Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 767 Never let the tiger go back to the mountain

Chapter 767 Never let the tiger go back to the mountain (please subscribe!)

Although Li Yan forcibly gave him a three-day vacation, Li Gang laughed at everyone, anyone could tell that Li Gang was in a good mood.

Do you know why?

Before he came to Dazhong, Li Gang was not worried about Li Yan's ability, but only worried that Li Yan would get carried away because of the current achievements or be content with the status quo and lose his enterprising spirit.

These two points, no matter which side Li Yan is on, are extremely unfavorable to the current Dazhong, at least they are stagnant and stagnant. As far as Li Gang is concerned, it will be in vain for him to take this difficult step. This step made him unable to prove himself.


Although Li Yan was a little smug, he was not in a daze and could still listen to others' persuasion. The key is to correct his mistakes, even if he was bullied by others and lost face to his emperor.

As for playing a little temper, then let him go, after all, he is an emperor through the ages, how can he have no temper at all?

After the three-day holiday, Li Gang immediately came to court, and asked Li Yan for instructions as if nothing happened: how to negotiate peace with the Jinren?
In the past three days, Li Yan's anger also dissipated, and he also wanted to understand Li Gang's painstaking efforts. Therefore, after the court dispersed, Li Yan left Li Gang alone, and discussed the peace with Jin Guo repeatedly with Li Gang.

After obtaining the bottom line for peace negotiation given by Li Yan, Li Gang quickly called Ma Kuo, and then told Ma Kuo: "You can tell the envoy Jin that our Dazhong will no longer insist on the abdication of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom."

Negotiation is necessary, but since the previous conditions have been set out, they cannot be lowered all at once. At this stage, we only need to send a signal to the Jinshi that "we intend to negotiate a peace", and then we have to follow Li Yan's instructions. The usual way of negotiating peace is to fight and talk at the same time, and see what kind of result can be negotiated in the end.

In addition, Li Yan also confessed to Li Gang that he had already issued an order to the front line to fight for a big victory to cooperate with Li Gang's negotiations.

Wan Yanchang was no ordinary person, as soon as he saw Dazhong's signal that "we intend to negotiate a peace", he immediately followed up.

Wan Yanchang quickly put forward:
The two sides regard the area currently occupied by each as the national border, and China and Gold are brothers, and the two countries coexist peacefully. Li Yan and Wanyan Wu Qimai are brothers with different surnames. , the two sides returned the captives, and Wan Yanchang also asked for Wanyan Xiyin, Wanyan Zongxian, Wanyan Sheyema and others by name, and said that he was willing to send Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and other Zhao Song people to Dazhong in exchange for Wanyan. Yan Xiyin, Wanyan Zongxian, Wanyan Sheyema and others.

From the conditions proposed by Wan Yanchang, it is not difficult to see that Da Jin wants both parties to negotiate a peace on an equal footing.

In the eyes of the people in Dazhong, this is purely a joke. Not to mention that the Jin army was defeated by the Chinese army, even if the two sides have been fighting to the death, it is absolutely impossible for Dazhong to agree to such a peace negotiation condition!
Therefore, after listening to Wan Yanchang's peace proposal, Ma Kuo invited Wan Yanchang back to Dajin without further ado, and made it clear that there was no need to discuss the peace, and Dazhong would never accept Wan Yanchang's proposal. condition.

How could Wan Yanchang go back like this? He said with a stern face: If Dazhong thinks the conditions are not suitable, he can discuss it again. Everyone asks for the price and pays back the money on the spot.

After Ma Kuo asked Li Gang for instructions, he returned one to Wan Yanchang: Dajin’s compensation can be reduced to 200 million taels of gold and 2000 million taels of silver. Instead, use equivalent ginseng, deer antler, and mink fur instead, [-] horses, oxen and mules each, [-] camels, and other conditions remain the same.

Such a condition is obviously not acceptable to the Jin envoy and the high-level Jin country behind him.

But after all, Dazhong cut off 300 million taels of gold and 3000 million taels of silver, and Dajin couldn't say nothing at all.

Therefore, Wan Yanchang returned one more, and the Jin army could withdraw from Shaanxi and Hedong, and return Shaanxi and Hedong to Dazhong.

Next, the two sides talked with each other for an unknown number of times.

In the end, a negotiation condition that was generally acceptable to both parties was finally negotiated.

The terms of this agreement are as follows:

First of all, the Jin army withdrew from Yanyun unconditionally, including Juyong, Gubei, Songting, Zijing, Daoma, Dushi and all other passes in the Yanyun area. , the area between Liaodong and Pingluanying three prefectures is also owned by Dazhong. ).

This is actually the most difficult to decide, because in terms of land area, all countries are fighting for every inch of land, and this also represents the basis for the two sides to negotiate a peace.

After this point is settled, the next thing is actually easy to talk about.

Not long after, the two sides negotiated another one.

That is, the two countries became a country of brothers, and Li Yan and Wanyan Wu Qimai became brothers (don't read that Yan Wu Qimai is sixteen or seventeen years older than Li Yan, but in name, Li Yan is a brother, completely Yan Wu begs to buy as his younger brother, in other words, Dazhong is older than Dajin).

Soon, the two sides also reached a consensus on the issue of war reparations.

The Kingdom of Jin gave Li Yan 50 taels of gold, 500 million taels of silver, [-] catties of top-grade ginseng, [-] catties of deer antler, [-] mink furs, [-] horses, [-] horses, [-] cows and [-] mules each, and [-] catties of silver. a thousand heads.

As for the old coins.

The two sides also basically reached a consensus.

That is to say, every year Dajin sells [-] good horses to Dazhong, and Dazhong also sells refined iron at the same price.

On this point, from the point of view of Dazhong, it is actually profitable-after Li Yan's improvement, Dazhong's iron smelting technology has soared in an all-round way, so that the little iron that Dajin wants is for Dazhong. , It can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket, but the [-] good horses that Dajin gives to Dazhong every year can ensure that Dazhong's cavalry will no longer lack mounts.

Does that mean Daejung and Daejin have fully agreed?

The answer is... no.

There is one point, how can there be no consensus between China and Gold.

This is the return of the captives that Dajin is striving for, that is, to let Dazhong release Wanyan Xiyin, Wanyan Zongxian, Wanyan Sheyema and other Jurchens.

Regarding this point, Li Yan has clearly instructed Li Gang: It is absolutely impossible!
Not to mention, Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and others that Da Jin used to exchange prisoners were of no use to Da Zhong.

Even after Wan Yanchang proposed to redeem Wanyan Xiyin, Wanyan Zongxian, Wanyan Sheyema and others with cows and horses, Li Yan rejected it without hesitation.

Do you know why?

First of all, the hands of these Jurchens were all stained with the blood of the Han people. It would be difficult to eliminate Li Yan's hatred if they were not killed.

Secondly, the biggest weakness of the Jurchens is that they have few people. This should be one of the reasons why they want more than 1 Jurchens. Based on the principle of "the more the enemy needs, the less I can give", Li Yan also Wanyan Xiyin and others cannot be returned.

Again, Wanyan Xiyin and the others have all been persecuted irreparably by Dazhong. Therefore, once they are released, they are bound to become Dazhong's most staunch enemies. It can be said that they are truly immortal. How could Li Yan do this? The stupid thing of letting the tiger go back to the mountain, even if there are huge benefits.

But Wan Yanchang insisted on Wanyan Xiyin and others, for this reason, he even did not hesitate to increase the chips again and again.

There is also a reason why Wan Yanchang is so persistent:
First of all, just as Li Yan thought, there are too few Jurchens, especially the Jurchen nobles. Therefore, the more than 1 Jurchens (nearly a thousand of them are Jurchen nobles) belong to the Jin Kingdom. The loss of personnel that was tried to avoid.

Secondly, the more than 1 Jurchens have an intricate relationship with the Jurchens of the Kingdom of Jin. They even hold the hearts of all the Jurchens of the Kingdom of Jin. Begging to buy back a lot of lost points.

Thirdly, and most importantly, Wanyan Wu’s begging for a peace agreement was to rescue the Jurchens, which led to the Jin Kingdom’s agreement to negotiate a peace with Dazhong. Therefore, Wanyan Chang had to help Wanyan Wu beg for a round Back to this excuse.

That's why Wan Yanchang insisted on taking these Jurchen captives.

One insists not to give it, and the other insists on asking for it. There is no way to achieve unity.

As a result, the great peace negotiation situation has just come to a stalemate.

Until...the East Road Chinese Army captured Yanjing...



PS: Calvin... These chapters require a lot of professional knowledge, and they need to be considered comprehensively. If you are not careful, it is easy to miss, so I wrote for more than ten hours a day, and only wrote this One chapter, sorry, there is only one chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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