Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 671 Rules of the Harem

Chapter 671 Rules of the Harem (please subscribe!)

"I'm afraid, at that time you will try every means to invite the officials to come to your place!"

What Yelu Yuliyan said was true.

The women in the harem, in order to invite Li Yan to go to them, can be said to have tried their best - some pretended to be sick, some deliberately created coincidences, some practiced bed skills diligently, some sisters hugged each other, and some mother and daughter together Going into battle, anyway, there are only unexpected things, nothing they can't do.

Come to think of it, this is actually quite normal.

In this harem, there is only one man, Li Yan—in Li Yan’s harem, even the eunuchs cannot reach the core area, and can only wait on the periphery. In other words, it is difficult for women in the harem to see eunuchs , not to mention other men.

Moreover, Li Yan is not only the only man that women in the harem can see, but also the only man who can control the fate of women in the harem.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there is a hierarchy.

And Li Yan is undoubtedly the existence at the top of the pyramid in the harem.

Not to mention who Li Yansheng rewarded, as long as Li Yan often went there, or even went there, his life and status would immediately undergo earth-shaking changes.

Therefore, it is very likely that in the future, these imperial concubines will try their best to invite Li Yan to visit them, instead of Li Yan taking the initiative to turn over their brands—as Yelu Yu Liyan said, they are more beautiful than these imperial concubines Yes, Li Yan has many women who are more sensible than these emperor concubines, more well-behaved than these emperor concubines, and even nobler than these emperor concubines. The key point is that Li Yan has already played with them, and he has played them thoroughly. They are no longer so attractive to Li Yan, so if they don't perform better, Li Yanzhen may not turn their brand again.

Zhao Yupan and the other emperors obviously did not have a clear understanding of their current situation, or their own status changes—many of them felt that what Yelu Yu Liyan said was simply heavenly. Night story, it's too late for them to hide from Li Yan, the god of plague, so why would they try every means to ask Li Yan to come to them?This is absolutely impossible!
Yelu Yuliyan smiled and said nothing more.

Why weren't the six sisters so determined back then, but what about now?

She, Yelu Yu Liyan, flattered Li Yan in every possible way, without any bottom line, so she got the post of female official.

The second sister Yelu Guyu, the fourth sister Yelu Oriyan, the fifth sister Yelu Daoye, and their biological mother Xiao Gui, mother and daughter, joined the battle together, and they were favored by Li Yan.

And her elder sister Yelv Yabuli and younger sister Yeluci Okuno were a little reluctant to let go before, so they haven't seen Li Yan for almost a year, and now they are in a hurry and run to her every day.

There are countless such examples.

On the contrary, there are fewer and fewer people who don't want to fight and don't fight. After all, who doesn't want to be the master, and who is willing to serve others all the time?

At this time, Tamamomae came in from the outside.

Seeing this, Yelu Yuliyan stood up and went forward, saying: "My sister came early today."

Yuzao said: "I'm going to register the original Zhao Song people in a while. If you don't come here sooner, the errand will be delayed."

Yelu Yu Liyan said: "Since my sister is busy, let's hand over quickly."

Yuzao nodded, then waved his hand, and immediately a dozen female officials came up—each of these female officials had a booklet in their hands.

Yuzao didn't talk nonsense before, and asked directly: "Who was lucky for the official family last night? Among them, who was the first girl before last night, and who was not?"

Yelu Yu Liyan didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked his female officer to bring eight pieces of white cloth with dots of red plums, and then personally pointed out to Yu Zaoqian the owners of the eight pieces of white cloth, that is, Zhao Yuanzhu, Zhao Duofu, Zhao Xianlang, Zhao Xiangyun, Zhao Zhuzhu, Zhao Fobao, Zhao Jiner, Zhao Chuanzhu.

Yuzao ordered his female officer to carefully record the process of Zhao Yuanzhu and others losing their virginity, and then asked the female officer who was waiting on Zhao Yuanzhu and others to sign one by one, and then Yelu Yu Liyan signed it.

Later, another female officer asked Zhao Yuanzhu, Zhao Duofu, Zhao Xianlang, Zhao Xiangyun, Zhao Zhuzhu, Zhao Fobao, Zhao Jin'er, and Zhao Chuanzhu when they last had their period, and recorded them down.

As for Zhao Yupan, Zhao Jinnu, Zhao Jinluo, Zhao Fujin, Zhao Huer, Zhao Fujin, Zhao Qiaoyun, and Zhao Yingluo, although there are some records, they are not as detailed as Zhao Yuanzhu and other first-time daughters.

By the way, Yelu Yu Liyan also reported his name and the names of the other two female officials who were involved in the war last night, and explained the process in detail.

After finishing memorizing, Yuzao said: "I'll take it to the official to have a look. If there is no problem, it will be entered in the file. If there is a problem, I will come to find my sister."

Yelu Yu Liyan said: "Okay, sister, go slowly."

Yu Zaoqian nodded to Zhao Yupan and others, and then led them away.

When Yuzao walked away, Zhao Duofu couldn't help asking Yelu Yu Liyan curiously: "Sister, why did that sister write so many records about us, but only a few records about my sister and them?"

Yelu Yu Liyan said: "If you are pregnant this time, you can give birth. If your sister and the others are pregnant this time, they must eat safflower and cannot stay."

When Zhao Yupan and other married women heard the words, their complexions immediately became very ugly.

Zhao Duofu asked again: "Why, can't my sisters and the others have children for the official family?"

Yelu Yuliyan said: "It's not impossible, it's just not possible this month."

Zhao Duofu wanted to ask again, but Zhao Xiangyun suddenly kicked Zhao Duofu under the table.

Zhao Duofu immediately swallowed back the words that had come to his lips.

After a while, when Yelu Yu Liyan was talking to others, Zhao Xiangyun whispered in Zhao Duofu's ear: "You are stupid, you don't want my sister and the others to give birth this month, of course it is because they are afraid that the child they will give birth to is not from the official family. .”

In fact, Zhao Duofu had already figured out the reason, and said, "I didn't expect him to be quite careful."

Zhao Xiangyun said: "This is a major event. It is related to the inheritance of the country and the dignity of the royal family. How can we be careless? I heard that the emperor used to do this."

Yelu Yuliyan looked up at the sun and said, "Sisters, what I'm going to say next is very important, you must listen carefully."

All the concubines looked at Yelu Yu Liyan in puzzlement.

Yelu Yu Liyan said: "I will take you to pay respects to the Queen's sister in a while, and I sincerely advise you, no matter how angry or wronged you are in your heart, you must behave well in front of the Queen's sister for a while, because After you have greeted the queen sister, the queen sister will give you a status. Whether you will get a red robe, a servant status, or be a beauty or a talented person, it is all decided by the queen sister. You are all from the royal family, you know How big is the difference here? If you really become Hongxiapei and Siyu, you will have to be assigned to serve others. If you get the status of wife or above, you can get your own yard and a few envoys. If you think of a way, you will most likely be able to bring back your original close envoys, and you can also bring your mother and daughter here, so it is very important for your future to greet the queen sister soon."

Hearing Yelu Yu Liyan's explanation, all the concubines became cautious. After all, this was not only related to their own future, but also related to the future of her relatives.

Zhao Jinnu hesitated for a moment and asked, "Isn't this matter decided by the officials?"

Yelu Yu Liyan said: "Naturally, this matter has been approved by the officials, but the officials are busy with government affairs and have no time to take care of the affairs of the harem. Moreover, under normal circumstances, the officials will not refute the queen's sister's decision..."

Hearing this, Zhao Yupan and other women who grew up in the palace understood who had the greatest authority in the harem.

Yelu Yu Liyan continued: "Don't worry, the Queen's sister has always been fair in dealing with things, and the officials often praise her, so as long as you perform well in a while, based on your original background, you will probably be able to obtain the status of a country's wife or above. , although you are not as noble as before, you can still live as masters."



PS: I caught a cold again, had a low-grade fever, my bones hurt all over, and my head was groggy. After taking cold medicine, I felt sleepy again. I really couldn’t write that chapter. Sorry, I will try to make up for it when I recover.

(End of this chapter)

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