Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 799 Dead End

Chapter 799 Dead End (Please Subscribe!)

Empress Dowager Liu is often referred to as Empress Lu of the Han Dynasty and Empress Wu of Tang Dynasty (Wu Zetian), and later generations called Liu E who "has the talent of Lu Wu, but has no evil of Lu Wu".

Liu E was originally an orphan girl in Shu, and she followed her husband to Beijing, and entered the palace of the third prince Zhao Heng (the future Song Zhenzong) at the age of 15.

After Song Zhenzong came to the throne, Liu E was named a beauty.

In just seven or eight years, Liu E, who was deeply loved by Song Zhenzong, climbed to the position of queen.

At that time, since the founding of the Song Dynasty, there was no precedent for a female protagonist to come to the court.

But in the late Song Zhenzong Dynasty, under the connivance of Song Zhenzong, Liu E gradually took control of the political power.

Slowly, Song Zhenzong felt uneasy, and the party headed by Prime Minister Kou Zhun would not allow Liu E to monopolize the government.

However, Liu E cleverly formed Dingwei, Cao and other foreign cronies, and finally completely defeated the Kou Party forces that opposed her dictatorship.

Soon, Emperor Zhenzong of Song Dynasty passed away, and Liu E came to the court to proclaim the regime.

Immediately afterwards, Liu E found the right time to dismiss the powerful minister Ding Wei and relegate him to Yazhou. Later, he punished Cao Li for the crime of treason, forcing Cao Li to commit suicide and monopolize power. hand.

This Liu E doesn't like the clothes of concubines, but likes to wear the emperor's dragon robe.

Wearing a dragon robe, Liu E came to the court, "megatronically shaking the world".

Later, a courtier wrote a letter asking Liu E to "according to the story of Empress Wu", and Cheng Lin also presented "A Picture of Empress Wu Facing the Court", all implying that Liu E proclaimed himself emperor.

But because Liu E had communicated privately with Lu Zongdao and other important officials in advance, they all disagreed with Liu E's proclaiming the emperor, so Liu E had to tear up the memorial that encouraged her to proclaim the emperor, threw it on the ground, and said: "I will not do it." This kind of sorry to the ancestors of the Song Dynasty!"

Throughout her life, Liu E liked to use imperial costumes, but she refused to return to Song Renzong until her death, which aroused criticism from later generations.

The story of "The Civet Cat for the Prince" is even more widely circulated, making Liu E fixed in the folk image of a "generation of traitorous concubine" who is narrowly jealous, cruel to Zhongliang, and even attempts to seize the Song Dynasty. In fact, Zhang Xian and Empress Liu E of Mingsu are far away from each other.

To be fair, during Liu E's reign, he really made great contributions to the Northern Song Dynasty. It can even be said that without Liu E, the Northern Song Dynasty might have been played by Song Zhenzong long ago, and there would be no more than 100 years of history .

Song Zhenzong personally initiated the "Book of Heaven Movement", which was called "a country's monarchs and ministers are like crazy" in "Song History". It lasted for more than ten years, which caused the Song Dynasty's government to be chaotic and financially exhausted. Ordered the "Book of Heaven" to be buried in Yongding Mausoleum together with Song Zhenzong, stopped the construction of temples in the world, and completely ended the "Book of Heaven Movement" that had disturbed the Song Dynasty for many years. Then Liu E vigorously issued Jiaozi to save the finances of the Northern Song Dynasty. Party disputes were eliminated, and the courtiers at the time were united, and finally brought the deviating Song Dynasty back on track.

And because Liu E wanted to imitate Wu Zetian, but in the face of the resistance of the officials, Liu E suppressed his desire, and finally did not really take this step, and did not really change the dynasty. Therefore, after Liu E died, including Song Renzong, Sima Emperor Guang, Fan Zhongyan and other Song court officials all had quite positive comments on Liu E.

Wu Zhan compared Queen Mother Pan to Liu E, saying that Queen Mother Pan could become Liu E's second, which made Queen Mother Pan tempted.

A fool would choose between Liu E, the eternally famous queen, and Li Chen, the eternally sad concubine.

In addition, Queen Mother Pan's current embarrassing situation also made her unwilling to have any other choice.

Ever since, Queen Mother Pan was persuaded by Wu Zhan.

After returning to her seat, Queen Mother Pan asked Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan, Wu Zhan and others: "What should we do next?"

Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan and others don't know what they should do next. This is their first rebellion, and their first time participating in such a big state affairs. The key is that they don't have such a brain at all.

Therefore, in the end, Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan and others all looked at Wu Zhan, who spoke clearly.

Seeing this, Wu Zhan could only bite the bullet and say, "Why don't we invite the Prime Minister to ask?"

Empress Dowager Pan thought it made sense, so she asked Miao Fu to send someone to invite Zhu Shengfei.

At this time, Zhu Shengfei already knew that Miao Fu and Liu Zhengyan led troops into the palace.

Zhu Shengfei was very worried about this, for fear that Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan and others would continue to do harm, destroying the central system of the Southern Song Dynasty, and ruining the Southern Song Dynasty.

At the same time, Zhu Shengfei regretted it too much. If Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi and other ministries hadn't been assigned to guard other key areas, and only Miao Fu's army had guarded Zhao Gou in Lin'an, how could such a thing have happened?This was actually Zhu Shengfei's negligence, which is also one of the reasons why Zhu Shengfei was dismissed from the prime minister in history even though he successfully saved the Southern Song Dynasty.

Zhu Shengfei wanted to send someone to notify Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi, Du Chong, and Lu Yihao to lead troops to King Anqin.

But Zhu Shengfei was also worried that this move would anger Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan and others, making the situation even more uncontrollable.

At this moment, the person sent by Miao Fu to invite Zhu Shengfei arrived.

Knowing that Empress Dowager Pan got involved with Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan and others, Zhu Shengfei couldn't help but thumped his heart, and said to himself, "Things are going to the worst direction!"

Based on Zhu Shengfei's understanding of Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan and others, he knows that these people have short-sightedness and are not difficult to deal with. The key point is that they have no leader, so there is no big disturbance. This is why Zhu Shengfei did not rush to send people The main reason for sending letters to Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi, Du Chong, Lu Yihao and others asking them to bring troops to King Anqin.

Unexpectedly, Empress Dowager Pan got involved with Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan and others.

In this way, the trouble will be big. You know, Queen Mother Pan's son, Zhao Yang, is a legitimate prince. Now that Zhao Gou is forced to abdicate, Zhao Yang is a legitimate emperor.

In other words, as long as they are approved by the Queen Mother Pan's mother and son, Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan and others are not rebellion, but a coup d'état, and they will replace Zhao Gou's regime as the new rulers of the Southern Song Dynasty.

If Empress Dowager Pan really has the talent of Liu E, if Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan and others really have the ability to assist the new emperor to turn the tide, that's fine. For the Southern Song Dynasty, which is in the midst of storms, it may still be a good thing.

The point is, the Empress Dowager Pan, Miao Fu, Liu Zhengyan and others are all just fooling around and have no view of the big picture. How can they govern the country well, especially the country that the Chinese army is about to attack?
Therefore, if all this cannot be prevented as soon as possible, then the Southern Song Dynasty's catastrophe is coming!

However, the question is, how to stop this from happening?
Faced with this serious internal and external troubles, Zhu Shengfei was really powerless!

Moreover, Zhu Shengfei didn't even have a helper!
In the original history, the reason why Zhu Shengfei was able to stop the chaos of Miao and Liu and help Zhao Gou reset was because Zhu Shengfei had a good helper—the Empress Dowager Longyou who was sensible and politically skilled.

Now, Empress Dowager Longyou is living in Li Yan's harem for the elderly. This has led to Zhu Shengfei not only not having a good helper like Empress Dowager Longyou, but also an ambitious Empress Dowager Pan who occupies an important position. The enemy, in addition, Zhu Shengfei did not have someone like Liang Hongyu who could rescue King Qin for him, and the most important thing was that the Chinese army came, making Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi, and Lu Yihao who were nearby dare not bring troops back to King Qin Du Chong, who was farther away, had to defend Li Cheng and Zhong Xiang from killing him in disorder. As for Zhang Jun, who was farther away, let alone he was preparing to compete with the Chinese army, there was no such thing, and he was so far away. He will definitely not be able to come back in a short time!

Therefore, for the Southern Song Dynasty, this is completely a dead end.


(End of this chapter)

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