Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 715 Li Qingzhao

Chapter 715 Li Qingzhao (please subscribe!)


Mrs. Li is indifferent to things like heavy treasures.


Mrs. Li had heard such a news before.

During the siege of Bianliang City, the Jin people not only asked Zhao Song for gold, silver and silk, but also asked Zhao Song for books, classics, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy.

Senior generals of the Jin army, such as Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Zongwang, and Wanyan Xiyin, all attached great importance to Han culture.Shi Liai, the former Han official of the Liao Kingdom, and others in Jinying were more familiar with Han culture and admired it very much.Therefore, Wanyan Zonghan sent people into the city several times to ask Zhao Huan for the supervisor's book, the Tibetan scriptures, Su Dongpo Huang Tingjian's ink marks, and "Zizhi Tongjian" and other books.The Jinren even gave Zhao Huan a long catalog of book titles and asked for them by name.

Zhao Huan did not dare to disobey the Jinren's blackmail, and ordered Kaifeng Mansion to handle it.

After the Kaifeng Mansion got the list, they saw that the Jinren asked for too many books, and some ancient books could not be found at all, so they had to buy them from bookstores at a high price, and even moved them to the Imperial College.

But even so, the Kaifeng Mansion could not satisfy the Jin people, because many orphan copies and famous paintings and calligraphy were hidden in private hands.

After the Kaifeng Mansion tried their best, they couldn't find all of them. Finally, they had to ask the Jin people to find them by themselves to show that they really tried their best.

The Jinren were also welcome, and Ah Laan (that is, Wanyan Zongxian) personally took people to search for books in Bianliang City.

Wanyan Zongxian is the younger brother of Wanyan Zonghan. He and Zonghan have different personalities and interests. He is not good at military combat, but is good at literature and politics, especially in the study of court etiquette.

The etiquette system of the court of the Jin Dynasty basically imitated the old system of the Liao Dynasty.

In this regard, Wanyan Zongxian once said: "There are Liao and Song Dynasties in the present, so we should refer to the ancients far away, adjust measures according to the current situation, and become the law of a generation. Why is it so close to the Liao people's system!"

Wanyan Zongxian's opinion resonated with Wanyan Xiyin, Wanyan Xiyin said: "I agree with you."

Wanyan Zongxian is not only proficient in Khitan script, but also proficient in Chinese characters.

The reason why Wanyan Zongxian followed his elder brother Wanyan Zonghan to defeat the Song Dynasty this time was to collect extensive cultural classics of the Central Plains.

Therefore, after the city of Tokyo was broken, the rest of the Jin people were scrambling for property, but he was only interested in books.

Under the auspices of Wanyan Zongxian, countless precious classics and even orphaned copies fell into the hands of Jinren, even Zhao Ji's collection was not spared.

As a lover of literature, Mrs. Li really wanted to read those books, and it would be even better if she could appreciate those calligraphy and paintings.

Li said in his heart: "The Jinren came back in a big defeat this time, and they couldn't even take away these treasures. Presumably they couldn't take those calligraphy and paintings. custody……"


Rest overnight in the post house.

Early the next morning, Li's group got up early, and then went to Bianliang City.

On this road, Li Shi is not so much rushing, as he is traveling in mountains and rivers.

The good law and order environment made Mrs. Li very relaxed. Therefore, Mrs. Li had to stop and take a look at any scenic spots or historical sites she passed by. Mrs. Li felt that she might only have this chance to travel this time in her life, so She especially cherishes all the places she can see.

It was under such circumstances that Li created more than a dozen masterpieces along the way and gained a lot.

In the afternoon, when the convoy passed a vast expanse of wasteland, Mrs. Li suddenly heard chaotic voices coming from ahead.

Mrs. Li poked her head out and looked out, and saw a black patch of at least [-] to [-] soldiers in front of them reclaiming wasteland.

This made Mrs. Li very curious, "Why are there so many soldiers reclaiming wasteland? Besides, it's not the time for spring planting now."

With such curiosity and a little apprehension, Mrs. Li observed the movement of these soldiers all the way.

After walking for a while, Li knew that he had made another false alarm.

Although there were soldiers all around, no one stepped forward to disturb the pedestrians like them on their way.

Not only that, but there are also special people to help these pedestrians maintain order.

After the formation walked for an unknown amount of time, Li's face suddenly showed a different color - there was a commanding female soldier in a field not far away!

After hesitating for a while, Mrs. Li stopped the convoy, got out of the carriage, and then walked towards the commanding female soldier alone.

Before Li Shi could get close to those female soldiers, two female soldiers galloped towards Li Shi on horseback.

When they were far away, one of the female soldiers said, "Stop coming, if we go any further, we will start shooting arrows!"

Mrs. Li was shocked when she heard the words, and quickly stopped, saying: "My surname is 'Li', my husband's surname is 'Zhao', and my name is Yi'an Layman. look."

At this time, another female rider came up from behind, just in time to hear Li's self-introduction.

Those who came later looked Li Shi up and down for a long time before waving to the two female horsemen who came first, signaling them to continue patrolling.

After the two women rode away, the person who came later got off his horse and led the horse to Li Shi, saying, "Are you Li Qingzhao from "Like a Dream?"

The rain and wind were violent last night, and the rest of the wine could not be absorbed by a deep sleep.I tried the questionnaire, but Dao Haitang remained the same.Do you know?It should be green, fat, red and thin.

As soon as this word came out, it caused a sensation in the whole capital. The scribes at that time praised it very much, and they wished to visit Li Qingzhao, who had not yet left the cabinet at that time, at Li's house.

Li Qingzhao also became famous for his poems, and the name of "Yi'an Layman" is also known all over the world.

By the way, Li Qingzhao regretted his recklessness just now when he saw the two female riders approaching aggressively, so he declared his name to protect himself.

Seeing that the person who came later was only sixteen or seventeen years old, he was very handsome and not like a bad guy. Although he was carrying a bow and arrow with his sword across his back, Li Qingzhao still let down his vigilance a little.

Seeing that the people who came later knew him, Li Qingzhao felt more at ease.

Li Qingzhao gave a salute to those who came after him, and said, "The general knows my nickname?"

The people behind were overjoyed when they heard the words, and said, "It's really Master Li? I thought I heard it wrong."

Li Qingzhao smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Later people said: "I like Li's poems very much, such as "Dian Jiang Lips", "Mulan Flower" and "Drunken Flower Yin", I will recite them all."

Hearing the words, Li Qingzhao was even more certain that this was his fan, and felt even more relaxed, saying, "Which poem of mine does my sister like the most?"

Hearing that Li Qing took care of her and called her younger sister, the later people were even happier, saying: "Of course it is my sister's "Yi Jian Mei". The red lotus root is fragrant and the jade is in the autumn. Lightly untie Luo Chang, and go to the orchid boat alone. Who in the cloud will send the brocade book? When the geese return, the moon is full on the west tower. The flowers are floating and the water is flowing. One kind of lovesickness, two places of worry. There is no way to get rid of this feeling, so I lower my brows, but come to my heart."

When Li Qingzhao heard it, he just smiled knowingly, and thought: "It's normal for a girl her age to like "Yijianmei"."

The later person recited "Yijianmei" with his mouth open, which completely relieved Li Qingzhao's heart, and said, "Haven't you asked my sister's name?"

The person who came later patted himself on the forehead and said: "I forgot to introduce myself to my sister. My surname is "Zhe" and my first name is "Yuexiu."


(End of this chapter)

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