Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 782 Great Construction

Chapter 782 Great Construction (Please Subscribe!)

"I'm big and middle-aged, I don't make peace, I don't pay compensation, I don't cut land, I don't pay tribute, the emperor guards the gate, and the king dies!"

After careful study, what Li Yan said actually put a magic spell on himself and his descendants, which greatly limited the means for him and his descendants to deal with difficulties, and greatly increased their ability to cope with difficulties. Overcome critical difficulty.

There are too many such examples.

For example, in the Han Dynasty, the emperor was besieged first, and he followed the route of his wife to save his life, and then he should make peace with each other, but he never forgot the shame, endured the humiliation, waited for the opportunity, and fought back when he finally became strong, sealed the wolf and lived in Xu, and passed the Western Regions, In the end, he shouted "Those who offend the Han will be punished even though they are far away."

For example, the Tang Dynasty was also oppressed by foreign races, but it was necessary to borrow troops and negotiate peace talks. When it was relieved, it counterattacked, directly destroyed the Turks, and eventually became the hegemony.

And there are many counterexamples.

The most notable one is Emperor Chongzhen in the late Ming Dynasty. If he was more flexible in his thinking and went to Nanjing to continue to resist, the worst was the worst. He could also follow Zhao Gou's example and rule the river with Li Zicheng or the Manchus. The king of subjugation.

But although Li Yan knew all the drawbacks of yelling this sentence, Li Yan still yelled it without hesitation!

First of all, after shouting these words, Li Yan can immediately win the approval of the people in Dazhong, and can make Li Yan win the hearts of the world.

"No marriage, no compensation, no cede land, no tribute" is fine, it can only be said that the emperor has a backbone and dares to be tough, whoever wants to come to my Dazhong to rob, you'd better weigh it carefully, not to mention the benefits, but also I had to be stubbornly resisted by my middle school.

As far as the people are concerned, what has benefited them a lot is that "the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country"-for a long time, the people of the Central Plains Dynasty have been harassed by the Hu people from the north. Many people, especially those in Hedong and Hebei The people are all living in fear. Even the people in Henan have been seriously violated by the Jin people this time. Several cities have been slaughtered by the Jin people. Now, the emperor Li Yan wants to personally replace the The people of the world are guarding the gates of the country, and they want to personally defend the people of the whole world against the Hu people in the north. The defense line is breached by the Hu people again. The emperor Li Yan and the big shots in the court are the ones who died first, not the people like them. Therefore, it is impossible for the Chinese army not to guard Yanyun and the border with all their heart. Is there anything safer than this?
So, what reason do the people of the world not support Li Yan, an emperor who is dedicated to protecting them?Especially after the Jingkang disaster happened, the Han people were bullied by the Jin people!
This also led to the fact that Li Yan, the new emperor's prestige soon became boundless, and even many people who were looking forward to Zhao Song's restoration of the country in the past now raised their hands to support Li Yan as the emperor!
Secondly, after yelling these words, those who wanted to stop Li Yan from moving the capital did not even dare to open their mouths—if they dared to stop, it would be almost equivalent to making enemies of the whole world. Let me ask you, how much water would they have to get into their heads? Do you dare to make a big mistake in this world?
Again, after yelling these words, Li Yan and Li Yan's descendants can be forced to a desperate situation, but there is a saying, "Put them to death and live later", and it is precisely because of this that Li Yan can be forced to die. He and Li Yan's descendants dare not slack off, abandon the government, dare not be aggressive, and even force many ministers who defend the city and like to advocate peace, they have to carefully weigh their own ideas. After breaking through, the emperor will certainly be buried with the country, and it is difficult for them, the ministers of the subjugated country, to end well.

In the end, if there really appeared among Li Yan's descendants the kind of emperor who lived on the edge of life and dared to be licentious and innocent, leading to the death of Dazhong, even if Li Yan was the only one in Dazhong, Li Yan would Let Dazhong stand firmly on top of history. In other words, what Li Yan believes in is that when a person dies, he will never die for thousands of years!

It is not a day or two since Li Yan planned to move the capital. Therefore, on the second day when he shouted "I am Dazhong, I will not get along with relatives, pay compensation, cede land, or pay tribute. The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies!", Li Yan A series of personnel appointments were issued.

Li Gang also served as the general manager of Yanyun, and immediately rushed to Yanjing to take full charge of all political and civil affairs in the Yanyun area (including the three prefectures of Pingluanying).

Zhu Wu also served as the general defense envoy of Yanyun, and immediately rushed to Yanjing to take full charge of the military deployment and the construction of defense facilities in the Yanyun area.

Li Guang is the general manager of Yandi, responsible for the political and civil affairs of Yandi.

Hu Quan is the general manager of Yundi, responsible for the political and civil affairs of Yundi.

Zhang Xiaochun is the magistrate of Pingzhou—after the Chinese army broke through Yanjing, they rescued many officials from the former Zhao and Song Dynasties, such as Cai Jing, Xu Cai, Zhang Zhongfu, Zhang Zhongyan, Zheng Yinian, Li Zhengmin, Bi Liangshi, etc. Dozens of Northern Song Dynasty officials The senior officials and generals, including Zhang Xiaochun.Almost all of these officials and generals who were rescued by the Chinese army joined Dazhong, and only a few people did not want to serve Dazhong and chose to become civilians.However, among those very few people, Zhang Xiaochun was not included.Li Yan admired Zhang Xiaochun and Wang Ting for sticking to Taiyuan City, so he summoned Zhang Xiaochun to see him.After Li Yan talked with Zhang Xiaochun, he found that Zhang Xiaochun was very talented, so this time he was appointed as the prefect of Pingzhou, and also in charge of the civil affairs of Luanzhou and Yingzhou.

Wang Shiyong also served as the supervisor of the palace and was fully responsible for the construction of the Yanjing Palace.

Tao Zongwang and Jin Dajian supervised the construction of the Imperial Palace and supervised the quality and construction progress of the Yanjing Imperial Palace.


From Li Yan's appointment of officials in the Yanyun area, it is not difficult to see how much Li Yan attaches importance to the Yanyun area. It can be said that Li Yan used a group of officials to govern the Yanyun area.

Therefore, the world can see that Yanjing has replaced Tokyo as the new capital and cannot be changed.

It is indeed immutable.

Soon, Li Yan issued another order—to recruit craftsmen with high salaries across the country to build the palace, the Great Wall, the city defense, and the mansions of officials in the Yanyun area.

Follow Li Yan's order.

10,000+ craftsmen and their families affiliated to the Ministry of Industry began to go north.

Immediately afterwards, the 20 artisans and their families that Li Yan had looted from the Indochina Peninsula also began to gather from all over the country, and then went north one after another.

At the same time, the Ministry of Households hired folk craftsmen with high salaries to go north—not only craftsmen from various regions in Dazhong, but also craftsmen from India, Arabia, and Western countries. To put it simply, as long as Dazhong Wherever it can reach, craftsmen are called upon.

In the end, the Ministry of Households insisted on recruiting more than 40 craftsmen for Li Yan.

Why are there so many craftsmen called?

Without it, the treatment is really good.

Food and lodging included, travel expenses reimbursed, three to ten times the wages (according to reputation and skills), and they were allowed to bring their families, who also provided food and housing, and reimbursed travel expenses.

Moreover, people from the household department also came to invite those famous craftsmen.

Let's put it this way, the craftsmen who are not recruited by the household department are not considered top-notch craftsmen.

In addition to craftsmen, the Ministry of Households recruited 500 million civilian husbands at three times their wages. These civilian husbands also provided food and housing, reimbursed round-trip travel expenses, and allowed them to bring their families. Their families also provided food and housing, and reimbursed round-trip travel expenses.

Seventy or eighty craftsmen, 500 million husbands!

How big a palace is Li Yan planning to build?

With so many people involved, the palace Li Yan wants to build will naturally not be small. No, to be precise, Li Yan wants to build a palace of unprecedented scale!

in fact--

There was another reason why Li Yan wanted to move the capital, and that was that the palace he lived in now, that is, the Northern Song Palace, was too small to house his big family.

The palace city where the royal family lived in the Song Dynasty may have the smallest structure in the unified dynasties of the past. It is neither as magnificent as the Chang'an palace city of the Han and Tang Dynasties, nor as wide as the Beijing imperial city of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. If you go up, you can overlook the forbidden palace, so later the government simply prohibited the citizens from looking at the top floor of Fengle Building, lest they "look down at the forbidden palace".

Bianliang was developed from the state city of the Tang Dynasty. The predecessor of Miyagi was only the seat of the Jiedushi, so it cannot be compared with the old capitals such as Chang'an and Luoyang.

After the founding of the Song Dynasty, Song Taizu expanded the northeast corner of the Bianliang Imperial City according to the appearance of the Luoyang Palace.

Although it is called "magnificent", in fact, the circumference of the imperial palace in the Northern Song Dynasty was only five miles. The circumference of the imperial city of Beijing in the Ming Dynasty was eighteen miles. If you compare it, you will know how small the imperial palace in the Northern Song Dynasty is.

Didn't the emperor of the Song Dynasty want to expand the imperial city to be more generous and grand?

Dossier yes - of course I do.

But if you do this, you must first face a problem: demolition.

Bianliang City is a bit different from the cities before the Song Dynasty. The previous cities were planned by power and looked neat and rigid, while Bianliang "growth" spontaneously, appearing chaotic and full of vitality.

As a result, outside the Bianliang Palace City, there are dense houses and shops.

Therefore, no matter which direction Miyagi is expanded, a large number of residential buildings and shops will inevitably be demolished.

It's not that the emperor of the Song Dynasty didn't think about expanding the imperial city to make himself live more comfortably.

Zhao Kuangyi, the second monarch of the Song Dynasty, made up his mind to expand the palace city, and even issued an imperial edict, proposing a construction plan, ordering Liu Yanhan and others to survey and draw papers in front of the palace.

Soon, the blueprints were drawn. Zhao Kuangyi saw that there were too many houses to be demolished according to the blueprints, so he asked the officials to seek advice from residents within the range of demolition and land acquisition.

And those residents are not willing to move away at all.

Taking a step back, even if those residents are willing to move out, the court will have to pay a high price.

You know, after decades of development, the Bianliang City at that time could be said to be worth an inch of land, not to mention a golden zone on the edge of the imperial city.

And Zhao Kuangyi did not have the courage to carry out forced demolitions.

Finally had to give up.

When Zhao Ji, who loves construction and enjoyment the most, comes to power, he also wants to expand the palace.

But in Zhao Ji's period, the housing prices in Bianliang became more expensive, so that Zhao Ji couldn't move anymore.

In desperation, Zhao Ji could only expand the relatively independent Yanfu Palace.

But even so, the imperial palace of the Northern Song Dynasty was pitifully small.

Today, Li Yan has more than 2000 titled concubines, and more than 1 untitled court ladies, plus more than 400 children and their future concubines and envoys, how can this small Song Palace be enough for him to live in?

And once Li Yan wants to expand the Song Palace, he will inevitably face the same problems as all the emperors of the Song Dynasty.

The more important reason why the layout of the palace city in the Song Dynasty was not wide enough was that the monarchs of the Song Dynasty, whether they were wise or foolish, were quite scrupulous about the demolition of residential buildings and did not dare to demolish and build large-scale buildings.

Why do you not dare to carry out demolition when you are the emperor?

Of course, it is impossible for the emperors of Zhao and Song Dynasties to all have the heart of a bodhisattva, and they would all say that they would think of their children and feel pity for them.

Their consensus was formed through cultivation, accumulation, infection, and precipitation into an invisible but always perceptible ethos, which made the emperor feel strong moral pressure when he unfolded the demolition blueprints and had to be restrained.

Furthermore, the emperors of the Song Dynasty did not dare to expand the palace, but also because of the obstruction of the scholar-bureaucrats of the Song Dynasty.

for example:

When Song Renzong succeeded to the throne, because he was young, Empress Dowager Zhang Xian listened to the government behind the curtain.

In the eighth year of Tiansheng, a fire broke out in Zhaoying Palace of Yuqing, which was almost burned to ashes.

Empress Dowager Zhang Xian cried to the ministers: "The first emperor tried his best to build this palace, and it was destroyed overnight, only the second small hall survived."

The ministers all heard what the Queen Mother meant, that she wanted to rebuild the Yuqing Palace.

The prime minister Lu Yijian immediately objected, saying that the punishment from heaven is like this, and it must not be repaired again.

During the incident, Fan Yong said more fiercely: "It is better to burn down the Yuqing Palace. If it is preserved because of its existence, it will be repaired again, and the people will die."

Another prime minister, Wang Zeng, also opposed the reconstruction of Yuqing Palace.

Empress Dowager Zhang Xian had no choice but to rest her thoughts, and only slightly repaired the two remaining halls.

It was not until 25 years later that the other two halls were added.

Li Yan's courage is certainly not comparable to those emperors in the Northern Song Dynasty who had no ambitions.

However, then again, if Li Yan expands Zhao Song's palace, he will have a lot of troubles. It will touch the interests of those powerful.

Moreover, no matter whether Li Yan cares or not, there are successive emperors of Zhao Song for comparison.

But Yanjing does not have this kind of problem at all.

Yanjing has been devastated countless times by wars, and all the dignitaries and dignitaries of the Jin Dynasty and criminals from the Dazhong Dynasty lived near the imperial city of Yanjing.

Yanjing is not powerful.

Even if there are a few small tyrants, Li Yan doesn't need to consider their attitude.

Therefore, in Yanjing, Li Yan could build as big a palace as he wanted.

So how big a palace does Li Yan want to build?

The answer is: nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine and a half rooms.

Li Yan wanted to build his own palace on an unprecedentedly large scale, only half less than Lingxiao Palace, and Li Yan wanted to realize the idea that Zhu Di could not realize.

Zhu Di originally wanted to build his palace with nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine and a half rooms.

But later, due to various reasons, Zhu Di took a chance - he counted the four pillars as one room (or maybe, people at that time counted that as a room), but, even according to this calculation, the palace he built would not It didn't reach the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine and a half rooms he wanted.

But Li Yan planned to build nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine and a half rooms according to the calculation of later generations.

Some people may ask, how much does it cost Li Yan to do this?Aren't you afraid that others will say that he is extravagant and lustful?
To be honest, Li Yan doesn't know how much it will cost, but in short, the appointment will not be less.

But Li Yan didn't care, because he was rich, very rich.

Over the years, Li Yan can be said to have acquired most of the wealth in Liao, Song, Korea, Japan, Indochina, and Zhuluo.

Over the years, Li Yan's people have discovered hundreds of large and small gold and silver mines in Japan, and the gold and silver produced there every day has to be calculated in tons.

The maritime international trade controlled by Li Yan can be said to be a huge cornucopia.

With these wealth, plus the bank that Li Yan created, Li Yan can be said to have inexhaustible money.

Therefore, Li Yan could afford to spend as much money to build his own palace, and he didn't even need to use the country's money.

As for, are you afraid that others will say that you are extravagant and lustful?
Was Qin Shihuang afraid when he built the Afang Palace?
Was Liu Bang afraid when he built Weiyang Palace?
Was Li Shimin afraid when he built the Daming Palace?
Why should Li Yan be afraid?
Moreover, there is another reason for Li Yan's large-scale construction projects and the huge investment in construction projects.

That is, in recent years, the population of Yanyun area, which has been baptized by the flames of war, has withered.

More importantly, there are too few Han people in the Yanyun area. It can even be said that there are not many Han people in the Yanyun area-most of the Han people there are Han children, not Han people in the traditional sense.

As the capital city of a country, especially a capital city based on the rule of the Han people, this is absolutely unacceptable.

Therefore, Li Yancai carried out large-scale construction projects, and used economic means to encourage elites from all over the country to flock to Yanyun area, enriching the population of Yanyun area—the Han population, and making Yanyun area a true center of Dazhong.



PS: This is a big chapter of two in one, so that's it for today.

(End of this chapter)

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