Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 678 National Title and Year Title

Chapter 678 National Title and Year Title (please subscribe!)

Today, all officials are not complete.

The point is, Li Yan has not ascended the throne after all.

Therefore, Li Yan did not hold a grand meeting, but only asked Zai Zhi and the existing ministers to come to the Chuigong Hall to observe the court.

Although there are many new faces such as Tang Ke, Li Guang, Wang Shiyong, Xu Bingzhe, Chen Xizhen, etc. in the court this time, the main members are still old people living in Liangshan.

Therefore, Yide is still the old rule of Shuibo Liangshan.

After Zhao Ding led all the civil and military officials to pay respects to Li Yan, Xiang Chun, his servant, sang as before, "Get together early if you have something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do."

How could it be okay on the first day of the founding of the country?

It can be said that almost everyone below has a lot of things waiting for Li Yan to make up his mind. After all, the new dynasty has only just opened, and there are many things to do.

Wang Shiyong was the first to get out of the crowd, and said: "Your Majesty Qi Zuo, I have an urgent matter here, which needs to be settled by Your Majesty as soon as possible."

Li Yan asked: "What is so urgent?"

Wang Shiyong said: "Your Majesty, please set the country name and year name of the new dynasty."

The name of a country is the name of the regime that exercises national sovereignty, and it is the official name that represents the legal ruling regime of a country. Therefore, the first priority of the founders of the past dynasties is to establish the name of the country.

Therefore, Wang Shiyong's saying "imminent" is not an exaggeration at all.

Hearing that Wang Shiyong's invitation was to set the country's name and the year, not only the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, but even Li Yan felt that this matter must be decided, and he couldn't keep calling his regime "Shuibo Liangshan", which is neither fish nor fowl. name?
What's more, many newly attached people can't accept the nondescript name "Shuibo Liangshan" from the bottom of their hearts.

In fact, not only the newly attached people couldn’t accept it, even Li Yan and others inside the regime didn’t call themselves "Shuibo Liangshan", but most of them called themselves "Liaodong". Only Li Yan and some Shuibo Liangshan Some old people also like to call themselves "Shuibo Liangshan".

In fact, this is normal. In the final analysis, Shuibo Liangshan is just a small puddle and a small hill, which cannot represent a country at all, let alone a big country.

Now, it is also time to say goodbye to "Shuibo Liangshan" and change to a more formal country name.

Li Yan pondered for a while, and then asked Wang Shiyong: "What suggestions does the Ministry of Rites have?"

Wang Shiyong said: "Chu and Qi can both be used as the country name of our dynasty."

Li Yan couldn't help but twitch when he heard the two country titles that Wang Shiyong had chosen for him, fake Chu?Pseudo Qi?
No need to think about it, Zhang Bangchang's national title must have been created with the help of Wang Shiyong.

There is also Liu Yu's national title, if it can't be fixed, it was also created with the help of Wang Shiyong's subordinates.

Li Yan didn't like these two bad names at all.

So, without even thinking about it, Li Yan asked, "Is there anything else?"

Wang Shiyong heard the words and said: "How about using 'Lu' as the country name of our dynasty? Your Majesty is from Shandong, and he started his family in Shandong. Using 'Lu' as the country name can be traced back to the origin."

First of all, Li Yan is not from Shandong at all.

Secondly, Li Yan also doesn't like the country name "Lu".

So, Li Yan said again: "Is there nothing else?"

As soon as Wang Shiyong heard it, he knew that Li Yan didn't like the country name "Lu" either.

Ever since meeting Li Yan yesterday, Wang Shiyong has been busy until now, and he really doesn't have the energy to stalk Li Yan anymore, so he can only say: "I'm stupid."

Li Yan signaled Wang Shiyong to step down, then looked at the other civil and military ministers, and asked, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

Zhu Guidao: "How about using 'beam'?"

Without waiting for Li Yan to speak, someone said: "There have been 'Liang' and 'Houliang' in history. If my dynasty uses 'Liang' as the country name, what should future generations call my dynasty?"

Ruan Xiaoqi said: "How about using 'water'? It seems that I have never heard of any dynasty called the Water Dynasty."

When Ruan Xiaoqi said this, many people covered their mouths and smiled.

Seeing this, Li Yan said: "I started my family with water, conquered the world with water, and governed the world with water. Water produces all things, and all things return to water. Water is the origin of all things. It is said that "water" is the most appropriate name for the country." , but the word 'water' is suitable, but it doesn't sound very nice... Tell me again, is there any other suitable word?"

Li Yan came out to defend Ruan Xiaoqi himself, who would dare to laugh at Ruan Xiaoqi's vulgarity again?The ministers who made fun of Ruan Xiaoqi's vulgarity quickly put away their smiles, looked at their noses with their eyes, their mouths with their noses, and their hearts with their mouths.

Sun Zhi, who was brought in for questioning, actually has no position at Li Yan's place.

But just now after Li Yan asked Sun Zhi about it, Zhao Ding led all the civil and military officials to meet him.

Seeing this, Li Yan asked Sun Zhi to step aside first, and did not push Sun Zhi out who had said a lot of useful things.

Sun Zhi is good at writing, especially four or six. He even drafted Zhao Song's surrender table, and Jin people are full of praise for his writing.

What's more, this person, Sun Zhi, was utterly useless—later, he became an official in the Southern Song Dynasty, first attached to Wang Boyan and Huang Qianshan, slandered Li Gang, and later flattered Wan Qixie, slandering Yue Fei.

To sum up, Sun Zhi is actually a villain with outstanding literary talents.

Sun Zhi knew very well in his heart that his official career in Zhao Song Dynasty was basically over because he drafted the surrender form, so he took the risk to vote for Li Yan, hoping that Li Yan could be reused here.

On this basis, Sun Zhi naturally wanted to express himself desperately.

Li Yan was dissatisfied with several country titles mentioned by others, and Sun Zhi said: "The Dao is fifty. Tianyan is 49. Let go of one. It is a definite number. It is also a variable. The Dao has no form. The way of heaven is inaction. The fate is also fate. Yes, yes! The word "Yan" for His Majesty's honorable name means water flowing into the sea and prosperity, and it is the most benevolent to use it as a country name."

Li Yan was a little moved by using his own name as the title of the country.

But at this moment, Li Guang came forward and said: "Since ancient times, there has never been a monarch's honorable name as the title of a country. I am afraid this is inappropriate."

Xu Bingzhe retorted: "There are precedents for everything. Your Majesty is an emperor through the ages. In the crown of the universe, there is a new dynasty with His Majesty. Without His Majesty, there will be no new dynasty. What's wrong with using His Majesty's honorable name as the country's name?"

Tang Ke said: "Your Majesty's merits and virtues don't need to be publicized in the form of a country name. The history books will definitely give His Majesty a judgment. Why do I need to wait for more?"

Next, the newly joined former Song officials had a heated discussion on whether Li Yan's name should be used as the country's name, while the officials from Yuanshuibo Liangshan all watched and did not interrupt.

Li Yan has come to the present step by step, not only relying on the knowledge of later generations and his own invincible force, but also his pair of eyes that he has cultivated invisibly-now Li Yan, it can be said that he can discern every detail and treat people's hearts Sometimes, Li Yan is so clear-headed that he is afraid of himself, wondering if he has become a monster, why does he seem to be able to see through people's hearts?
For example, now, Li Yan clearly sees that the ministers who support the use of their own names as the country's title are all cheating on themselves, while the ministers who oppose the use of their own names as the country's title are mostly afraid of their own prestige. , without restraint, and will become a faint king.

Since the existence of imperial power, imperial power and ministerial power have been fighting.

If the power of the minister is too great, the minister of power will be born.

And if the imperial power is too great, it will easily lead to a faint king.

In such a dynasty, imperial power and ministerial power must achieve a perfect balance.

Only in this way can the country be stable and develop well.

From the establishment of Shuibo Liangshan, Li Yan's prestige was so high that no one could challenge it. Perhaps, among the founding monarchs, the only one who was not worried about his generals leading their troops to rebel was Li Yan, because Shuibo Liangshan now owns almost no territory. They were all brought down by Li Yan himself. The rapid and good development of Shuibo Liangshan was all created by Li Yan himself. It is no exaggeration to say that Li Yan has even been a myth in Shuibo Liangshan.

In this case, if Li Yan doesn't control himself, no one can restrain Li Yan.

This is what Tang Ke, Li Guang and others are most worried about.

Therefore, Tang Ke, Li Guang and other talents used this matter to test Li Yan's attitude.

The people from the Yuanshuibo Liangshan family knew that although Li Yan said one thing, but Li Yan was "lazy" and didn't like to take power, so Tang Ke and Li Guang's fight was meaningless, and they also knew that Li Yan was I disdain and don't need to use a name to increase my prestige, so I didn't get involved.

Although Li Yan doesn't like the way Tang Ke, Li Guang and others behave, but understands their original intention, and feels that people like Tang Ke and Li Guang should be given some confidence. , needs a good run-in.

Therefore, Li Yan took a step back and said: "Great Qianyuan, how about taking 'Yuan' as the country's title?"——Li Yan also wanted to follow Meng Yuan's path, leaving Meng Yuan with nowhere to go.

Seeing Li Yan's concession, Tang Ke, Li Guang and others felt relieved, and said to themselves: "Your Majesty really has the bearing of a wise king."


Tang Ke, Li Guang and others are not completely relieved of Li Yan.

Therefore, Li Guang probed further and said: "'Yuan' is an excellent name for the country, but it is a pity that Gao Yongchang, a Bohai native, rebelled against the Liao uprising ten years ago and claimed to be the emperor of the Great Bohai Sea. No, I will use 'Yuan' as the country name again, is it suspected of picking up people's teeth?"

Li Yan stared at Li Guang for a while, then smiled and said: "Aiqing's words also have some truths, um... the middle one is not biased, the foundation of the world, so a gentleman should do his own thing, and his foundation is to make a living; a mediocre person is not easy." Also, the foundation of all things, so the gentleman consolidates the foundation, and the foundation is solid and quick; the one who is harmonious, the industry is also happy, and the way of the world is achieved, so the gentleman enjoys the foundation, and the sky is healthy. Now that our dynasty is China, then use "zhong" It's good for the country."

Li Yan chose "China" as his country name, in addition to commemorating that he is Chinese, but also because Li Yan remembered something:
When Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, the title of the founding of the country was intended to be "middle", but later he considered that there were some Ming believers in his subordinates. Using "Ming" as the title of the country could show their orthodox status in the Ming religion, and at the same time it should be in line with the "Ming King was born" in the Ming religion. "The prophecy changed the name of the country to "Ming".

Li Yan didn't have the scruples of Zhu Yuanzhang, so he took "China" as his country name.

Li Yan gave another step, and he had already given enough face to Tang Ke, Li Guang and others. If he gave in again, it would not be Li Yan's character, so Li Yan didn't ask any more questions, and directly decided on the country's name.

Although Tang Ke, Li Guang and others did not get the result they wanted most, they also knew that Li Yan, the founding monarch of the country, would never obey the ministers like Song Renzong. It's not easy anymore.

Therefore, under the leadership of Zhao Ding, Tang Ke, Li Guang and others hurriedly worshiped together with other civil and military officials: "May God bless my Dazhong, and may my emperor live forever!"

In order to beat Tang Ke, Li Guang and others, Li Yan didn't discuss with his courtiers, and said directly: "As for the year name, let's set it as 'Datong'."

Tang Ke, Li Guang and the others couldn't help smiling wryly, and said in their hearts: "This master, you really must pay for it... Fortunately, this master is not stubborn and refuses to listen to persuasion. As long as you pay attention to the method, you can still communicate."

Hearing the year name Li Yan gave, how could all the civil and military personnel, especially those from the Yuanshuibo Liangshan line, not know that Li Yan hoped to complete the unification of the world during the reign of Emperor Tong?
This is also the common wish of all civil and military officials.

Therefore, all civil and military officials worshiped together: "May my emperor unite the world, and may my emperor live forever!"



PS: I wanted to write a chapter of four to five thousand words, but when I coughed, my head hurt like a needle, and I couldn't help coughing. When I wrote more than 3000 words, I was really hurt. No, I didn’t write down the year number in detail, I took it in one stroke, and then read it, it’s also very good, and finally decided to post so much today.

Sorry, I owe you another five or six hundred words. When I get better from the cold, I will try my best to make up for what I owe you.

(End of this chapter)

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