Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 795 Keeping the green hills is not afraid of running out of firewood

Chapter 795 Keeping the green hills is not afraid of running out of firewood (please subscribe!)

The two years after Zhao Gou fled to Lin'an, especially the one and a half years after the Sino-Song signed the "Great Unification Agreement", can be said to be the happiest period of Zhao Gou's life.

When he was in Bianliang City, Tokyo, although Zhao Gou was the king of Kang, because his mother Wei Xianfei was not liked by Zhao Ji, he had to live with his tail between his legs every day. It can be said that he was cautious, and naturally he was not happy at all. .

Later, when the Jin men came, Zhao Gou escaped by chance, but he was at a loss.

Nowadays, many people are slandering Zhao Gou, saying that he "has been ordered to go out of peace, and he has made a stealthy plan; he has raised troops to join the guard, but it is a means of protecting himself."

In other words, Zhao Gou calculated that Bianliang City would be breached after the Jin people killed him, and then found a chance to escape from Bianliang City. Soldiers and horses protect themselves.

This is of course a slander to Zhao Gou.

Zhao Gou, who was only 19 years old at the time, had the amazing foresight ability to predict that Bianliang City would be destroyed when the Jin people killed them, the Southern Song Dynasty would not have fallen into such a situation today.

Besides, Zhao Gou gathered all the soldiers from all over the world, instead of saving his father and brother, he used hundreds of thousands of soldiers to protect himself.

At the beginning, Zhao Gou had 10,000+ soldiers and horses, but the strength of those soldiers and horses was too great compared with the Jin army. The key point is that many of them did not listen to his assignments. How could he promote the army to serve as the king?
Of course, all the choices after that were made by Zhao Gou himself, including seeing his father and brother, his clan members, including watching his mother and concubines and all the women of their Zhao family reduced to Li Yan's plaything.

During that period of ups and downs, Zhao Gou witnessed the desolation of the countryside and the misery of the people. It can be said that he is used to the sufferings of the world.

After finally arriving in Jinxiu Jiangnan, Zhao Gou, who has broken through the constraints of ethics and morality, naturally wants to take a good rest.

Zhao Gou appointed Wang Boyan and Huang Qianshan as prime ministers, and let these like-minded treacherous officials preside over the government. He also said triumphantly, "Boyan and Qianshan are prime ministers, and I will have no worries from now on."

Zhao Gou sighed that he had been wandering for so many years, and thought that now he could finally settle down and enjoy himself, so he lived a comfortable life in Lin'an.

Outside the mountains, the green hills and the buildings outside the buildings, when will the West Lake dance and dance stop.The warm wind makes tourists drunk, and Hangzhou is called Bianzhou.

Unexpectedly, in just over a year, the Chinese army has fought across the river!

Zhao Gou didn't want to fight with the Chinese army, so he endured humiliation and begged Li Yan to allow the Chinese army to return to the court.

But Li Yan's heart was actually made of iron and stone, he ignored the uncle and nephew and even the family relationship between father and son, and he had no intention of retreating!
Forced to do nothing, Zhao Gou could only let the frontline troops do their best to resist the invasion of the Chinese army.

At the same time, Zhao Gou began to make plans for the next step.

First of all, accountability must be accountable!

The emperor Zhao Gou is not wrong.

It was the minister who was at fault, and it was the minister who mistaken Zhao Gou, the emperor.

It was the ministers who told Zhao Gou that "the Chinese army will not come over", Zhao Gou was unprepared, and Song Jun was caught off guard by the Chinese army.

So who is the specific person responsible?
The two prime ministers, Wang Boyan and Huang Qianshan, are absolutely to blame, if not for their incapable and visionless prime ministers saying in Zhao Gou's ears every day, "The Central Lord has lost his will and has begun to degenerate. ", Zhao Gou can not take precautions against the Chinese army?

Therefore, Wang Boyan and Huang Qianshan are the chief culprits and must be punished.


Then again, after all, Wang Boyan and Huang Qianshan have contributed to Sheji, and they have played with Zhao Gou for so long, so he can't do things too well.

In the end, after comprehensive consideration, Zhao Gou demoted Wang Boyan to Yongzhou and Huang Qianshan to Meizhou.

After asking questions, Zhao Gou discussed with the civil and military ministers of the Southern Song Dynasty what to do next.
What else can I do?
Just like what Zhao Gou said in his letter to Li Yan, "Those who had a country in ancient times and were forced to perish, just kept and ran." That is, if Li Yan did not show mercy, they would either stick to it Or just run.

Zhao Gou is worthy of his name of "Zhao Paopao", his first thought was to run.

Moreover, Zhao Gou has already figured out where to run.

There is the western region, and Zhao Gou plans to take this opportunity to move the capital to Xingyuan Mansion.

As soon as he said run, Zhao Gou was ready to leave. He didn't want to be blocked at home like his father and brother and caught him.

Soon, Zhao Gou asked his concubines to pack their bags, and he was going to take them on a "tour" to Xingyuan Mansion.

But just when Zhao Gou was about to leave, news came back from the west saying: The Chinese army has also launched a move in the west, and the Chinese army has deployed at least 20 troops in the west, and the offensive is even more violent than in the east. At present, Chang'an has been captured The Chinese army conquered, and the soldiers of the Chinese army were pointing at the Xingyuan Mansion where Zhao Gou was going to "patrol".

This can't help but make Zhao Gou stop his galloping pace - he is very afraid, as soon as his front foot reaches Xingyuan Mansion, the Chinese army will attack him on his back foot!
What's more, the people Zhao Gou sent to the west secretly sent back news that although Zhang Jun's arrival in the west, the situation of the warlord separatist regime there has improved, but the situation there is still very chaotic.

Moreover, after Wu Jie arrived in the western region, he used his previous contacts in the western army to vigorously instigate rebellion against the generals of the Song army, and recruited a large number of rebels in the western region. Although Zhang Jun did not report it, Zhao Gou actually knew about it. So far That is, Song generals Wang Zeren, He Shifan, Zhang Zhongfu and others led more than 2 horses to join the Chinese army, and Meng Di, Zhang Mian, Zhang Jian and other volunteers were also incorporated by Wu Jie.

Would Zhao Gou dare to go to such a western region?
Therefore, after thinking about it, Zhao Gou decided not to go to the western region for the time being.

But apart from the western region, Zhao Gou really had nowhere to go.

Just like what Zhang Jun said to Zhao Gou at the beginning, the large and medium navies are number one in the world, so the sea and even the coastal areas are not safe, and there are Li Cheng, Zhong and other rebels active in the southeast hinterland.

Just ask, where can Zhao Gou escape to?

In the end, Zhao Gou could only pin his hopes on the frontline troops, hoping that they could withstand the Chinese army.


Zhao Gou would not be like his elder brother Zhao Huan who didn't prepare for anything, just waited for the enemy to attack and besiege the city, and then he was captured and taken away.

Zhao Gou may have heard of the glorious deeds of Yelu Yanxi who ran for four or five years and the Jin army used hundreds of thousands of troops, but failed to catch him, so he followed the prescription and ordered thousands of good horses to be prepared for All his own belongings were put on horseback. In addition to horses, Zhao Gou ordered people to prepare dozens of large boats, and prepared to ride them together in times of crisis.

Zhao Gou had even thought about it, and he would run away as soon as the Chinese army hit Taihu Lake.

Zhao Gou didn't want to resist, he just wanted to run, isn't he afraid that people in the world will laugh at him?
Of course not afraid.

If he was afraid, Zhao Gou couldn't do it anymore.

Furthermore, like Yelu Yanxi, Zhao Gou also has his own set of rhetoric.

Zhao Gou said that things like defending the capital and the country should be done by the princes, not the emperor.

Zhao Gou believes that in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the princes were small and foreign enemies invaded. Those princes had nowhere to run, so they could only defend the city. Come back, so you must not do that kind of stupid thing that sticks to the country.

Zhao Gou also found an argument for himself, saying that Li Gang persuaded my father and brother to stick to Bianliang, Tokyo. As a result, during the Battle of Jingkang, my father and brother were arrested at the same time. If they escaped at that time, it would be fine.

From this, Zhao Gou came to the conclusion that he must not do the stupid thing of resisting. Wouldn't it be afraid that there would be no firewood to keep the green hills?


It's a pity that Zhao Gou has a thousand calculations, but Lu has one thing!


(End of this chapter)

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