Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 687 No Regret About Selling Medicines

Chapter 687 No Regret About Selling Medicines (Please Subscribe!)

In front of Wanyan Zongwang's large tent of the Chinese army, Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and his son walked back and forth anxiously.

That's right.

The restoration of the Zhao family was planned by Song officials such as Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and his son, He Li.

Since Wu Kai and Mo Yu came back and said that Zhao Gou's Grand Marshal's Mansion was hunting down the Jinshi, Zhao Ji and other old guys who had played politics all his life immediately judged that Zhao Gou's Grand Marshal's Mansion would not save them, and then discussed it , if they do not want to go to the bitter cold northeast, they must save themselves.

Later, Zuo Cheng Feng Chen put forward this restoration strategy for everyone to discuss.

Zhao Ji and others based on the little news they know so far, such as Li Yanjiu occupying the magpie's nest and already occupying Tokyo, for example Li Yan sent 15 troops to surround all the Jin troops who invaded the south, for example Li Yan is about to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, for example Fan Zhixu's 20 Qin King's Division has already arrived in Mianchi and has fought several battles with the Jin army. For example, Zhao Gou supported 50 soldiers in Yingtianfu to wait and see. For example, the Jin sent envoys to seek peace with Li Yan and was rejected. At this time, it is very hopeful to propose the restoration of the Zhao family to the Jin people.

Therefore, Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and others spent a lot of effort to contact Wanyan Zongwang.

Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan promised Wanyan Zongwang that as long as the Zhao family could be restored, they would give Wanyan Zongwang [-] cattle and horses, [-] gold ingots, one million silver ingots, and one thousand beauties.


As far as the matter is concerned, the reason why Wanyan Zongwang agreed to restore the Zhao family was not because of the bulls, horses, gold, silver and beauties promised by Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan's father and son, but because Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan's father and son proposed a solution that seemed to be able to solve the current predicament of the Jin army. .

Wanyan Zongwang agreed to restore the Zhao clan, which made Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and his son overjoyed, thinking that they could finally regain their ancestral lands, that they could finally regain their concubines and daughters, that they could finally be humiliated by blood, that... In short, Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and his son are full of fantasies about their future.

Therefore, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan couldn't care less about being reserved, let alone the cold weather, and stayed outside Wanyan Zongwang's Chinese army tent, waiting for Wanyan Zongwang's return.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and his son did not feel humiliated.

Because of the cold, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, who were only wearing single clothes, could only keep walking, so as not to freeze to death.

As a result, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, the once aloof emperors, were as ridiculous as two monkeys.

Jin people, especially the Jurchens, are of low quality, and now Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan are their prisoners, so they have no scruples. Therefore, seeing Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan's behavior so ridiculous, they laughed loudly, and Pointing and commenting on Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan.

Zhao Huan's face was flushed with embarrassment, and he didn't even dare to lift his head!
Zhao Ji's situation is actually not much better than Zhao Huan's, but he still forced himself to calmly educate Zhao Huan: "My son must remember the humiliation at this moment. If you can succeed in restoration in the future, you must learn from the king of Yue, Gou Jian. Ren and Li Yan, that villain, will avenge the universal hatred."

Zhao Huan clenched his fists tightly and said: "My son will follow my father's instruction. If the restoration succeeds this time, my son will not be misled by the minister again!"

From Zhao Huan's expression and tone, it is not difficult to see that Zhao Huan is full of regret for the past.

In fact, not only Zhao Huan is full of remorse for the past, but Zhao Ji is also full of remorse for the past.


Zhao Ji's remorse is different from Zhao Huan's - completely different.

Zhao Ji has three regrets:
Number one regret.

Zhao Ji regretted that he was cowardly and cowardly. Seeing the Jin man coming, he hurriedly passed the throne to Zhao Huan.

Since he was placed under house arrest by Zhao Huan, Zhao Ji thought countless times: "At the beginning, if I hadn't been cowardly and hastily passed on the throne, but had shouldered my responsibilities and organized an army to resist the Jin army's invasion, how could the situation have fallen into such a state? field?"

The second greatest regret.

Zhao Ji regrets that he should not listen to Li Gang and Cai You's words and return to Beijing.

Ever since he was placed under house arrest by Zhao Huan, Zhao Ji thought countless times: "At the beginning, if I hadn't returned to Beijing, whether I stayed in the south or went to Luoyang, I wouldn't have been put under house arrest by my son first, and then arrested without any resistance. humiliated!"

The third great regret.

It is also Zhao Ji's most regretful and most hated.

That is to choose Zhao Huan to inherit his throne.

First of all, Zhao Huan is not filial.

This is very very very chilling to Zhao Ji.

To be honest, Zhao Ji has long been the emperor. Since he passed the throne to Zhao Huan, he has never thought of restoration. If he has any thoughts, it is just that he wants to live a better life in his later years.

But Zhao Huan defended him like a thief, not only put him under house arrest, but even dared not drink the wine he was toasting.

Secondly, Zhao Huan is timid and smart.

According to Zhao Ji, who has been the emperor for more than twenty years, Zhao Huan's biggest problem is that when he should make up his own mind, he is timid, and when he should follow the advice of ministers, he thinks he is smart and stubborn.

Again, Zhao Huan kept on breaking.

Zhao Ji did not deny that there were reasons why the Song Dynasty fell into such a state today, but Zhao Huan, as long as he had a little bit of determination, the situation would never be so bad!

You must know that until now, the Song Dynasty still has a vast territory, more than 1 million people, and hundreds of thousands of troops. Whether their father and son fled to Shu or to the south, they will not become kings of subjugation, nor will they Being captured alive by only one hundred thousand gold troops, Zhao Song would not be ruined in their hands.

In the end, Zhao Huan had nothing to do.

To this day, Zhao Huan still keeps saying that the ministers have wronged the country, and refuses to admit that Zhao Huan buried the mountains and rivers with his own hands.

Zhao Ji had a total of 31 sons, including 25 who died prematurely.

some of:
Yun Wang Zhao Kai.

Literary talent, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting have all achieved success. He participated in the scientific examination anonymously and won the No. 1 Jinshi.

Su Wang Zhao Shu.

Has the talent of photographic memory.

When he was sent to the Jin army last year, he and his minister Shen Yuanyong were under house arrest in Minzhong Temple in Yanjing.

Boring in their spare time, they wandered around the temple and came across a Tang Dynasty stele by chance.

In the name of rote memorization, Shen Yuan immediately recited it.

Zhao Shu listened and acted, seemingly carelessly.

After returning to his residence, Shen Yuanyong wanted to show off his intelligence to Zhao Shu, so he took out a piece of paper and silently wrote the inscription—the parts that he couldn't remember were left blank, with a total of fourteen characters left blank.

After finishing writing, Shen Yuanyong handed the inscription to Zhao Shu.

After reading it, Zhao Shu took out his pen to fill in the fourteen vacancies he had missed, and corrected four or five mistakes Shen Yuan used, then put down the pen and changed the topic without showing off.

Shen Yuan was overwhelmed with horror.

Jing Wang Zhao Qi.

to filial piety.

Since arriving in the Suburb Palace, Zhao Qi has been by Zhao Ji's side every day. He doesn't take off his belt at night, eats meat or not, and is young, only in his early twenties, and already has gray beard and hair.

Kang Wang Zhao Gou.

Until today, Zhao Ji could see that the son he had the most eyes on was his ninth son.

Brave and resourceful, courageous and knowledgeable, he also knows how to choose and reject, and at critical times, he can "destroy relatives righteously" like his idiot brother, he is really a hero.

Recently, Zhao Ji has been thinking, "My Zhao family's country may depend on this son. If I knew this, I should have treated their mother and son better."

Today, Zhao Ji regrets not only once for not handing over the country of the Great Song Dynasty to Zhao Gou, even if it is handed over to Zhao Kai, Zhao Shu, and Zhao Qi, it is better than handing over to the useless Zhao Huan.


There is no regret medicine in this world.

Especially in the current situation.

At present, if the Zhao family wants to be restored, they must push Zhao Huan, who just lost the throne, to be the emperor, and no one else, including him, Zhao Ji, can do it.

First of all, it is the name. Only Zhao Huan has the name of the emperor. Others, including Zhao Ji, do not have the name of the emperor. The key is that in this chaotic period, this name must not be messed up. Lose the last political chip.

Secondly, Zhao Huan still has some residual prestige. Many places may not know that the Song Dynasty has died and the emperor Zhao Huan has been deposed. Therefore, many regions should still recognize Zhao Huan as the emperor.

Thirdly, most of the ministers currently in power are appointed by Zhao Huan, like Fan Zhixu and Zhao Gou, and there is still some affection between them. Only by relying on this affection can the Zhao family be restored possible.

Therefore, even though Zhao Ji hated Zhao Huan very much, for the sake of the overall situation, Zhao Ji still had to pinch his nose to encourage Zhao Huan, in order to get rid of their current extremely bad situation.


(End of this chapter)

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