Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 717 Walking Together

Chapter 717 Walking Together (Please Subscribe!)

Li Qingzhao asked herself that she was not a small-faced woman. She could eat and drink calmly when dozens of people looked at her in the posthouse.

However, not long after her gaze met the young man's gaze, Li Qingzhao's face turned red, and she couldn't help lowering her head to avoid it. The key point was that her heart was still beating like a "thump, bang, bang"!
After lowering her head and savoring for a while, Li Qingzhao finally tasted something——she finally figured out why she was shy, why she couldn't help avoiding, and why she was nervous. It was really that young man. The gaze was so aggressive that she felt as if she had been stripped naked by the young man.

Li Qingzhao secretly said: "What a domineering person, he can make me feel so much with just one look. I have never seen such a person in my life!"

When Li Qingzhao raised his head again, the young man had already withdrawn his gaze, and Zhe Yuexiu also came in front of the young man.

What made Li Qingzhao a little different was that the young man reached out and touched Zhe Yuexiu's head!

Seeing this, Li Qingzhao couldn't help frowning, and said in his heart: "This man likes Meng Lang, Yuexiu is obviously a girl who hasn't left the court, how can he touch Yuexiu, don't you know, don't look at injustice, don't listen to injustice, don't do anything wrong Say, don't do anything wrong?"

Li Qingzhao didn't see Zhe Yuexiu's expression at the moment.

But in Li Qingzhao's mind, Zhe Yuexiu's face must be full of humiliation at this moment.

Li Qingzhao said in his heart: "Yuexiu won't be overwhelmed by this, right? I'll find an opportunity to persuade her."

Li Qingzhao thought again: "What is the background of this person? How dare he touch the daughter of the Zhe family in Fuzhou? Yuexiu said that she came to serve as a personal guard for a big man. Could it be that the big man is this man's father? Could it be the son of Wen Huanzhang? If so, then he is really not someone who dares to offend the Fuzhou Zhe family..."

While Li Qingzhao was thinking wildly, on the other side, Zhe Yuexiu was confessing his mistake to that young man, Li Yan, "I beg the official to forgive me, Yuexiu met a good friend and said a few more words, which delayed the official's precious time."

Li Yan rubbed Zhe Yuexiu's hair and said: "It's okay, no matter how busy I am, it's not too late."

Almost all the women in the harem can be regarded as Li Yan's women. At least, Li Yan can be lucky with whomever he wants, and female guards like Zhe Yuexiu are no exception.

It is precisely because of this that the female guards who enter the palace are all young girls who have not left the cabinet. Before they enter the palace, they are also mentally prepared to be blessed by Li Yan. This is also one of the training contents they must receive before entering the palace. .

In addition, this can also guarantee the loyalty of these female guards to a certain extent.

And those like Zhe Yuexiu who entered the harem as female guards through special channels, before leaving home, their family members would specifically ask them to do this, lest they do not know the rules, anger the emperor Li Yan, and implicate the family. Many even encouraged them to find ways to seduce the emperor Li Yan, and then help his family become prosperous.

All in all, it was reasonable and legal for Li Yan to meet Zhe Yuexiu.

Zhe Yuexiu saw it, although she was a little nervous, shy and at a loss, she didn't resist.

Li Yan withdrew his hand, then looked at Li Qingzhao, and said, "Besides, it's rare for you to have a friend when you come here far from the northwest. It's human nature to want to chat with her for a while."

Speaking of this, Li Yan found that Li Qingzhao had a special temperament that he rarely saw, so he took a few more glances and said casually: "Your friend is also from Fuzhou?"

Zhe Yuexiu said: "No, she is from Jinan and has never been to Fuzhou."

Li Yan said differently: "Then how did you know each other?"

Zheyue Xiu said: "We met here, she is a famous poet."

"Poet?" Li Yan was even more confused.

But then Li Yan thought of someone, and blurted out: "Couldn't she be Li Qingzhao?"

It's no wonder that Li Yan thought of Li Qingzhao all of a sudden, because Li Qingzhao's reputation is too great, the most talented woman in the ages, and Li Yan really doesn't know the second female poet of this era.

Zhe Yuexiu said in surprise: "The officials also know about her?"

Li Yandao: "Looking and looking, it's cold and clear, miserable and miserable. It's hardest to take a breath when it's warm and cold. Three cups and two light wine, how can you beat him, and the wind is strong at night! The geese are passing, and I am sad. It's an old acquaintance."

Li Yan recited half of Li Qingzhao's poem casually, but Zhe Yuexiu misunderstood him and asked, "Are the officials and Li's sister old acquaintances?"

Zhe Yuexiu tasted the half of Li Yanyin's poem again, and thought to herself: "Your Majesty, you have had a crush on Li's sister before, right?"

Li Yan didn't know what was going on in Zheyuexiu's little head, so he said nonsense: "I admire everyone Li's literary accomplishment... Yuexiu, look, it's getting dark, everyone is going on the road alone. It's not safe, and besides, it's already this hour, and she probably won't be able to enter the city, so why don't you ask her if she would like to go back to the city with us?"

At this time, it is important to pay attention to whether men and women can accept or not kiss. How can anyone like Li Yan take the initiative to ask a woman to go with him?
So, after hearing Li Yan's words, Zhe Yuexiu imagined a sad and beautiful secret love that had been dusty for many years, and walked towards Li Qingzhao at the same time.

At this time, Li Qingzhao had already walked back, and was thinking: "If the gate of the city is closed, it is better to find a safe place outside the city to deal with it overnight."

But at this moment, Li Qingzhao suddenly heard Zhe Yuexiu's voice behind him, "Sister, wait!"

Li Qingzhao turned around and saw Zhe Yuexiu walking towards her quickly.

When Zhe Yuexiu came to Li Qingzhao, Li Qingzhao smiled and said, "Why is my sister back again? Did you forget to ask my sister for her address?"

Zhe Yuexiu patted herself on the forehead, and said: "Look at me, why did I forget such an important thing, if I didn't come back again, I wouldn't be able to write to my sister."

After hearing Zheyuexiu's words, Li Qingzhao knew that Zheyuexiu didn't come back to ask for her address, so he was a little curious about what Zheyuexiu wanted her for?
Zhe Yuexiu didn't make Li Qingzhao wonder for too long, so he said, "My master said, it's getting late, and it's not safe for my sister to be alone, so I asked my sister if she would like to go with us?"

Hearing this, Li Qingzhao glanced at Li Yan, then shook his head secretly, and said in his heart: "You can call yourself a master at a young age, and you are not afraid of losing your life. You must know that you can stand at thirty and not be confused at forty. Only when you are not confused can you be called a master." Master, you are only in your early twenties, how dare you pretend to be so big?"

Li Qingzhao's first impression of Li Yan, who was careless, was not good.

Furthermore, although Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism has not yet become popular, it has already risen and intensified in a small area. Therefore, male and female defense has become the mainstream thought at this time.

Therefore, Li Qingzhao didn't even think about it, and said: "I'm not alone, there are my convoy and servants in front of me, please ask my sister to thank your master for me, and say that I won't bother you."

Zhe Yuexiu looked in the direction Li Qingzhao pointed, and there were indeed fifteen carriages and many servants there.

But Zhe Yuexiu didn't want to part with her idol so soon, and she still wanted to make Li Yan and Li Qingzhao, the "old acquaintances", meet again, and more importantly, she didn't want to ruin the errand that Li Yan entrusted to her .

Therefore, Zheyuexiu said: "It's getting late, sister should not be able to enter the city, not to mention the bitter cold outside the city, it's not safe, why not go with us, you can go to the city to rest."

It was not easy for Li Qingzhao to confirm Li Yan's identity again, otherwise, it would be impossible to enter the city during the curfew. You must know that Bianliang City is the capital, and it is still in such a special period.

But even so, Li Qingzhao still refused: "Thank you sister for your kindness. I have spent several nights in the wild along the way, and this night is not bad."

Seeing that Li Qingzhao still did not agree to join her, Zhe Yuexiu couldn't help feeling a little anxious!

Zhe Yuexiu was quick to wit, then shook her head and said: "Xun Xun Xun Mi, deserted, desolate and miserable. When it is warm and cold, it is the most difficult to take a breath. Three cups and two light wine, how can you fight against him, and the wind is rushing at night! Yan Guo Ye, who is sad, is an old acquaintance..."


(End of this chapter)

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