Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 755 Am I Treating You Badly?

Chapter 755 Am I Treating You Badly? (Please subscribe!)

Zhao Ji had many daughters—21 of them survived.

Some of them also have daughters, like Zhao Yupan, who has three daughters herself.

All of them together, there are more people than any one house.

And apart from the palace of Yanfu Palace, there is no palace where such women and their envoys can all live.

This Yanfu Palace is a relatively independent palace area. Outside the palace city, it was originally a recreational place for the emperor and empress of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the scale is not large.

After Zhao Ji came to the throne, he was dissatisfied with the narrowness of the palace and garden, so he wanted to expand and build Yanfu Palace.

After the expansion of Yanfu Palace, it is elegant and comfortable, with a beautiful environment, rich flowers and famous trees, clusters of clusters, secluded and beautiful, and it is also connected to Genyue and Shoushan, which makes the air here fresh and like a fairyland.

In order to satisfy his own bad taste, Li Yan is unwilling to separate these Di Ji sisters - if they are really separated, Li Yan will lose a lot of fun.

Coincidentally, Yanfu Palace was packed again at that time.

Ever since, Li Yan simply set aside a palace with the best environment for Zhao Yupan and other Diji in Yanfu Palace as their residence, and named it "Diji Palace".

Because the environment of Emperor Ji Palace is the best, Li Yan likes to come here to rest in his free time.

Just like this moment.

Li Yan is having a big BBQ with a group of imperial concubines in this picturesque environment.

While cooking meat for the concubines, Li Yan said casually, "Zhao Gou never mentioned taking you to the Southern Song Dynasty. Are you disappointed?"

Zhao Xianlang said while eating the skewers: "There is no need to be disappointed. I have already thought about it. Brother Jiu, who looks loyal, is actually a scheming man. To him, we are of no use. How can he?" Maybe pay a huge price to redeem us back?"

While feeding her daughter Cao Xiyue to eat roasted sweet potatoes, Zhao Jinnu said: "For the sake of the country, Lao Jiu doesn't even want his parents, princess, and daughter, let alone us half-sisters."

Zhao Duofu held a bunch of roasted green peppers in one hand and a bunch of grilled chicken wings in the other, and while eating, he said, "Even if brother Jiu wants to take me to Zhejiang, I won't go. It's messy there. It’s not allowed to be wiped out one day, I don’t want to experience such a thing again.”

Zhao Yingluo, who was helping Li Yan, said, "I'm not going either, I don't want to part with the officials."

Hearing this, Li Yan leaned over and kissed Zhao Yingluo, and then said: "You are so good, this is a reward for you."

Zhao Yupan said: "None of our parents are in Lin'an. We are only a nine-year-old with a strong sense of utilitarianism and don't care about siblings at all. So what is there in Lin'an that we should miss... I express our opinion on behalf of our sisters, as long as the officials Treat us kindly, and we will serve the officials wholeheartedly."

Now, Zhao Ji has been taken to the Kingdom of Jin by the Jin people. Their mothers have either passed away, or they are also in the harem like them, and among them there were husbands or sons, their husbands or sons, Either they were taken to the Kingdom of Jin, or they died in the chaos of war, that is to say, they were helpless. As for Zhao Gou, as they said, they couldn't be relied on at all, and Zhao Gou They never thought of controlling them, so they could only choose to accept their fate and live with Li Yan peacefully.

Speaking of which, this cannot be blamed on them.

They are just a group of women who grew up in the harem and have not experienced any storms. Besides, they are still in this era, so it is their instinct and the only thing they can do to survive by relying on men and the strong.

Li Yan handed the grilled skewers to Zhao Yingluo and asked her to distribute them to everyone, then came to Zhao Yupan's side, patted Zhao Yupan's 11-year-old daughter Zeng Li's little butt, and said, "Take my sisters to play."

Li Yan's words immediately caused several rollicked eyes.

What did Li Yan want Zeng Li and the others to do? Those who have been here, how could they not know?

While secretly lamenting that Li Yan's energy was too strong, Zhao Jinnu, Zhao Jinluo, Zhao Fujin, Zhao Qiaoyun and others who had daughters rushed to have their daughters taken away.

Zhao Jinzhu, who had begun to understand, hurriedly asked Zhao Jinyin, Zhao Saiyue, Zhao Jingu, and Zhao Jinling to leave together.

Before Zeng Li, Zhao Jinzhu and the others walked away, Li Yan, who has always been impatient, had already put his hands into the clothes of Zhao Fujin and Zhao Fujin, and said at the same time: "Have I treated you badly? How long has it been, you sisters?" Among them, nearly half of them are pregnant with my dragon species, I love you so much, why don't you thank me..."


The flowers on the temples of the cloud are shaking, and the hibiscus is warming the spring night.

The spring night is short and the day is high, and since then the king will not go to court early.

Li Yan also hopes to live the kind of life that Tang Xuanzong lived.

But Li Yan also knows better than anyone else that if he is really like Tang Xuanzong, then Dazhong will follow in the footsteps of Tang Xuanzong's period-first the Kaiyuan prosperous age, with unprecedented prosperity, and then it must be the Anshi Rebellion, which will make Dazhong suffer, even perish.

What's more, Tang Xuanzong's later years were very bleak, lonely and lonely, so miserable, and finally died of melancholy.

Li Yan didn't want to be like Tang Xuanzong in his later years.

Therefore, when it's time to relax, relax, and when it's time to do business, Li Yan will never slack off.

For example, the alliance with Xixia was personally presided over by Li Yan.

Li Yan originally wanted to hand over this matter to the ministers.

But as the Jin people also proposed to negotiate a peace, some ministers actually proposed: why not take this opportunity to destroy Xixia, open up the Hexi Corridor, restore the Silk Road, strengthen the national strength of our Dazhong, and make Dazhong truly comparable to the Han and Tang Dynasties.

This voice became louder and louder, and gradually overwhelmed the voice of "Dazhong has been fighting continuously for many years, it's time to recuperate."

The enmity between Song and Xia is not at all inferior to that of Song Liao, Song Jin, or even worse.

It is true, since Li Jiqian rebelled against the Song Dynasty, it can be said that the party members have harassed the Han people whenever they had the opportunity. For more than a hundred years, they have not stopped much, causing huge harm to the Han people.

In addition, Xixia was originally a part of the Song Dynasty, and the Li family was originally a courtier of the Song Dynasty, with the bonus of traitors.

As a result, the Han people hated Xixia even more than they hated Liao and Jin.

This has led to, now that there is an opportunity to destroy Xixia, everyone is shouting and beating, and some extreme people even proposed: suspend the recovery of Yanyun, and fully destroy Xixia.

Give up Yan Yun, who is about to recover, and let the exhausted Chinese army run to fight Xixia to death.

Those who made such claims were either spies of the Jin Dynasty, or they were dazzled by the great situation in front of them, or they were really stupid.

But what Li Yan never expected was that there were not a few such people.

And the voice of "take advantage of this heaven-sent opportunity to destroy Xixia" is getting louder and louder, and now it is even so loud that Wen Huanzhang, Zhao Ding and other chief executives are almost unable to suppress it.

Therefore, only Li Yan personally presided over the alliance with Xixia, so that Dazhong would not be led astray by those people.


(End of this chapter)

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