Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 673 Notice

Chapter 673 Notice (please subscribe!)

"I heard no, last night His Majesty blessed all the concubines of Zhao Song?"

"Just talking nonsense, there are more than twenty Zhao Song emperor concubines, even if you don't count those who are underage, there are more than a dozen. How could your majesty be lucky with all of them overnight?"

"I'm ignorant, right? Do you know how many children His Majesty has, nearly two hundred, and not counting those who died young. Throughout Chinese history, Liu Sheng, King Jing of Zhongshan in the Han Dynasty, was slightly better than His Majesty, that is, the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms At that time, Feng Ba, the founding monarch of Northern Yan and Emperor Wencheng, was just tied with His Majesty, and don’t forget, His Majesty is now in his prime, and in the future, he will surely surpass Liu Sheng and become the person with the most children in history. Such a person , how can you use common sense to infer?"

"From what you've heard, it doesn't seem impossible."

"Of course, do you know where the news of me came from?"

"Where did it come from?"

"It came from the palace, I heard that the spring cry of the emperor concubines lasted until Chou Shi, tsk tsk!"

"If this matter is true, the new dynasty and the old dynasty must be in an endless situation, and there is no possibility of reconciliation."

"There are no two suns in the sky, no two kings in the earth, no two kings in the country, and no two respects in the family. Your Majesty has announced that he will ascend the throne in three days. The new dynasty and the old dynasty are already in a state of endless death. How can there be any reason to shake hands and make peace? Your Majesty As soon as he entered the harem, he met all the empress concubines, and it was just to show us his old man's determination. I guess, it won't be long before news will spread that His Majesty has met Empress Zhu, and maybe there will be Lin Xingkang. The news of the princess came out, and to put it bluntly, His Majesty told us in this way that he never thought of making peace with the remaining forces of Zhao Song, and that he wanted to seize the whole world by force."

"Your Majesty's move may be a little inappropriate. It is the best strategy to attack the enemy without fighting."

"The old dynasty was planning and peace talks according to what you said. What is the result? The country is ruined and the family is destroyed. In my opinion, it is better to fight openly. The winner is the prince and the loser is the bandit. It is the simplest."

"Forget it, forget it, it's not up to you or me to decide such important national affairs, let's take care of our own affairs first... What time is it now, is the announcement from Kaifeng Mansion posted at Mao?"

"It should be, I don't know how much food can be distributed to us."


Wu Ge mixed in the crowd, waiting for the announcement from the Kaifeng Mansion while listening to the discussion of the crowd.

Wu Ge had been dealing with the people in Shuibo Liangshan for a while, and he found that the people in Shuibo Liangshan were especially good at guiding public opinion, that is, they did a very good job of propaganda.

The publicity of people who have passed the water park Liangshan has always tilted in the direction of the water park Liangshan.

Although this is suspected of kidnapping public opinion, in Wu Ge's view, this is also a manifestation of a mature political force.

Otherwise, it is like Zhao Song, completely reversed, the policy is kidnapped by public opinion, the result is war and uncertainty, swaying from side to side, and finally messing up the position, the country is ruined and the family is destroyed.

There is no doubt that Wu Ge is loyal to Zhao Song.

But Wu Ge could see clearly that the most beneficial thing for China and the Han people at present is to have Li Yanlai as the new monarch, establish a new dynasty, and have the people in the Liangshan River be in charge of the new dynasty.

Wu Ge had a violent collision with emotion and reason.

This made Wu Ge very tangled!
Before that, Wu Ge still had a chance. He hoped that one day Li Yan would return to the Zhao family and then assist the Zhao family as a courtier.

In Wu Ge's view, this is the most perfect way to deal with this matter.

It wasn't until I heard people's rumors that Li Yan visited all the concubines last night and was going to visit Empress Zhu that Wu Ge's luck was completely shattered.

Wu Ge is not these ordinary people who only know to spread rumors.

What just happened last night, was known to everyone as soon as the morning dawned.

There is only one possibility, and that is that someone did it on purpose.

Who would do this on purpose?
After Wu Ge thought about it for a while, he could figure out that this must have been spread by people in Shuibo Liangshan, in order to kill the last hope of people like him and force them to stand in line.

This may seem reckless, but it is the best way to avoid future troubles.

Wu Ge clenched his fists and thought: "Your Majesty, why can't you return the power to the Zhao family? You have to rob the Zhao family. Is it so attractive to be the emperor?"

Just when Wu Ge was angry with Li Yan, someone suddenly shouted: "The person who put up the notice is here!"

Everyone looked over along the way, and saw that more than a hundred yamen servants came over with two small officials.

The little official came to the bulletin board, and immediately pasted a well-written notice, and then read aloud: "Jin Wei and Song Dynasty forced my father and the people to starve for a long time. Now that I, Li Yan, enter the city, I will The first is to solve the problem of food for my father and elders. According to the current situation, I have decided that the solution is as follows: Relief with work..."

To put it bluntly, the main content of this first notice is to declare that it is work in lieu of relief.

The specific content is that no matter men, women, old or young, as long as they go out to work, each person can get a bucket of rice and a dime a day for a period of one month.

The mountain people have the easiest way to make a living, and their livelihood depends on mountain trees.Those who pay a salary will get a hundred dollars, and return to their wives and children to steam a bucket of millet.

In other words, the villagers around Bianliang, Tokyo can support a family by earning [-] Wen a day.

The dime coin of Shuibo Liangshan is equivalent to about one hundred coins in name, but in fact the purchasing power is more than one hundred coins, or even a multiple of one hundred coins.

What's more, Li Yan also said that no matter men, women, old or young, as long as they are willing to work, everyone can get a dime a day. A family of five can earn what ordinary villagers used to earn in a day. Five to ten times.

More importantly, each person still has a bucket of rice per day. After 30 days of work, each person can get three stones of grain, and all the rations for one or two years will come out. With so much grain, the people in Bianliang City who are already hungry , I can finally feel at ease.

Many people are regretful that the work-for-relief program only lasts for 30 days. If there are a few more months, they can make up for the losses they lost in the Jingkang Year.

As a person with high political sensitivity, Wu Ge also saw some things from this notice that others did not see.

For example:

Under the threat and blackmail of the Jin people, and under the coercion and lure of Zhao Song, the people of Bianliang City were beaten to the bone and sucked out their marrow. Women, old and young were abandoned under unacceptable circumstances, and many families became dilapidated.

The political move of Shuibo Liangshan can save these vulnerable groups and some families.

More far-reaching, the political move of Shuibo Liangshan can stabilize people's hearts and win people's hearts.

The facts unfolded as Wu Ge guessed. After understanding what the notice said, many people immediately went to find their lost family members.

Soon, the second notice was posted.

This notice proclaims the law of water mooring Liangshan.

The laws of Shuibo Liangshan are actually not much different from those of the Song Dynasty, and there are a few more, which were added by Li Yan according to the laws of later generations, and they are not harsh.

Therefore, it is not difficult for people in Bianliang City to accept it.

Soon, the third notice was posted.

This announcement is to declare that the government will return the people's inherent property (the rewards given by the Zhao and Song courts are not included in the return, not only not included, but all will be taken back to reward people in the new dynasty).

Immediately afterwards, one notice after another was posted in an orderly manner.

There is a list of persuading farmers.

There is a persuasion list.

There is a list of persuading merchants.

There is an imperial examination election notice.

There is an announcement of the current safe zone (that is, the area currently controlled by Shuibo Liangshan).

and many more……

Looking at one after another of notices that could calm people's hearts and dispel people's doubts, Wu Ge became more and more convinced that Li Yan and Shuibo Liangshan would be in charge of China, which would be most beneficial to China and the Han people.

But did Da Song really die like this?

Wu Ge is very tangled!
At this moment, one of Wu Ge's personal soldiers found Wu Ge, and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, please enter the palace!"


(End of this chapter)

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