is the secretary of the Shangshu Zuocheng, Jiang Jing is the envoy of the third division, Chen Gongfu is the doctor of the imperial censor, Li Guang is the official of the imperial censor, Guo Yong is the official secretary of the official department, Zhao Kai is the official secretary of the household department, and Qiao Daoqing is the official secretary of the military department. , Pei Xuan is the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and Tang Long is the Minister of the Ministry of Industry..."

These appointments are the result of Li Yan's discussions with Wen Huanzhang and Zhao Ding countless times and after a long time of deliberation. They will be the center of this emerging country, carrying countless responsibilities and hopes.

As for what position they will hold in the new dynasty, in fact, most people have already figured it out, because Li Yan had already talked to them in person before.

Of course, there are also surprises.

Such as Wang Shiyong and Xu Bingzhe, such as Li Guang.

Wang Shiyong and Xu Bingzhe were surprised that they did not hear about their appointment, which made them a little nervous!

Wang Shiyong and Xu Bingzhe made up their minds only when they remembered that Li Yan was going to talk to them alone later.

But Li Guang was really surprised.

Judging from the order announced by Li Yan, Li Guang's position must not be low, because his name is pronounced at the eighth, and he is still above the six ministers.

According to the Song system, Yushi Zhongcheng was the second official of Yushitai.

Yushitai is the central supervisory agency, which is mainly responsible for admonishment, and also accepts special litigation cases-every major case, Yushitai, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and Dali Temple form a joint trial of the three law departments.Dali Temple is responsible for interrogating criminals and drafting verdicts, and the Criminal Department is responsible for reviewing and reporting to Yushitai for supervision and trial.

If you meet an emperor who attaches great importance to Taiwan's advice, then Yushitai's power is very heavy.

And Yushi Zhongcheng, the vice-official of Yushitai, is from the second rank and has a high position and weight.

Prior to this, Li Guang was only serving the censor, and Zhao Huan had just mentioned it not long ago.

(Servant Yushi, one of the four people who stepped down from Yushitai and set up a servant Yushi. If a senior official of the court violated the law, the servant Yushi usually reported it to Yushi Zhongcheng and then reported it to the emperor. It is the fifth rank.)
Now Li Guang can be said to have reached the sky in one step.

More importantly, among the officials of the original Song Dynasty, only Tang Ke and him were directly appointed, and even Wang Shiyong and Xu Bingzhe, who had been extremely active, were not appointed.

Moreover, everyone knows that the officials of the original Song Dynasty will inevitably be demoted. After all, there are a large number of officials in Shuibo Liangshan, and the new dynasty will definitely be dominated by officials in Shuibo Liangshan. Tang Ke is the best example.

But his position, Li Guang, was promoted instead of degraded!
This made Li Guang really puzzled!

After announcing the appointment, Li Yan asked everyone to perform their duties.

Wen Huanzhang was on his way, so Zhao Ding took the people under Zhongshu School to Zhongshu Province.

Xu Guanzhong took the members of the Privy Council to the Privy Council.

Jiang Jing took the people from the third division to the third division.

Li, Hu, Bing, Xing, and Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry took their respective officials to their yamen.

and many more……

Li Guang originally wanted to go to Yushitai with Chen Gongfu.

But when Li Guang turned around, the servant suddenly stopped Li Guang and said, "Lord Li, Your Majesty announces your audience."



Sorry, miscalculation.

During the day, I took the children to watch the movie Bear Infested, and started coding when I was ready to come back.

Unexpectedly, a few classmates suddenly decided to get together temporarily.

As a result, two chapters were not written.

I'm so sorry!

Tomorrow Big Bird will definitely resume two more changes.

(End of this chapter)

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