Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 785 Empress Xiansheng and Merciful Lie

Chapter 785 Empress Xiansheng and Merciful Lie (please subscribe!)

As he walked out, Zhao Gou recalled every detail of when he and Xing Bingyi were together.

At that time, he was still an unappreciated prince, eager to one day be able to stand out, Xing Bingyi has been by his side to support him, encourage him, persuade him to cheer up, saying that one day he will have extraordinary achievements.

It's not like this Concubine Pan Xian, who spends all day thinking about how to fight for power, fame, and profit. How can she have any womanly virtue?
There are also Tian Chunluo and Jiang Zuimei, who are also rare good women.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gou couldn't help but think of Concubine Wei Xian, the queen mother who picked Xing Bingyi, Tian Chunluo and Jiang Zuimei for him.

After thinking about it, Zhao Gou came to the door.


A figure at least [-]% similar to Concubine Wei Xian appeared in Zhao Gou's eyes!
It was undoubtedly the figure of a woman.

To be a woman is actually a bit too much. To be precise, she should be a young girl—although she is much taller than most women, the baby fat on her face that has not completely faded can still make her real age exposed.

Her surname is Wu, and she was chosen to serve Zhao Gou, who was still King Kang, in the palace last year before Zhao Gou ascended the throne.

At the beginning, Zhao Gou chose her because her figure was very similar to Zhao Gou's mother, Concubine Wei Xian, which gave Zhao Gou a sense of familiarity and security.

Later, Zhao Gou ascended the throne and named her Mrs. Yijun.

Although he is named Mrs. Wu, in fact, Zhao Gou has never touched Mrs. Wu.

First of all, the reason why Zhao Gou didn't touch Mrs. Wu was mainly because Mrs. Wu's appearance was too similar to his mother, Concubine Wei Xian, which made him really unable to have evil thoughts about Mrs. Wu.

Secondly, although this Mrs. Wu is considered beautiful, she is not that stunning. She cannot be compared with other women in Zhao Gou. At least in the eyes of people nowadays, especially Zhao Gou, Mrs. Wu is not considered stunning.

Again, the Liu family who entered the palace at the same time as Mrs. Wu, who is famous all over the world, is truly a beauty in the world. Compared with the beauties in the world, Mrs. Wu looks even more bleak——The Liu family, At the beginning of entering the palace, she was only Hongxiapei, and now it has only been more than a year since she was promoted to a talented person. She shares Zhao Gou's favor with Zhang Cairen, who has a strong back, and a concubine Pan Xian, who is precious for her mother and son. It's not the fierce Li Yan after him, how can he take care of him?

Secondly, in less than two years since Zhao Gou ascended the throne, Zhao Gou first ran from Shangqiu to Jinling, and then from Jinling to Lin'an. Various things happened frequently in the country until In the recent period of time, it has become more stable. How could Zhao Gou have the intention to visit Mrs. Wu?

In addition to these, there is actually another reason.

That is, before Madam Wu entered the palace, she had practiced martial arts and was good at riding and shooting.

After entering the palace, Mrs. Wu often served Zhao Gou in military uniform.

After Wang Yun of Cizhou was beaten to death by mobs and Zhao Gou was robbed by Cizhou people, Zhao Gou's psychology has been shadowed.

Ever since, Zhao Gou took Mrs. Wu as his female bodyguard and took him with her every day to protect him.

Mrs. Wu did not fail Zhao Gou's attention. Not only was she highly skilled in martial arts, but she was also very smart.

A year ago, when Mrs. Wu followed Zhao Gou to Siming, the guards suddenly mutinied.

At that time, the soldiers who broke into the palace asked Zhao Gou where he was. Wu's quick wit tricked them and saved Zhao Gou's life.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Gou trusts Mrs. Wu very much.

As a result, Mrs. Wu became a very important woman around Zhao Gou.

Seeing Zhao Gou come out of Concubine Pan Xian's palace angrily, Mrs. Wu, who is familiar with everything in the harem, can guess what happened without asking.

Mrs. Wu followed behind Zhao Gou calmly, without saying a word.

Seeing this, Zhao Gou nodded secretly, thinking: "This girl is smart, she has the potential to become a queen, but she looks..."

Thinking of this, Zhao Gou looked at Mrs. Wu carefully from the corner of his eye, and then thought: "It's not ugly, but it's too big..."

After a while, Zhao Gou said to Mrs. Wu: "When you are free, don't always practice martial arts, but also read books."

Mrs. Wu is a smart person, she knows everything, and said in her heart: "The officials don't like me, so it's because I'm just a military woman, I don't know how to write, I should read more."

That is to say, from this day on, Mrs. Wu began to study hard.

If history does not change, Mrs. Wu will slowly begin to transform into the constitutional sage and benevolent queen who is well-versed in history and good at writing from today.


Because the harem was in a mess, Zhao Gou had no intention of staying in the harem any longer. Therefore, accompanied by Mrs. Wu, Zhao Gou came to the front yard, intending to go to Chui Gong Palace to approve a batch of memorials that had not been reviewed before.

It happened by coincidence.

As soon as Zhao Gou sat down in the Chuigong Hall, a servant came to report: "Report to Your Majesty, Zhang Jun, Counselor of the Imperial Camp Envoy, is seeking to see you."

After hearing the servant's report, Zhao Gou couldn't help frowning!
Zhao Gou knew what Zhang Jun was asking for.

Li Yan is going to move the capital to Yanjing, move the center of gravity of Dazhong to the north, and start construction projects in Yanjing. This is rare good news.

But in Zhang Jun's view, Dazhong was paralyzing Da Song.

Moreover, Zhang Jun said with certainty: It won't be long before the Chinese army will kill Jianglai.

At a time when all civil and military officials in the Southern Song Dynasty were cheering, Zhang Jun jumped out to say such depressing words, it would be no wonder that others would give Zhang Jun a good look.

Wang Boyan and Huang Qianshan reprimanded Zhang Jun for scaremongering and asked Zhao Gou to deal with Zhang Jun who disturbed the hearts of the people.

In the Song Dynasty, ministers were rarely punished for their remarks, let alone this troubled time.

Therefore, Zhao Gou just reprimanded Zhang Jun a few words and let Zhang Jun go down.

But Zhang Jun insisted on his own opinion, and talked to Zhao Gou about it from time to time, which made Zhao Gou tireless.


Back then, when Li Yan entered Bianliang City in Tokyo, Zhang Jun, Qin Hui, Lu Yihao and others heard that Zhao Gou was in Yingtian Mansion, so they rushed to Yingtian Mansion without saying a word. Like the family members of Lu Yihao and others, they were all persecuted by Dazhong.

Therefore, in this matter, Da Song owed Zhang Jun something.

In addition, not long ago, that is, before the peace talks, Yang Yizhong led an army to smuggle across the Yangtze River, intending to wipe out the Southern Song Dynasty in one fell swoop. Zhu Shengfei was recalled by Zhao Gou, and Zhang Jun stayed alone. At that time, tens of thousands of troops were defeated, and wherever they went, they were looting endlessly.

Faced with Zhang Jun who is so loyal to Song Dynasty, who owes Song Dynasty and has made great contributions, Zhao Gou really can't ignore it.

But if Zhang Jun talked clichéd, Zhao Gou's ears would soon hear calluses again.

So, after thinking about it, Zhao Gou ordered his servant: "Go and tell Zhang Jun that if he still wants to say that the Chinese army is about to go south, he doesn't have to come to see me. If he wants to talk about other things, please invite him in." .”

Not long after, the servant led Zhang Jun into the Chuigong Palace...


(End of this chapter)

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