Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 748 Standing up to the end

Chapter 748 Standing up to the end (please subscribe!)

The news that Li Yan asked Li Qingzhao to serve as the official historian and edited a great canon was quickly spread, and then the literati were uproarious, and then there were great scholars in the world criticizing Li Yan for this improper practice!
That's all for the historian.

Those literati were originally worried that Li Qingzhao, as Li Yan's concubine, would not be able to write about it directly and not hide his flaws.

Later, it was reported that Li Qingzhao forced Li Yan to swear not to read Li Qingzhao's records, and the literati's attitude towards Li Qingzhao's role as historian became tacit.

Why do you think literati are like this?
In fact, after the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin was forced to read the daily records, which caused all subsequent emperors to check the history books. In the Song Dynasty, the historians had to review the history books before they could be compiled.

It is no wonder that the history recorded under such circumstances is not distorted. The fine tradition that dozens of generations of historians have insisted on for 2000 years has disappeared.

Now, with great difficulty, Li Yan, a confident and open-minded emperor, and Li Qingzhao, a historian who adheres to the fine traditions of historians, are expected to bring back the fine traditions that the Chinese have lost. How can those literati stop them?
By the way, the reason why Li Yan dared to let Li Qingzhao record his life truthfully was because Li Yan was very satisfied with his life, um... to be precise, his second life, and he was not afraid of others saying, I even want people to comment on it. Besides, right and wrong are not something you can control by controlling the historian's pen. For example, Li Shimin killed his eldest brother, crown prince Li Jiancheng, and fourth brother Qi Wang Li Yuanji at the Xuanwu Gate. , forcing his father Tang Gaozu Li Yuan to establish himself as the new crown prince and inherit the throne, occupying his sister-in-law and sister-in-law, and like Zhao Kuangyin robbing his sympathetic brother Chai Rong, the world is not all truthfully recorded in the annals of history. , Therefore, it is better to be generous, let the historians remember, let the posterity comment, this can also give yourself some warnings, after all, people have time to slack.

When it comes to Li Qingzhao's role as a historian, the literati make concessions, but when it comes to compiling the masterpieces, the literati can't give in at all.

Summarizing the books of the world and compiling an epic canon is a huge temptation that no literati can resist.

Let’s not mention that this will definitely be recorded in the annals of history, but that in the process of seeing countless precious solitary copies and manuscripts, many literati are flocking to it.

However, Li Yan entrusted such a position that all literati in the world wanted to hold to a woman, and she was also a woman with bad morals!

Everyone in the world sympathized with the weak, so no matter how Li Yan tried to cover it up for Li Qingzhao, it couldn't cover up the fact that Li Qingzhao did not abide by women's morals and committed herself to other men.

In this era, for women, this is a fatal injury-a fatal injury that can send a woman into the eighteenth hell.

If it weren't for Li Qingzhao's commitment to Li Yan, a powerful and domineering emperor, the world might have already started to condemn Li Qingzhao, and even forced Li Qingzhao to death.

Now, for Li Yan's sake, um... To be more precise, it should be for the sake of the butcher knife in Li Yan's hand, the literati temporarily let Li Qingzhao go.

But you, Li Qingzhao, can't be too confused, you still want to get involved in the most magnificent ceremony in history?

How could those literati whose eyes were turning red with jealousy bear it any longer?
Therefore, voices opposing Li Qingzhao's presiding over the revision of the Grand Ceremony appeared soon, and became more and more fierce.

Let's go back to Li Yan.

At first, the reason why Li Yan had the idea of ​​compiling an all-encompassing canon was because Liu Qi and Han Shizhong sent back a mountain of books to Li Yan after defeating the Jinren who went south. When Li Yan went to read it, he found that some of the books were He had never heard of it in his previous life, that is to say, these books may have all been lost in the long river of history. At that time, Li Yan glanced through some books and found that some of them were unheard of by people in later generations, and some theories were even ahead of Western scholars. Thousands of years, especially some of the scientific works, even Li Yan, a later generation, could not help but look sideways. This made Li Yan lament the greatness of the Chinese people, but also regret that they were lost in the long river of history, and then moved The thought of "It's better to gather them together and then take them into the grave and leave them to future generations".

As long as this idea lasted, Li Yan soon thought of "Yongle Dadian" and "Siku Quanshu", two great works that collected all the books in the world, and he felt regret and contempt.


It is said that—

At that time, Zhu Di ordered to collect all the orphaned books in the folk collection, all kinds, except for the vulgar ones, one by one, and all of them were used to repair the so-called new books.

It is called repair, but it is actually plagiarism. The collected information is copied without any screening, and all of them are copied by hand at that time, and mistakes are inevitable in the process of manual copying.

The point is, in order to ensure the uniqueness of the "Yongle Dadian", Zhu Di also ordered the destruction of all the original versions of the books, and many of these lonely copies were lost, and future generations will never see them again.

Moreover, after the "Yongle Canon" was compiled, Zhu Di didn't let scholars all over the world read it—"Yongle Canon" only compiled one copy, and this one was hidden in the deep palace by Zhu Di, as Zhu Di's literary and martial arts. a symbol of.

Many people say that the "Yongle Dadian" is just a fig leaf for Zhu Di. Non-governmental students, even courtiers, never see this book. Many cultures have been completely lost since the book appeared.

In addition, there is another saying that after Zhu Di passed away, "Yongle Dadian" was regarded as Zhu Di's funeral object and entered the mausoleum. No one of his successors was willing to leave this book as an academic reference for future generations. some type of.

Another theory is that the reason why Zhu Di compiled the "Yongle Dadian" was to follow his father Zhu Yuanzhang in everything (including the content and method of editing the book) and strengthen his own legitimacy. In the final analysis, he was guilty of guilt.

Regardless of which of these two situations, it can be said that Zhu Di's purpose of compiling "Yongle Dadian" was not pure-the birth of "Yongle Dadian" was just Zhu Di's use of some to cover up the fact that he usurped the throne. Other achievements are just to cover up Zhu Di's own guilty conscience.

Therefore, according to these people, the value of "Yongle Dadian" is actually not very great, it is just a crude political tool made by the emperor.

Regardless of the purpose of the person who said this for the time being.

But there are a few undeniable facts about it.

First, when compiling "Yongle Dadian", it did not review and improve again and again like when compiling "Siku Quanshu", and it is suspected of being crude.

Second, "Yongle Dadian" did not hand-copied seven volumes (including the original manuscript, a total of eight volumes) like "Siku Quanshu", and then divided them into dizang.

Third, after the "Yongle Dadian" was completed, no one was allowed to read it. Ordinary scholars, even ministers in the court, could only hear about the book, but could not see its content. This also made the "Yongle Dadian" lose its greatest value. the value of.

Fourth, Zhu Di must have ordered that the original versions of all books be destroyed, making many cultures obsolete.

The most regrettable thing is that in later generations, most of the "Yongle Dadian" was lost, only [-]% remained.

This is a huge loss of civilization that mankind will never be able to make up for.

So... does it mean that "Siku Quanshu" is better than "Yongle Dadian"?
Qianlong compiled the "Siku Quanshu" more carefully than Zhu Di's "Yongle Dadian", and he produced as many as eight volumes, and most of them were even handed down to later generations.

But these can't hide some worse facts.

This even worse fact is that during the compilation of the "Siku Quanshu", the Qing court launched a literary inquisition.

For example, in the 39th year of Qianlong, Qianlong forbade the compilation of Qu Dajun's works into the "Siku Quanshu" on the pretext that there were contradictory words in Qu Dajun's poems and articles, and also destroyed Qu Dajun's tomb.

The so-called "rebellious language" generally has three situations:

One is that scholars in the late Ming and early Qing expressed certain sentiments against Manchu rule in their poems;
Second, there are sentences that miss the Ming Dynasty;
The third is not to avoid the taboos of the Qing Dynasty when writing poems. For example, words such as Huang, Xuan, Ye, and Yin cannot be used casually.

In fact, more of the situation was the supremacy and far-fetched thinking of the supreme ruler at that time.

For example, Zhou Lianggong's poem "The breeze is illiterate, why bother to flip through the books" was originally just an accidental feeling: when reading in summer, the wind blowing from the window messed up the books he was reading.

But the supreme ruler of the Qing Dynasty thought that he was mocking the Manchus for being illiterate, and then dealt with Zhou Lianggong, how wronged he was!

In every literary inquisition, a large number of precious classics were lost.

Qianlong issued an edict: "First, there are collections of books by various people in the Ming Dynasty. If the meaning of the words contradicts the dynasty, they should be destroyed. The scriptures were submitted by the governors, and the ministers of the library were carefully reviewed. I will personally return when I enter. In addition, those who feel that it is necessary to make a distinction and check, such as Qian Qianyi, who had already occupied a high position in the Ming Dynasty, returned to serve the current dynasty; The shy face is alive, but it is relying on the famous and famous country to act recklessly and arrogantly. He is really worthless, how can his books be preserved! You should investigate them one by one, destroy them all, so as to encourage ministers and correct people's hearts."

Although the reason is high-sounding, it is essentially that, out of maintaining the rule of the Qing Dynasty and his supreme dignity, Lord Qianlong wanted to destroy books.

What's more, if you say destroy it, you will destroy it, and not according to the original, but according to the type, completely missing his original intention of compiling the "Siku Quanshu".

According to the bibliography contained in "Zhijin Zhai Series":

There are more than [-] kinds of ancient books destroyed by the Qing court.

Even some stone carvings in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, such as offenders, have to be worn down. There are seven kinds of destroyed stone tablets and cliff stone carvings, and there are fourteen kinds in Shanxi.
In order to implement this cultural autocratic policy, Qianlong and his close ministers even listed the "Biography of Forbidden Destruction" - after the officials of the Siku library completed the compilation of the whole book, they also listed the "List of Bibliographies Not Collected in the Siku Quanshu" .

Compared with Qianlong, in the process of compiling the "Yongle Dadian", there was no literary inquisition of banning or destroying books, and no intentional tampering was made to the selected books, and even the necessary reference books were basically purchased by the imperial court. However, Zhu Di, who did not use power to coerce and lure bibliophiles to donate voluntarily, did not know how many times stronger.

Looking at "Yongle Dadian" and "Siku Quanshu", there are one or another deficiency, and the final result is to leave regrets for human beings and make human beings lose civilization.

Li Yan didn't have any worries about Zhu Di's improper position, and he was a Han Chinese with a strong root. He didn't have to want to be a bitch and set up a memorial archway like Qianlong. One emperor, so Li Yan doesn't have any psychological burden.

In other words, Li Yan did not have the political goals of Zhu Di and Qianlong. He just wanted to preserve human civilization and culture.

To be honest, before this, Li Yan didn’t really think of it as a big deal—in later generations, as long as a person has a computer or even a mobile phone, he can write and edit a book. It's a big deal, even if it's an epic canon.

And Li Qingzhao is the most talented woman in the ages. She has been brilliant since she was a child. Her writings are elegant and ancient, her poems are bold and generous, and her calligraphy is exquisite. She is very suitable for compiling this encyclopedia.

Therefore, Li Yan handed over the matter to Li Qingzhao casually.

But I don't want to, it's not a big deal in Li Yan's eyes, but it is regarded as a big deal by the literati, and they want to force Li Yan to change.

What's wrong?

If you want me to change people, the emperor must change people?
In this world, let you literati have the right to say?
Have you forgotten how the Northern Song Dynasty died?

It's not just that the emperor didn't have his own opinion.

So, don't say that Li Qingzhao is competent for the job of compiling the canon, even if Li Qingzhao is not competent for the job of compiling the canon, in this case, Li Yan must not change people, otherwise, he, the emperor, will not talk like fart in the future?
In other words, even if Li Yan did make a mistake in this matter, in order to maintain Li Yan's own majesty, Li Yan must carry out this mistake to the end.

Therefore, when the literati were waiting for Li Yan to withdraw his order, Li Yan suddenly ordered:

Draw the original Cai Jingfu as the place for compiling the masterpieces.

It was repaired by Li Qingzhao as the director.

Ten high-ranking officials and one hundred great Confucians appointed by Li Yan served as supervisors and presidents—the ten high-ranking officials were all famous Confucians in the world, including Chen Gongfu, Li Guang, and Hu Quan.One hundred Great Confucianists are all the leading Confucianists in the world, each of them is famous in the world.

There is no upper limit on the number of Jinshi in the new department, and the famous Confucianism in common clothes in the world, and there is no upper limit on the number of editors, all of which are determined by the director of repair Li Qingzhao.

Temporarily allocate [-] Tai students to listen to - those who perform outstandingly will be promoted to official positions.

Officials from all over the country were ordered to buy books circulating on the market at a fair price.

Borrowing the Books of the World—Those who are willing to borrow will be rewarded for their round-trip travel expenses and given high subsidies. In addition, their names will be recorded on the Grand Ceremony, which will be passed down through the ages with the Great Ceremony. The borrowed books are precious), and the rewards will be increased as appropriate. Once the copying is completed, the original books will be returned immediately.

Those who refuse to read the book will also record their names on the grand ceremony, which will be left behind for thousands of years. Moreover, all members of their family (nine clans) will never be hired by the imperial court. , then you can keep it, but I will let future generations know: the lonely copy is in your hands, if you lose it, then you will bear the endless abuse of future generations. Moreover, you and your family will never think about it. Became an official in my high school."

One of the canons was revised and nine of them were transcribed.

After the book is completed, people in the world are allowed to borrow, print and sell it.

Immediately start compiling the peerless canon!

As soon as Li Yan's order came out, the literati went into an uproar again!

It's good that they don't quarrel, but when they quarreled, Li Yan directly appointed Li Qingzhao as the director of repair, and immediately started to compile this masterpiece.

Moreover, the names of many troubled Confucian scholars are also on the list of conscripts.

What made these great Confucians even more angry and frightened was that not long after, Jin Yiwei came to "invite" them to edit the canon.

This incident undoubtedly reduced Li Yan's reputation among literati a lot.

But Li Yan didn't care at all.


Li Yan is not afraid that everything he has done will be recorded in the history books according to the facts, so is he still afraid that the literati in the world will say a few words?

Moreover, thousands of years of experience have taught Li Yan that when dealing with literati, one cannot discuss it. If it can’t be done, then let the carrots be sweeter and the sticks thicker, and it will definitely work.

In other words, Li Yan is actually the same Li Yan as before—the Li Yan who does things with a strong purpose, and even uses any means to accomplish things.

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Yan has the confidence to do this.

Now, Li Yan has collected all the territories of Zhao and Song that were originally occupied by the Jin people. Moreover, the Chinese army has also recovered Pingzhou and is preparing to fully recover Yanyun. The envoys came to Dazhong to make friends, and even forced the Jin people to ask to sit down and talk with Dazhong. Dazhong now owns more territory than the Northern Song Dynasty, and the situation is very good, and it is expected to surpass the Han and Tang Dynasties.

Under such circumstances, how could these trivial matters affect Li Yan's rule?

And Li Yan could also take this opportunity to beat and beat those literati who were too used to it by Zhao Song.

Therefore, Li Yan had to support Li Qingzhao to the end, both emotionally and rationally.



PS: This chapter is a two-in-one chapter, so this chapter is for today.

(End of this chapter)

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