Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 697 Bringing the Jurchen Zhang Family

Chapter 697 Take the Jurchens Home (Please Subscribe!)

After leaving Tokyo, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan became less and less like emperors.

Actually, this is normal.

In this world of ice and snow, what is decent, what is the majesty, what is the bearing, all are not important,

The only thing that matters is being alive.

Therefore, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan exchanged their brocade clothes, jade belts and golden soldiers for sheepskin jackets and hemp ropes, and transformed themselves into shepherds and village men.

It doesn't matter if you wear it, as long as it is neither cold nor frozen to death.

The key is to eat.

Because the Chinese army was clenching behind, the Jin army couldn't supply food at all, not to mention the prisoners like Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, even the soldiers of the Jin army were hungry and full.

Once, Zhao Ji saw mulberries on a mulberry tree by the roadside, so he hurried to pick them to satisfy his hunger.

As a result, Zhao Ji almost choked to death because he ate too fast.

The attendants hurried over to slap Zhao Ji, and finally rescued Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji felt that he was ashamed, so he didn't know the truth and said: "When I was King Duan, I saw the nurse eating this food in the palace, and I followed suit. I just ate a few, and the nurse snatched it away. , she said that this food is not eaten by the prince. After so many years, I have long forgotten what it tastes like, and I didn't expect it to taste so delicious today. "

After all, Zhao Ji burst into tears.

The courtiers also cried bitterly.

Along the way, Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and others really suffered a great crime.

To prevent any change, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan were escorted separately.

Because the Jin people were afraid that the local states and counties of the Song Dynasty would raise troops to intercept the prison carts, and they were also afraid that the Chinese army would suddenly catch up from behind and snatch these important prisoners. When they were about to cross the mountain, the Jin army tied Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and others like zongzi. Yes, tie them to horses to prevent them from escaping. When sleeping, tie Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and others together with ropes. Moreover, the hands are not tied together, but the head of this person is connected to the feet of that person—this way Once there, they can't escape.

Along the way, many people, unbearable to bear this insult, chose to escape or commit suicide.

However, more still starve to death.

When passing through Luoyang, Xijing, Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and others hoped that the Jin army could enter the city to rest for a while, and then seek the restoration of the Zhao family.

Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and the others could only take a look at Luoyang from a distance, and were forced to continue westward.

To be honest, Jin Jun also wanted to go to Luoyang to rest for a while, but Wan Yan Zonghan and others were very afraid. After they entered Luoyang, they would never come out again.

You know, this is a very likely situation, because they are a lone army, and once they are blocked in Luoyang City by the Chinese army, it will be called every day and the earth will not work.

Therefore, even though the current situation is extremely dire, Wanyan Zonghan and the others continued to send troops to stop the attack of the Chinese army, while fleeing to the west quickly, preparing to break through Fan Zhixu's defense, and then fled to Hedong, and then fled back from Hedong. Yundi fled back to Shangjing.

In order to achieve this goal, Jin Jun has paid a great price.

Six or seven out of ten of the things that the Jin Army robbed and blackmailed from Bianliang City, Tokyo, have been lost by them along the way-they don't want to lose them, but those things are too cumbersome. The key is that they looted Most of the Song people were rescued or escaped by the Chinese army, and they simply had no ability to transport these things away.

In fact, if it was just this, the Jin people could reluctantly accept it. After all, they still had a large number of treasures looted and blackmailed from the Song Dynasty-the value of these treasures far exceeded the value of the things they lost.

What the Jin people couldn't accept was that after several battles in a row, a large number of Jin army soldiers were killed, captured or scattered.

At present, there are less than [-] troops in the Jin Army.

More importantly, with the beheading of Jin army generals Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan Jiamu, Wanyan Wulu and others successively, the myth that "Jurchen is less than [-] and invincible" has been shattered, and many Jin people are beginning to worry. Thinking about whether they can go home, the morale of the Jin army has plummeted.


The house leak happened to rain overnight, and the ship was late and hit the wind again.

Just at this time, Li Siben, Geng Shouzhong, He Quan and other generals of the Han army defected to the Chinese army with six or seven thousand Han children driving more than 2000 carts. Moreover, before they left, they returned the food and grass of the Jin army Most of them were burned down—because the civilian husbands captured by the Jin army ran away in disorder, the Han Erjun, who was the lowest in the Jin army, began to act as a civilian husband, responsible for driving and escorting the things that the Jin army robbed and blackmailed from the Song Dynasty and the Jin army's money. forage.

As soon as this opening was opened, Han soldiers continued to defect.

Moreover, not only the Han'er army, but also the Khitan, Xi, and Bohai armies began to defect.

Recently, there has been a rumor circulating in the Jin army, saying that concubine Xiao Gui of the Liao Yuan Dynasty, Empress Dowager Xiao Puxian of the Northern Liao Dynasty, Marshal Yelu Dashi and others have called on all old people from the Daliao Dynasty to surrender to Dazhong. As long as they are not Jurchens, after surrendering, Don't blame the past, and those who make meritorious deeds will be rewarded heavily.

In Jin Junzhong, almost everyone knows the news now.

Wanyan Zonghan and the others are all veterans who have fought for more than ten years. How could they not know that spies from the Chinese army must have infiltrated their ranks?

But now the Chinese army is holding on to the Jin army, even though Wanyan Zonghan and others know that there are spies of the Chinese army in their ranks, they don't have time to find them out.

In other words, for the Golden Army, the ebb and flow is inevitable.

In short, the current situation of the Jin army is as bad as it is, and there are even signs of annihilation of the entire army.

The situation of the Jin army was so bad that it pushed Wanyan Zonghan, who advocated going south, to the cusp, especially when the other culprit, Wanyan Zongwang, had died in battle, Wanyan Zonghan's situation was even worse.

Even Wanyan Zonghan had heard the rumors that he was dismissed from the post of deputy marshal.

Seventy-eight out of ten of the things robbed and blackmailed from the Song Dynasty have disappeared. Now there are only 10,000 left in the [-]+ army. In a few days, they may not even reach [-]. Seeing that they are going to the end, they will be buried forever A foreign land becomes another guest.

In this case, even if Wanyan Zonghan wanted to admit that this trip to the south had completely failed, it was impossible.

It can be said that Wanyan Zonghan's political future is over. Even if he can bring the [-] to [-] troops back to Yundi and Shangjing, he will never think about commanding the army again in this life, and even don't even think about being in politics anymore. Can he survive? It's hard to say.

You know, this is a major defeat that the Jurchen has never experienced since Wanyan Agu started fighting.

More importantly, this defeat will put Jin Kingdom, a regime that has not been born for many years, in an extremely passive position.

As the commander in chief this time, Wanyan Zonghan is definitely to blame.

But Wanyan Zonghan can't take care of these anymore. Now, the only thing he thinks about is to take the Jurchen home and leave some seeds for the Jurchen and Da Jin.

As for what will happen to him in the future, Wanyan Zonghan can no longer take care of it.

Therefore, Wanyan Zonghan held a key meeting, a meeting that will determine the lives and deaths of the 4 or [-] of them!


(End of this chapter)

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