Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 778 Overlord Treaty

Chapter 778 Overlord Treaty (please subscribe!)


In the eyes of the vast majority of people in this era, as long as the Han people regain Yanyun and lock the Hu people out of the pass, they can live and work in peace and contentment.

In Li Yan's view, this is very short-sighted.

People often compare Li Yan with Tang Xuanzong.

Then take Tang Xuanzong as an example this time.

The Tang Dynasty was a dynasty with unprecedented national strength and unprecedented vast territory in Chinese history.

The Great Tang Empire has made great military achievements. It has been aggressive since its founding, and defeated one opponent after another with a will of steel. The Japanese Navy was defeated in the Jiangkou naval battle; in the northwest, the Western Turks were surrendered, making the Western Regions return to China after the Han Dynasty;

When Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty arrived, the Tang Empire ushered in the second spring - Kaiyuan prosperity.

This is the most prosperous period in ancient China, bar none.

The prosperity of the prosperous age mainly lies in economy and culture.

In terms of martial arts, Tang Xuanzong's era is still inferior to Tang Taizong's era. Tang Taizong's strategy is to encircle and suppress in depth.

The strategic pattern of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was not so big. Most of them were caught in protracted and bitter battles, or scrambles for one city and one pool, or tug-of-war on the border.

But even so, in the early days of Tang Xuanzong, his achievements did not disgrace his ancestors in the slightest.

Tang Xuanzong's early wars were very frequent and wide-ranging. He had military conflicts with Turks, Tubo, Khitan, Tuqishi, Dashi, and Nanzhao. He had almost all confronted powerful surrounding regimes, and almost all of them were victorious. And return.

Among them, the most successful ones were the Battle of Ping Turks and the battle for Central Asia.

Different from Tang Taizong's pacification of Turks, Tang Xuanzong's pacification of Turks relied more on the power of Huihe and other nomadic tribes, and in fact used barbarians to control barbarians.

This is a very clever political method.

The battle for Central Asia is the most exciting chapter in the military history of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. The four major forces of Tang, Dashi, Turks, and Tubo competed in Central Asia, showing the ingenuity of maneuvers, climaxes, dangers, and excitement.

This shows how wise and powerful Tang Xuanzong was in the early days.


Tang Xuanzong could start well, but not end well.

In the later years of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, the famous Anshi Rebellion broke out.

Many people put the reason for the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion on Yang Yuhuan, saying that the Anshi Rebellion broke out because Yang Yuhuan seduced Tang Xuanzong, which made Tang Xuanzong inattentive to the government, which also created the embarrassment of one of the four beauties in ancient China.

Actually this is wrong.

There were so many emperors in the Ming Dynasty who did not go to court for a long time, and their rule continued for many years.

The Qing Dynasty was invaded by foreigners, and its rule lasted for many years. If it hadn't caught up with that great era, it might have lasted for many more years.

Therefore, the reason is still in the system.

The reason why the Tang Dynasty before Tang Xuanzong was strong is because the Tang Dynasty at that time firmly controlled the two plains, namely the Central Plains and the grassland. It can also be said that the Tang Dynasty before Tang Xuanzong was a dual empire.

In the period of Tang Xuanzong, it may be because Tang Xuanzong was too "wise and powerful" at the beginning of his accession to the throne, he was a little flustered, or he was bewitched by those civil servants, so he voluntarily gave up the grassland.

As a result, the grassland broke away from the control of the Tang Dynasty.

This eventually led to the occurrence of the Anshi Rebellion.

Let me give another example, an example that is directly related to Li Yan.

That was the end of the Jin Dynasty.

Everyone knows that the Jin Dynasty died in Mongolia.

But many people don't know how Mongolia, originally under the control of the Jin Dynasty, rose?
The reason why Mongolia can rise is because the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, like Tang Xuanzong, gave up the grassland himself, which led to the rise of Mongolia and finally wiped out the Jin Dynasty.

To put it more concretely, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, repeatedly Sinicized, moved the capital from Shangjing to Yanjing, and then moved the capital from Yanjing to Bianliang, Tokyo, and finally gave up control of the grassland completely, and then Mongolia rose and destroyed Lost gold country.

Of course, there was an inevitable reason for the move of the capital of the Jin Dynasty, that is, the military aristocrats of the Jin Dynasty were too powerful, and they firmly restricted the imperial power of the Jin Dynasty. Therefore, several emperors of the Jin Dynasty had to Sinicize, Had to move the capital to the south to get rid of the control of the military nobles of the Jin Dynasty.

However, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, although the former produced several faint rulers who did not go to court for a long time, although the latter was an invading foreign race, the rule of the dynasty was unusually long, and it was relatively stable during the period of control. It is because they controlled both the Central Plains and the grasslands.

Therefore, in order to make the dynasty he established last longer and able to withstand some wind and rain, Li Yan must not only secure the country in the Central Plains, but also control the grassland.

And as long as Li Yan gets the part of the territory from the south of Enzhou-Padchang to the north of Yanyun, he can extend his hand into the grassland and have a view of the grassland, and then Li Yan can use and manipulate the tribal conflicts on the grassland , divide and rule, and control the grassland, this will not give Mongolia and Jurchen a chance to destroy their own country.

That's why Li Yan insisted on this Overlord Treaty.

Who can stop what Li Yan wants to do?
Soon, the treaty negotiated by CICC will be officially implemented.

Soon after, the Jin army withdrew from Yanjing, and Dazhong fully recovered the Yanyun area.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Fei, Liu Kai, and Wu Jie led 25 troops to escort the Jin army to Chifeng Mansion (Li Yan changed the name of Dading Mansion), forcing the Jin army to deliver Chifeng Mansion as soon as possible——Dayou, "you If Jin Guo does not deliver, we will grab it ourselves."

Due to the strong pressure brought by the Chinese army, and also due to the current acute situation in the Dajin Kingdom, in less than June, only in the middle of May, the Jin people all withdrew from Chifeng Mansion and handed over Chifeng Mansion to Liu Kai. .

But this was not over, Yue Fei and Wu Jie then continued to lead their troops northward.

How could the senior officials of the Kingdom of Jin know that Yue Fei and Wu Jie's move was to force them to deliver the promised gold and silver property as soon as possible?
Not long after, a large-scale civil strife broke out in the Kingdom of Jin. Fortunately, Wan Yanxie led his troops back in time to suppress the rebellion.

Not long after this rebellion passed, the Kingdom of Jin handed over all the war indemnities and yearly coins that had been paid, and China and Gold also formally submitted their credentials. The two sides suspended their troops and lived in peace for the time being.

Everyone knows that the peace between China and Gold is temporary, and when the two sides are ready, they will have to fight again.

In other words, the two sides may resume war at any time.

And the first place where the war broke out must be Chifeng Mansion, which is located between the two countries and at the junction of Mongolia, Hebei and Liao.

Therefore, Chifeng Mansion has become very important, and non-strong generals and capable officials cannot guard it.

Li Yan selected Liu Qi as Chifeng Jiedu envoy to guard Chifeng after he had screened and selected among his own civil and military personnel, and appointed Chen Qi as Chifeng magistrate, and the two guarded the northern border as Dazhong.

It was unexpected and reasonable for Li Yan to choose Liu Qi and Chen Yun to guard Chifeng Mansion.

Liu Kai is stable and good at fighting, so it is natural for him to guard Chifeng Mansion, but in fact there is someone who is more suitable than Liu Kai to guard Chifeng Mansion, and this person is Yue Fei who has made the most contributions in the process of recovering Yanyun.


For some reason, Li Yan chose Liu Qi instead of Yue Fei.

As for Chen Yu.

In terms of ability, Chen Yun has absolutely no problem.

But the problem is that Chen Yun was originally Song Chen, and he voted for Dazhong not long ago.

Is it really no problem to appoint such a person to station in such a critical place?

Whether Liu Qi is more suitable than Yue Fei to guard the Chifeng Mansion, whether there is any problem with Chen Qi, we have to wait until later, because the appointment will be settled soon without any suspense.

Compared with Chifeng Mansion, people in Dazhong are more concerned now, who will guard the more important Yandi?

You must know that this is the real guarantee of the safety of the Han people, and there is absolutely no room for loss!

There is a lot of speculation about this.

The most guessed by people is that Yue Fei came to guard Yandi, which can also explain why Liu Kai was not Yue Fei to guard Chifeng Mansion.

But for some reason, Li Yan did not give the order for Yue Fei to guard Yandi...


(End of this chapter)

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