Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 692 Enthronement

Chapter 692 Enthronement (please subscribe!)

What Zhe Miao Miao and the others said, in Zhu Lian's view, was an excuse for their own change of heart.

Zhu Lian was a little ashamed of this.

But when she thought about how she was no better than Zhe Miaomiao and the others, Zhu Lian's sense of shame gradually faded away.

Zhu Lian has already figured it out. Da Song's more than 100 million troops failed to prevent Da Song from being wiped out by the Jin Kingdom, and they couldn't stop Li Yan from seizing Zhao's country. What can these weak women change?
Seeing that Zhu Lian was "sleeping and unable to wake up", all the girls could understand, after all, Zhu Lian was Li Yan's key caretaker last night.

At daybreak, all the girls, under the leadership of the maid serving the bedroom, all got up, washed up and had breakfast—they were not the queens of the Song Dynasty, nor had they received much favor from Zhao Huan. They are already Li Yan's people, and more importantly, life has to continue, so they will soon start to welcome a new life.

In the end, only Dezi, Zhu Lian and Concubine Zhu Shende who pretended to be asleep like Zhu Lian were left on the big bed.

Concubine Zhu Shende was the only concubine established by Zhao Huan after he ascended the throne.

And this only remaining fruit has a lot to do with Zhu Lian.

Concubine Zhu Shende has the best personality, aloof from the world, gentle as water, and deeply liked by Zhu Lian.

The point is, Concubine Zhu Shende is still Zhu Lian's cousin.

Zhu Lian was worried that Zheng Qingyun and Di Yuhui would rob her of the queen's position, and finally urged Zhao Huan to make Concubine Zhu Shende a concubine, blocking Zheng Qingyun and Di Yuhui.

Seeing that Zhu Lian and Concubine Zhu Shende had been "sleeping deeply", Dezi looked at the sun outside, and said, "If the two elder sisters don't get up again, they should go and come back."

Zhu Lian and Concubine Zhu Shende heard the words, wanted to move, but hesitated!
Seeing this, Dezi said again: "The two sisters can't sleep here forever, can they? Take a step back and say, even if the two sisters plan to sleep here for the rest of their lives, they have to dress up before going to bed, and they can't sleep like they are now. Bar?"

Although Zhu Lian and Concubine Zhu Shende were red to the bottom after hearing Dezi's words, they still didn't move.

Seeing this, Dezi could only say: "Then I'll go out and show you a little bit, but it's only for one stick of incense. After the one stick of incense is over, I will come in. If the two sisters still don't get up at that time, I will call the maid." Come and help the two sisters get dressed."

After speaking, Dezi got out of bed and left.

After a stick of incense, Dezifu came in again.

At this time, Zhu Lian and Concubine Zhu Shende were already dressed.

Because they were too hasty, and they were not used to being left alone, their clothes were a little messy, and they couldn't clean up the traces left by Li Yan on them.

Dezi pretended not to see this, then rushed out the door and said, "Come in, all of you."

Hearing Dezi's words, more than twenty court ladies filed in.

Seeing these maids, the eyes of Zhu Lian and Concubine Zhu Shende became moist all of a sudden—these maids were their original maids, and more importantly, they contained the daughter Zhu Lian hadn't seen for more than ten days. Princess Roujia Zhao Roujia.

Zhu Lian hurried forward, hugged Zhao Roujia in his arms, and cried, "Rou'er, the empress misses you so much!"

Zhao Roujia cried: "Rou'er misses her mother too!"

While saying this, Zhao Roujia hugged Zhu Lian desperately, as if she was afraid of losing Zhu Lian again.

Dezi looked at the mother and daughter who had finally reunited, and said softly: "Sister Queen said, she has too many things to do today, so she can't see you, and she will have a good time with you some other day. Return all the daughters and handmaids to my sister so that you can reunite. By the way, the queen sister also returned all the things that my sister used to use before. The queen sister also said that everyone will be a family in the future and work together to take good care of them. Officials, so that officials can rule the world with peace of mind and govern the world well is a great good. As for matters in life, everything is easy to discuss."

After hearing this, Zhu Lian said to himself, "This Liu Huiniang is bigger than me!"

After being silent for a while, Zhu Lian said: "Sister, please help me to tell... Sister Queen, I will listen to her from now on, and she is the only one who follows the lead."

"That's it, even if it's not for myself, for Rou'er, I have to live well." Zhu Lian looked at Zhao Roujia who was still wiping her tears with the lapel of her shirt, and thought.


At the same time, Li Yan's enthronement ceremony is underway.

Wang Shiyong really did what he said, and made Li Yan's enthronement ceremony quite grand.


Let's talk about the facts.

Due to the rush of time, many mistakes were made along the way.

Fortunately, these mistakes are all small and innocuous mistakes, and some people just smiled and passed.


Set the country number.

Read the edict.

Accept the congratulations from all officials.

Amnesty the world.

Bestow all officials.

sacrificial activities.

Li Yan officially ascended the throne as emperor and became the founding emperor of Dazhong.

As soon as the ceremony was completed, there was a good news.

After Xu Guanzhong read the victory report, he trotted to the Daqing Palace and reported: "Congratulations, Your Majesty. Last night, Generals Liu Kai, General Han Shizhong, and General Zhang Xian jointly defeated the Jin army in a night attack. At present, the results have not yet been fully counted, but At least 3000 gold soldiers have been beheaded, 11 gold soldiers have been captured, and more than [-] carts of various materials have been seized. In addition, General Zhang Xian beheaded Wanyan Zongwang, the second prince of the Marshal of the East Route Army, and Wu Lin was beheaded by Benlei Che The No.[-] son of Jin Shizu Wanyan impeached Libo, the half-brother of Jin Taizu, Wanyan Jiamu, and controlled Niu Gao, and killed Wanyan Wulu, the third son of Jin Taizu's eldest brother, the impeacher of Korea. There is no battle yet At the end, General Liu Kai, General Han Shizhong, and General Zhang Xian are still leading the army to expand the results of the battle against the Golden Army, and to congratulate His Majesty on his enthronement. The corpse of Wulu will be sent back, and the five thousand gold army captives will be sent over later to offer captives."

During the celebration of the main hall and before the celebration of the main hall, the civil and military officials and representatives of monks, Taoists, soldiers and civilians from all walks of life all cheered when they heard the good news, especially Wanyan Zongwang, one of the chief culprits who led the troops to invade the south, was beheaded in this battle, and the general of Jin Kingdom was completely killed. Yan Jiamu and Wanyan Wulu were beheaded, which made these people who had been bullied by the Jin people even more excited.

Li Yan was also very happy, he did not expect that Liu Qi, Han Shizhong, and Zhang Xian could send him such a congratulatory gift, and then he said loudly: "Go and fetch the dog heads of Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan's mother, and Wanyan Wulu, let them Everyone take a look."

But at this moment, someone rushed to the main hall to report: "Your Majesty, it's not good!"

On such a happy day, the last thing I want to hear is the word "it's not good".

Therefore, when they heard these three words, everyone frowned and raised their hearts at the same time!

Li Yan said slightly displeased: "Why are you so flustered?"

Only then did the visitor realize that he had said something wrong, and he hurriedly said: "The people heard that the corpses of Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan's mother, and Wanyan Wulu were brought in, and they rushed forward, divided and ate the corpses of the three. , The White Army has already dispatched and captured all the troublemakers, now please send them down, Your Majesty."

Upon hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, including Li Yan.

Li Yan turned to look at Pei Xuan, and asked, "How should we deal with this matter?"——The people in Tokyo, after such a great change, have already lost their eyes, so they have to be punished. If they are not punished, they will be punished Out of control.

Pei Xuan came out and said: "Gathering a crowd to make trouble and looting and destroying important spoils of war, you should have a hundred sticks on your spine and a thousand miles of stabs."

Li Guang came out and said: "The Jin people insulted our Dazhong people first, which led to this incident. It's a pity. Besides, today is the day of His Majesty's enthronement. Can he be properly reduced or exempted from punishment?"

Li Yan also didn't want to show others the image of a tyrant, so he said: "Then he will be spared the punishment of rod and stabbing, and instead serve a hundred days in the city as a punishment."

All civil and military officials said together: "Your Majesty is merciful."

This little episode passed quickly, and Li Yan's enthronement ceremony also ended smoothly.

In the evening, another good news came.

The good news this time came from Hebei, that is, from Yue Fei.

By the way, Yue Fei actually wanted to use this good news to congratulate Li Yan on his enthronement ceremony.

It's a pity that the person who reported the victory encountered an accident on the road, so he came a little later.

Yue Fei's good news is that he has sent his general Wang Gui to recover Zhending Mansion, and the next step is to march to Zhongshan and Hejian Mansions.

If the next step goes well, within a few days, Yue Fei's army can reach the border of Jin and Liao in the Northern Song Dynasty, and then start to seize the land of Yan.

In addition, when Yue Fei sent the good news, he was also asking for help. At present, Yue Fei only has more than 3 horsemen, and he has to divide his troops to guard the long Yellow River. Yandi.


(End of this chapter)

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