Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 689 Wanyan Zongwang is Dead

Chapter 689 Wanyan Zongwang is Dead (Please subscribe!)

Seeing that, Zhao Ji will be able to force Yan Zongwang to agree to the restoration of the Zhao family.

But at this critical moment, there was a sudden, dense and rapid bombing sound!

Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan hadn't figured out what happened, Wanyan Zongwang had already put on his clothes in a hurry, and rushed out of the tent!

Soon, Wanyan Zongwang's wives, concubines and servants began to pack up their valuables in an orderly manner, as if they wanted to retreat immediately.

Seeing this, Zhao Huan asked Zhao Ji in a low voice, "Who are they?"

Zhao Ji said: "I'm afraid the Liangshan rebels are coming, and they are ready to retreat at any time."

Zhao Huan was a little stunned and said, "Didn't that villain Li Yan steal my great treasure tomorrow? How could he launch an attack at this critical moment?"

Zhao Ji said: "We didn't expect the Liangshan rebels to launch a night attack tonight, and it is estimated that most Jin people would not have thought that the Liangshan rebels would launch a night attack tonight. In this way, the Liangshan rebels may attack the Jin army one by one." Caught off guard."

Speaking of this, Zhao Ji said leisurely: "The timing is well chosen. After watching Yan Zongwang's performance just now, you obviously didn't expect the Liangshan rebels to launch a night attack tonight."

Zhao Huan said: "So, it is possible for the Liangshan rebels to win a big victory tonight?"

Zhao Ji said: "There is no certainty about the battle formation. Besides, you have also seen that although the Jin army was caught off guard by the Liangshan rebels, they responded quickly and were ready to retreat after the defeat. This point , you have to learn from Jin Ren.”

Zhao Huan nodded, and then said: "The Jin army does not seem to be the opponent of the Liangshan rebels."

Zhao Ji looked towards the direction of Tokyo, and said leisurely: "Li Yan and his Liangshan rebels came out of the flames of war, with a large number of advanced firearms in their hands, they fought from south to north, and from west to east, and then From the east to the south, he has never been defeated. In Yanyun, the barbarians were terrified. If he hadn't still had the shackles of morality in his heart, and met the hero Wanyan Aguda, the territory of our Great Song Dynasty would have been His."

Zhao Huan said: "If such a person can fulfill his duties as a courtier, why did our Song Dynasty come to such a point?"

Zhao Ji glanced at Zhao Huan without any trace, and became more and more disappointed with Zhao Huan, thinking: "Today, he is still so naive. How can a person like Li Yan be used by you, a worthless monarch? If he doesn't come to snatch My country in the Great Song Dynasty is already lucky..."

The shouts outside became louder and louder, Wanyan Zongwang's wives, concubines and servants had already loaded the valuables into the car.

After Yan Zongwang's wives, concubines and servants had almost packed their things, someone came to inform them to evacuate westward immediately.

Immediately afterwards, several Jurchens who came to inform Wanyan Zongwang's wives, concubines and slaves came to Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, and without saying a word, they directly pushed Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan down roughly, and then ignored Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan and scolded them And resisted, they tied them up, and then threw Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan on a strong horse, and each was led by a team of Jurchen knights to flee west.

After running out of the camp, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, who were lying on their horses, saw that the sound of gunfire and shouts of killing was already ringing in the sky in the distance, and the gunfire and shouts of killing were not at one place, but at three places, three in the northeast and three in the south. In other words, the Jin army is now under siege, so it is no wonder that the Jin people will retreat in a hurry.

After bouncing on the horse for an unknown amount of time, the knight carrying Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan stopped, and then Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan were randomly thrown on the snow like sacks.

This night, they were shocked, frightened, cold, hungry, and jolted, causing Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan to suffer a great crime. It is no exaggeration to say that they almost killed half of them.

Not long after, Zhao Kai and other royal families and clans were also brought over, and then "heaped" together with Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan.

At this time, Zhao Ji learned a bad news. His youngest son, Zhao Cong, fell from his horse not long ago and was trampled to death by the horse behind him.

Hearing the bad news, Zhao Ji dragged his remaining half life to get up, and then wept bitterly in the direction of Zhao Zong's tragic death.

Zhao Huan and the others also cried one after another—they were not only crying for Zhao Zong, but also for themselves. This time it was Zhao Zong who died, so will they be the ones who will die next time?
Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and others did not know how long they were crying, and suddenly a group of people chased after them.

The brave man came and ran straight to Wanyan Jing (real name Hulu, son of Wanyan Zongwang) who led them to retreat, and then stopped.

The leader, that is, Wan Yanchang, got off his horse, looked at Wanyan Jing, and said with a sad face: "Hulu, you have to mourn."

Wan Yanjing was dumbfounded when he heard the words, and then asked cautiously: "Uncle, what did you just say?"

Wan Yanchang said solemnly: "Wolibu died in battle, he was killed by Lieutenant General Zhang Xian, even the body was snatched by Zhang Xian's generals."

After hearing this, Wan Yanjing's body shook, and he couldn't accept it, "How could it be, how could my father die in battle? He is the invincible God of War!"

Wan Yanchang recounted: "The Chinese army first attacked us with artillery fire, and then thousands of Thunderbolt vehicles rushed into our camp, and then these thousands of Thunderbolt vehicles rushed us unawares, and soon killed us. The former army was defeated, and then countless middle cavalry rushed over, hacking and killing anyone they saw. Your father wanted to step forward and organize a counterattack, but Zhang Xian led his own army to kill your father. After that, more than [-] people were picked to kill your father. After more than ten rounds of fighting, your father was defeated by that Zhang Xian. I was robbed by the little school who came up with Zhang Xian, and I organized four waves of warriors to get your father's body back, but unfortunately all failed."

Wan Yanjing still couldn't believe it: "My father has never lost a single battle in his entire life, how could he break here?"

Wan Yanchang said: "If the earthen pot is not broken without leaving the well, the general will inevitably die before the battle. This is the fate of our soldiers. Hulu, you have to be more careful."

Wan Yanjing wanted to say something more, but Wan Yanchang didn't give him this chance.

Wan Yanchang then said: "I'm here, one is to report your funeral, and the other is to inform you to speed up the evacuation to the west. Although the Prime Minister has sent his relatives to stop the Chinese army, I think the Chinese army's actions tonight The offensive is fierce, and our preparations are not sufficient. The Prime Minister's relatives may not be able to stop them. I am afraid that it will not be long before Zhongqi will catch up. So, you should withdraw quickly, and don't go to Luoyang again , our casualties in this battle must not be small, we can no longer defend Luoyang, we will retreat to Xin'an, prepare for a decisive battle with Fan Zhixu, and then return from Hedong..."

Hearing this, Zhao Huan, who was not far away, slumped on the ground, murmured with blank eyes: "How could this happen? How could the second prince die in battle at this critical moment? How could Xijing not be able to defend? I Can the Zhao family be restored? Can I be emperor again..."


(End of this chapter)

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